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Nvidia driver 344.48 with dynamic super resolution


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NVidia driver 344.48 is out at NVidia downloads.

This driver has the option to enable DSR (Dynamic Super Resolution) in NVidia Control Panel.

I installed this on Windows 7 Ultimate, for use with my GTX 780 and Prepar3D v2.4.
Dynamic Super Resolution has 2 settings, DSR Factors and DSR Smoothness, in the NVidia Control Panel/3D Settings/Manage 3D Settings/Global Settings tab.
It is only in the Global Settings tab. Not in the individual Program Settings tabs.

 Now I'll do a bit of testing, so short I can give my first feedback.....

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At my first flight with the new driver with DSR factors at 1.20x / smoothness at 33% ( Antialias 4x, Anisotropic 16x, V-sync enabled, at 2560 x 1080 resolution) the sim's run like never before with a terrific smoothness.at 60 Fps over the most demanding PNW's areas....

I'm definitely astonished by this drivers.. at least with my GTX 780 it makes the difference!!

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Can you guys explain what this does? Kinda skeptical about updating my video card drivers unless this really will increase FPS dramatically for me.



DSR is enabled through GeForce Experience software, While this feature will launch on the GeForce GTX 970 and 980 only, it will be moved over the rest of the GeForce product line over time.

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Killabee this driver is the one, it enables DSR for all GTX from  500 up..., DSR will not improve or reduce FPS, it will improve image quality, only if you select and apply it, otherwise the drive is just another update.



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I switched up to a GTX 970 a couple of days ago, and I've been playing with DSR in P3D2.4 for the last hour.  I don't notice much difference either in frame rate or in image quality to be honest.  It's nice around Orbx airports with high-res textures.  They get sharper and even less aliased, but it still does nothing for the crappy mipped textures and the horrible aliasing on middle distance textures.  Especially roads - damn fuzzy grey lines in the middle distance drive me crazy.   LOD 6.5 just doesn't cut it, but I've played with all the texture filtering options in the Nvidia control panel and never found a way to improve distance textures.


Sigh, I fired X-Plane 10.3 up again too and cranked all the sliders right.  For all that the world's still bland, X-Plane's ability to give me sharp textures all the damn way to the horizon really makes me wish LM would get off their asses and hurry up with a 64bit client.  Or that Orbx and some of the other addon makers would start making scenery for X-Plane lol.

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I do not want to go,higher than my native resolution, not sure the monitor would handle it without damage. But, I did play with some other settings and managed to get a very crisp contrast, even deeper than what dx10 fixer and sweetfx have yielded. Btw, my card is a pny nvidia 670 on n asus 87A mobo. I should have taken a screenie or two, but I was having too much fun over NCAORBX. 😎


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Shermank, it won't hurt anything.  Setting the resolution higher in app tells the GPU to render the frames at that resolution, and then the DSR feature downsamples the frame to your monitor's native resolution.  It's actually at native panel resolution when it's sent to the monitor.


I'm not sure I'm finding much benefit though.  Sure the GPU can handle it, Prepar3d is so CPU bound there's a metric crap ton of GPU head space to use for fun stuff like Supersampling, but it just doesn't do THAT much for graphics quality... it's all post-processing tricks which can never completely make up for the underlying low resolution textures.

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The best part is that now we can soften the AA settings which have always crippled FPS.


? - Why didn't DSR show up say 10 years ago?  I'm stupefied.


PS - tried the driver with DSR and am stupefied.




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Ok I'm interested in this DSR driver, anything that can make my images clearer/sharper has got to be a good thing, but can anyone experimenting with this driver show some before & after pictures,


ie; older driver, say 337.88 with required settings in NVI for FSX, and then a picture of the same scene using New driver with DSR 344.48 and any NVI settings if this tool is used.


Also is it of any benefit in FSX, and is the DSR facility incorporated into the latest NVI tool v1.9.7.3

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Ok I'm interested in this DSR driver, anything that can make my images clearer/sharper has got to be a good thing, but can anyone experimenting with this driver show some before & after pictures,


I just tried, and screenshots capture at the higher resolution you set in sim, so they're not really a fair comparison.  It's the downsampling to native panel resolution where the "magic" happens.


Here are a couple of crops taken from the same location.  First one is DSR off at native 1920x1200.  Second is DSR on at 2715x1697.  If you zoom in, you can see the second image is quite a bit less "jaggy" especially around the cones.


4mwLpyb.jpg   y7YLl12.jpg


To enable DSR, assuming you have the new drivers - open the Nvidia control panel, and select "Manage 3D settings" from the left hand list.  


Then for "DSR Factors", enable one or more multiplier.  You can select all of them - they don't actually do anything until you increase resolution in a particular game.


For "DSR Smoothness", select whatever you want.  This controls how much blur is added to the frame when it's downscaled to your panel resolution.  Lower settings give you a sharper overall frame, but at the expense of aliasing.  Higher settings blur things, but get rid of more "jaggies".  Most people seem to be using 33%, but play around with it and see what looks best to you.


Once you have DSR enabled, go into a particular game, and you'll notice that there are more resolutions available that are higher than your native panel resolution.  Just pick one of these and do whatever you need to do to get the game to use it.  For whatever reason I have to exit P3D and relaunch to get it to actually switch to the higher res.  You'll notice that the 2D elements - Menus, FPS text, ATC window, etc, are all smaller (they've been scaled down), and the actual frames being sent to your panel are downscaled back to native.

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IMHO the driver is the one that improves things not DSR , I am not using DSR and all runs very smooth...fsx and P3D at 5040x1050 on TH2Go





I agree with you Jorge, the new drivers seem to have given me a nice 10% FPS bump.  DSR's not going to help frame rate or "fluidity" (if anything the reverse), it's just going to make things look a bit better.  


Now you could conceivably turn down anti-aliasing with DSR on as jjjallen mentioned above to get FPS back, but everyone should test that for themselves to see what the best mix of performance and visuals is for their system.


And again, none of this is going to fix the real ugly parts of P3D and FSX before it - the horrible LOD radius, the blurry ass texture MIPs, and the hideous large area textures stretched over way too much terrain.  That won't improve until LM joins this decade and releases a 64 bit client.

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One of the reasons why I uninstalled P3D was the image quality. IMO it was/is far inferior to my FSX. There was an overall softness to the image that I was unable to tolerate. So, can anyone confirm whether this driver has solved this issue?

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Hi Perk,


Thankyou so much for the comparison shots & and the setup info, I am seeing a general visual improvement between the 2 shots, particularly the alloy wheel on the truck, the pavement texture, door frame & brick texture on the building, it would be interesting to compare similar sized images at identical zoom factors, but you have encouraged me to install and test out for myself. 

The info will be very useful indeed. I have just downloaded v344.48 and about to install and try out your setup suggestions, I gather that NVI tool is not used with DSR only Nvidia's native Control panel settings. I was also wondering if, because I use EMBSeries would you have any suggestions about this, and if EMB is affected by the DSR driver settings.

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i think the dsr is a great idea and it gave me more smoothness,but i decided not to use it because it pushes your native resolution well behond what your monitor is designed for, i am concerned about damaging my screen, i do believe it added a few more fps to fsx and p3d without dsr though.one last thing i would like to point out, my native resolution is 2560x1080, there is no setting with dsr that will fill my whole screen under dsr unless you can create a custom resolution for dsr, i do however just read it won't damage your screen as it downsamples your resolution so it won't damage your monitor, someone correct me if i am wrong

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i think the dsr is a great idea and it gave me more smoothness,but i decided not to use it because it pushes your native resolution well behond what your monitor is designed for, i am concerned about damaging my screen, i do believe it added a few more fps to fsx and p3d without dsr though.one last thing i would like to point out, my native resolution is 2560x1080, there is no setting with dsr that will fill my whole screen under dsr unless you can create a custom resolution for dsr, i do however just read it won't damage your screen as it downsamples your resolution so it won't damage your monitor, someone correct me if i am wrong


All DSR does is have the GPU render each frame at a chosen higher resolution.  It's then downsampled in post processing - think of it like shrinking a big picture from your camera down to 2560x1080 so it will fit your monitor, except 60 times a second.  The actual resolution and timings being sent out the back of the video card to the monitor do not change - it's still sending 2560x1080@60hz.

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Hello Kulbit & Perk,


All installed setup, now comparing screenies from previous driver & pre-saved scenes, with new driver and DSR factors 1.20x  smoothness 33%.


I followed Perks setup instruction, and have a question:


Q. I now have an available extra resolution  1080p 2103x1183 x32, HD (1.20x)  for my 24' Samsung, the Monitors Normal Native resolution is  1080p 1920x1080x32, HD (Native)  Should I select this New resolution in Nvidia CPL Resolutions tab as well as in FSX.


Now some early test results, I have noticed some sharpening of ground textures & runway marking, taxiway markings, autogen vegetation (trees & whatnot)  aircraft external models are sharper/cleaner, I have not compared building models and textures yet but I thought these were pretty good before. In Cockpit I have noticed instruments are easier to read, I have struggled with this in recent times because of bad vision, and the already hard to read gauges, and the markings and digits on them. Now I can at least attempt to read what a gauge is telling me.


One negative and probably on the insignificant side, is the distortion of horizontal lines in the FSX GUI & Menus, with a similar distortion in the loading dialog, only about a pixel or 2 wide but noticeable. If also selected the new resolution in Nvidia CPL I see the same distortion on Desktop taskbar and other windows. 

Edit: Sorted out this anomaly, turns out it is a invisible/transparent rectangle around the mouse pointer, acting like a lens to slightly magnify the area by a pixel or two. 


The other thing noticed in FSX was a twinkling/ shimmering of objects such as electricity poles at dusk and Night that were in vicinity of a light source. I will experiment some more with this and see if the effect can be reduced while maintaining the gains in graphic clarity.

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Hmm.... I'm getting worse performance with these, than the notebook sets I modded... I could hold 30fps around Bowerman at all times, but am now dropping into the mid twenties with these.


Perhaps I'll try using driver cleaner and reinstall them.

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Hi Mark,


Didn't you make some mods to your "inf " file when experimenting with the earlier version beta driver. Could this have some bearing on your frame drop, maybe put your original "inf" back and reinstall v344.48


Hi Jeff... The only modification was to add support for non mobile cards, so the driver would install... I'll try a clean and re-install later and see what happens. It'll be annoying if the official driver performs worse than a modded notebook version, but there may be some other factor involved.

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Q. I now have an available extra resolution  1080p 2103x1183 x32, HD (1.20x)  for my 24' Samsung, the Monitors Normal Native resolution is  1080p 1920x1080x32, HD (Native)  Should I select this New resolution in Nvidia CPL Resolutions tab as well as in FSX.


Jeff, you *can*, but it's not necessary for FSX.  It'll just do the same thing for your desktop - render it at higher resolution and downsample back to panel native.  Not really much point unless you just like really tiny text heh.

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One of the reasons why I uninstalled P3D was the image quality. IMO it was/is far inferior to my FSX. There was an overall softness to the image that I was unable to tolerate. So, can anyone confirm whether this driver has solved this issue?


Yup Rockliffe, IQ in P3D is greatly improved with DSR, and you can now disable FXAA (which may have been contributing to "softness" of the image). I also don't use Nvidia Inspector anymore, which is one less thing to worry about...


These are P3D instructions for dummies (like myself):

- Perform a clean install of the driver

- In Nvidia Control panel,check off the boxes for the DSR factors you want enabled (I've currently enabled 2X for my 1920x1080 monitor)

- In Nvidia Control panel, select the DSR smoothing (default is 33% which is what I'm running; lower settings may further help with sharpness)

- Leave the default resolution for Windows as-is!

- Launch P3D. In the display settings, select the new resolution made available through DSR (in my case, it's 2X my native resolution)

- Launch a flight. Once fully loaded, Alt-Enter to toggle back and forth between full screen. Don't skip this step! If the text in the red info bar isn't now tiny, you're not seeing any DSR  

- You can choose to to disable FXAA, and drop down the in-sim MSAA settings (I'm down to 2X with almost no shimmering or jaggies).


Hope this helps.


p.s. In the Nvidia Control panel, I also set vsync to adaptive; In-sim, I have vsync off and frames to unlimited with good results. 

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I'm using DSR with a native 2560x1600 display and a GTX 970. With 1.20x/33 I get a resolution of 2804x1743 and everything looks stunning. At this point, all we are lacking is a 64 bit Prepar3d. Really, really need that to eliminate the last great bug: OOM's.


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"Sorted out this anomaly, turns out it is a invisible/transparent rectangle around the mouse pointer, acting like a lens to slightly magnify the area by a pixel or two."

Yes, I get this "lens mode"(from the Windows "Magnifying Glass" I guess, though I do not have it enabled)effect too when I run the mouse pointer over anything with text on it. I cannot see a way to disable this. Anyone?


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These are P3D instructions for dummies (like myself):


- Launch P3D. In the display settings, select the new resolution made available through DSR (in my case, it's 2X my native resolution)

- Launch a flight. Once fully loaded, Alt-Enter to toggle back and forth between full screen. Don't skip this step! If the text in the red info bar isn't now tiny, you're not seeing any DSR  

- You can choose to to disable FXAA, and drop down the in-sim MSAA settings (I'm down to 2X with almost no shimmering or jaggies).

p.s. In the Nvidia Control panel, I also set vsync to adaptive; In-sim, I have vsync off and frames to unlimited with good results. 


Thank you, Dylan, for these detailed instructions. I am going to try it tonight on my system.

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