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I need support for a product I purchased

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Dear ORBX,


I used to love your products until it became apparent that you provide NO real support. You require us to try our luck on your forums. I have purchased many of your products and a few days ago Global Vector but it just won't install.

I have posted here just to get no replies at all. I find this unacceptable that you just provide support as you please and if you don't fancy we are left in the lurch. Very poor conduct. I could be mistaken but if I am please point me to the direct product support link.

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Wow, hang on there fella. Orbx provides one of the finest support forums. More often, after posting a support request on the forum, you'll find that there is a wealth of knowledge, not only amongst the developers of the different sceneries, but also amongst the forum members.


Perhaps I may suggest a little more information other than 'it won't install.' You have only just this minute posted your issue, so give it some time. Please post your operating system, whether FSX or P3D, the error message that you're getting and how the install scenario unfolded, thanks.


BTW, please avoid using capitals in your post title. It is deemed to be shouting, rude and goes against internet etiquette ;)

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I am shouting as I paid $70 for a product which won't install and there is no proper support just a forum and if the team does not spot your problem you are s... out of luck. Sorry for me that is not support. I have posted an exact description of the problem and is just not being noticed at all. Forum does not equal support. I just wanted to see if this post gets attention and sure it did. Sad. Anyway thanks for replying.

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Hey my friend, with an attitude like this you will simply prevent anyone from helping. The forum is the only way ANY company can offer support for software issues due to the vast number of products, customers and of course different operating systems that each can have it's own unique issue.


You have an issue with a product. I can tell you that the product does work, so it is likely to be some conflict with your unique setup. I have already respectfully suggested you post some further details and then I'm sure someone can offer some advice.

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I do know my attitude is not right but it really frustrates me that there is no support and you can only hope that someone notices your request and even if they do so they have no obligation to help you. This is just wrong especially when these products are not cheap. Surely a support team is required here I run several myself. 

Thank you for trying to calm me appreciate that.


Could you please look at my original post and see if anyone has any suggestions?





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OK, I understand your frustration. Some one from support should have replied by now. They are very busy, so I ask your patience. Could I suggest, if possible, to edit your title and take away the capitals, thanks.


As for your issue, I can't help off the top of my head, so it is likely one of the team would be able to help solve your problem. I have Vector installed, but I can't remember the installation sequence so I'm a little on a blinder. However, in the meantime, the first thing that comes to mind is a corrupt download file. You could try downloading Vector again, if you haven't already done so, with a download manager, this is always recommended.

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Yes that's exactly what I had in mind so I am "slow" downloading the file again so will be trying in about two hours. Thanks heaps.

ahh yes I can edit the title if you can tell me how as I do not see an option sorry.

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Yes that's exactly what I had in mind so I am "slow" downloading the file again so will be trying in about two hours. Thanks heaps.

ahh yes I can edit the title if you can tell me how as I do not see an option sorry.


If you're going to download, then it's best to use a download manager. There are several good free ones available via Google. As for the edit, there should be an edit option at the bottom right of your post, where it says multiquote and quote. If it's not there then too long a period of time has passed and the option is no longer available.


BTW, downloading without a download manager is not a good idea when downloading large files.

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Thanks I've used a download manager at the first time so I am now trying without, nearly complete. Edit button no longer there sorry. (but I see someone has done it without me so funny these things get attention instead of my request for help) sorry but this is what frustrates me.

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I think it's unlikely to be a corrupt download. However there are often many possible causes for software installations to hang.


The software has been successfully downloaded and installed by hundreds or thousands of users, so the suggestion that the software doesn't work is obviously wrong.


When I purchase a product that is known to work, and it doesn't work on my computer, my first reaction is to analyse the reason why it won't work on my computer, and in the absence of any real knowledge, start playing with settings and consult forums and google to see if there are any answers out there that might help me deal with my problem.


It could be a UAC setting, it could be an antivirus or firewall setting, it could be a conflict in the msi or equivalent program that might be required, it could be any number of things.


Just two days ago I downloaded a patch for one of my aircraft. I clicked on the installer, it appeared to start, but after a few minutes nothing had happened.  Tried a couple more times.  Nothing, zip, sweet FA, not a cracker.  


Tried the CTRL ALT DEL to see running processes, no specific clues there.  Nothing was in the task bar or on the desktop, so I restarted the computer.  This time it worked.  Why didn't it work?  I have no idea?  Was the software at fault or was it my computer?


I think you can guess the answer.


Someone on this forum may know the likely reason for the failure to proceed past the file checking point.  A couple of things to check in the meantime:  Ensure that you have unzipped the zip file to a folder somewhere before running the program.  Also confirm that you have enough space for the installers to run, I believe it's over 15GB required.


Good luck in tracking down the gremlin!

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Thanks for the reply. Firstly no one suggested that it does not work I only said it will not install. I am aware it is to do with my PC and the software environment but since all other software work this has to do with this particular software install environment and since it should produce an error when it fails this in itself is a failure hence my ask for help from the support team as I have no clue where to start in lieu of an error message. I am a veteran IT person myself and have been running flight sims for over a decade. Thanks again for your input but I really need a support person on this one.

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Couple of point..Firstly, surely people must realize that most problems with an item of scenery must be because of their systems, as many hundreds or even thousands of users have no problem installing or using the product, and that any time spent helping YOU sort out YOUR system is not really the teams job.

My second point is that I believe that when someone seeks help from the team on this particular forum, we, as non team members should stay out of the discussion. After all, there are several other forums to post on if someone wants input from the general public, whilst this forum is specifically designed for help from the team, and we, in my opinion, should keep out of it, as much misinformation can be promulgated here by non professionals... Perhaps the team should consider this particular forum "read only"?. How they would do this I am not sure, but it must be possible.Teecee.

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Well not necessarily as the system works flawlessly with everything else, coming from a programming tech support I.T. manager background having 15 years experience I only ask very rarely for help and this is one of times and not getting any help with a product I paid for and I don't agree as we do not know whether its the system or a software bug until it is established this is precisely how bugs are discovered under certain conditions, and again as mentioned earlier but not sure if anyone read, the installer quits without any warning or message that is likely a programming bug sure it may fail due to my system no arguing but all software should provide at least an error message or a log of some sort but this does not. Also this supposed to be a support forum and not only I have not heard from anyone supporting the product but I am constantly getting told it is my system without any clue of whats going on. If I did support like this I would be out of business in a second. For those members who are trying to help I sincerely thank you however this needs a support member which I now have doubts I will hear from as there is no other way to contact them. I will be asking for a refund.

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Couple of point..Firstly, surely people must realize that most problems with an item of scenery must be because of their systems, as many hundreds or even thousands of users have no problem installing or using the product, and that any time spent helping YOU sort out YOUR system is not really the teams job.

My second point is that I believe that when someone seeks help from the team on this particular forum, we, as non team members should stay out of the discussion. After all, there are several other forums to post on if someone wants input from the general public, whilst this forum is specifically designed for help from the team, and we, in my opinion, should keep out of it, as much misinformation can be promulgated here by non professionals... Perhaps the team should consider this particular forum "read only"?. How they would do this I am not sure, but it must be possible.Teecee.

Also Tecee if you read my previous post I suggested junction point problems but this went unnoticed agin and ignorantly I am being told again it is my system go fix yourself...

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OK, before we all go and set fire to the bandwagon again ::)

it states clearly in the manuals and is also told uncountable times that the fsX install should be in it's own folder, advisably not on the C drive and with no split ups for the scenery folders.

I do understand that sometimes using other partitions and or drives makes it a wee bit trickier to get things installed and there is where the nag is, we cannot cater for all different options out there hence the advise to get the main ORBX folder installed within the main fsX folder as otherwise we do not know if everything gets installed as should be or can cause install issues like this one.

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Wolter got it, junctions are not supported because they do exactly what the installer intends to prevent which is installing into a non-standard folder. The reason the installer does not allow for selection of folders is because we would be inundated with support requests relating to permissions issues.


Now if the installer is failing while checking file conditions, it does sound like a permissions issue. Do you have ownership of the folder that the installer will be installing in to? Follow this link on how to take ownership of a folder:




Beyond that, make sure your anti-virus is set to exclude the main FSX folder and the destination folder. Additionally run the installer as an administrator.





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Thanks Guys, I have ownership. turned off AV, full permissions, ran as admin still fails. I have recently installed Global base and other FTX products not a glitch just with this one. I can see the temp files taking the space on the C:\ drive and once the installer progress dissapears and I click "Finish" (after waiting a long while left it overnight) the temp files get deleted.  Thanks

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It has 7.95GB and when the installer fully extracts the product and goes to the next step it drops to 3.5GB so there seems to be enough space.

.. and it runs out of space during the installation! I guess that's your problem. Try to have at least 10 GB free space on C:


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Yes however that does not seems to be the problem as mentioned there is still enough space for everything to run efficiently, the Microsoft recommendations and real life are two different things. All I am getting here is that my system is not good enough can someone actually put in something constructive or useful please?

.. and it runs out of space during the installation! I guess that's your problem. Try to have at least 10 GB free space on C:


it does not run out of space!! it still has 3.5 GB free after the installer extracts the temp files. I did have the space issue when I installed global base and it gave me a warning this does not. How else can I explain? Or can someone tell me how much temp space does it actually need? I really don't want to sound to rude but I am not getting any useful information here so apologies if I am getting frustrated..

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Just to prove the point I freed up more space so its little over 10GB free on C:\ and it still fails. The finish button is there but the other installer screen vanishes I think this is the point where it would ask for the license details. Is it still my problem??

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So the question is, because everything seems to be so well on your PC, why it still doesn't work!


If you're not listening to some friendly, well intended advice then you have to find the crux alone. Why do you refuse to accept that something is wrong with your system and look

only to blame the product? This approach will lead you to nowhere.


I always unzip the addon at a different drive then C: and install it from there. So the whole >10 GB free space at C: is available for the installation!


Listen a bit and stop blaming the others


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If you read carefully its the other way around I am not blaming anything I excepted that it may be my system but no one is offering any real help from post one all I keep hearing that is my system or me (that is because no one has a clue as hard as it is to accept), I can't see any actual proper advice here at all so what should I follow???. I've just freed up space as you suggested and proven that is not the problem yet you telling me off again. How many ways do I have to prove that what you are suggesting is not the problem??

And yes I am not s..d as mentioned I have been in programming and IT industry since the ZX Spektrum not that it counts. And yes I have extracted it to another drive its standard practice. What I am trying to communicate through here is that if I am asking for help something is wrong deep inside that I cannot see without help from the programmers or support as I have done all the obvious that is in my power. A normal support procedure would now be to look at the logs but I am guessing that won't happen as there is no support. Again I apologize for my tone but this treatment is just not right.


...and I was just about to tell you that I think I've found the bug I attempted to run the install on another pc and guess what it has failed but this time I think due to FSX not being installed on that PC so the new install did ask for the license details before extracting the files which indicates that once the installer gets past that point it is recorded somewhere on the system so my conclusion is that if the installer fails the first attempt for whatever reason it might fail at same point again and again which I am pretty sure is the case as it is NOT asking for the license details anymore. SO PLEASE tell me where to find these files that the installer creates so I can clear them and start the install procedure form scratch again even if its in the registry. That I am pretty sure is the issue. Boys and girls please please do not try give me lectures again all I need is someone who can give me this information as you can see I am figuring it out myself  the hard way I am telling you what I need exactly I hope its not a big ask. Many thanks in advance.

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Well, if you're the great IT expert you should be able to find the crux in your system. Maybe you messed up the registry? There's a fixer available at the end of this page http://www.fullterrain.com/support.html


Remember, there's always an advantage too in any disadvantage. One never stop learning and after solving your problem you will have learned something new. Be patient because nothing is threatening your life - it's a hobby, so have fun.


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Jesus, that's why I asked very nicely for an answer from a member of the support team I did say I need no lectures as is now getting ridiculous. You are saying I am blaming the product yet in every one of your posts you are implying I screwed my system even after attempting what you suggested and clearly explaining and proving that it did not work. On the contrary has anyone suggested that it MAY be a bug in the installer? So according to everyone here this product is 100% bulletproof and invincible there is no chance in the universe that is has fault at all? Because that's all I've been told so far that it cannot be the installer package at fault. PLEASE do not reply to me anymore.

I can't believe how ignorant some people are and the ones in need are being told off. Unbelievable.


I did find the bug I just need an answer to my question which only the developers would know. So again I am asking the team for the information I need outlined in two posts above I will only concentrate on the core issue from here on.

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Hi Bandy, we've tested the installer in many machines, i think that if it's not a HD space problem, it could be something wrong in the extraction process. Even if you think that we didn't give you good advices to fix the problem, maybe you have undervalued instead these advices.

By my experience, when an installer freezes without completing the process, is because something interferes with it. A good example is the antivirus. But you tell us this is not the problem. It could be also because the installer doesn't find files that are necessaries.

I would try to delete manually the temp files cleaning the temp folder (use the command %temp% and delete the content inside the folder, maybe it will be necessary a reboot to clean the folder completely).

Then you use the command temp instead and you delete the content of this other folder. Rebooting the system, this will allow you to have a new clean install of the products. If the installation continues to fail anyway, i'm tempted to think again that is a space problem on the hd (sorry for that).

Even understanding your frustration, i think we could mantain both a constructive feeling trying to fix the problem. There is nothing that cannot be fixed, sometimes anyway it takes a lot of patience ;)

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Topic closed.

Profanity, arrogance, not heeding advice, a demanding tone and berating Orbx staff - generally a completely wrong approach to seeking support is why I'm locking this.

Many, many thousands of customers have installed Vector without a single issue reported about the installer failing to complete. Therefore, your decades of IT experience should logically conclude it is environmental, not our code.

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