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Water Wall @ Lihue

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Hello I've just installed FTX Global, Vector, and Freeware Airport Pack 1-7.


When I fly out of Lihue (PHLI) with AEC deactivated in the Configurator,  I get the water anomaly shown in my thumbnail. If I activate AEC, I get a grass mountain in the middle of the runway.


It's clear even to me that something is not right.


Please advise, any help is much appreciated.


Thanks and regards


Edit: I've also tried switching FTX Central between Global an North America to no avail.


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Well, after  trying fixes suggested for similar problems, I renamed the .BGL files as .BAK, then alternated between renaming the extensions and testing in the sim.. Now the files bear their original extensions and the Great Blue Hydro-wall is gone.


While I have not the foggiest freaking idea exactly WHAT worked, something did.


Jeeze, Louise!


Good day.

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  • 2 months later...

Interesting - I have the same problem and I have been trying to pin it down.  AEC has this airport disabled (Vector 1.15 auto config) and applied.   FTX is set to Global.  P3D v2.2 default install with no additional mesh added.   My bud installed it last night, also set global and then ran the autoconfigurator in Vector and his appears fine.  Switching between .bak and .bgl didn't do the trick.   I am still looking for solutions - any thoughts?



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