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Misha Cajic interviewed by flusinews.de

John Venema

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Thanks John, and you/we are lucky with such a talented young man in your team. From the first release day of MCA NA Vol 1 I was very impressed of his talent and put some screenshots on this forum..



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Misha, I believe is a very mature and forward thinking young man. J.V. had best keep him in the talent pool as his contributions both current and as yet unrealized have a long way to go in adding to ORBX and our enjoyment. Looking at all the screenies attached to this article shows the depth and breadth he is willing to add to ensure the area is immersive and will provide hours of exploration. Can't wait for the triple installers. 

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A good read... what a nice and very clever young chap.


When I have some money to spend on a new airfield, it will be Vernonia... I keep looking at the product page pics, and am amazed by what he has created.


Keep up the good work.

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