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Issues with installing FS GLOBAL FTX 2010


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Good evening, 


I need some expertise please. I have the FTX GLOBAL v1.1 installed wiith the FS Global base. Now, Im not even sure I was supposed to get the FS Global FTX 2010, but I thought that it would enhance the mesh as well as the terrain. I am having a terrible time installing the FTX 2010 which I got this evening. I am getting scenery errors when loading as well as unhandled exception when trying to run the Terrain config tool, to which it can not find the Xterrain.cfg. Overall, I do not know if I have even the right product installed. Thank you, Ryan FSS0274141


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I think you're confusing products, at least you're confusing me. FTX Global is the Orbx base texture product and FS Global 2010 is the Pilots global mesh product. With that in mind, do you want to edit your original post? Maybe it'll help others to help you.

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Ok no problem, let me re phrase everything again. I have FSX with Orbx - FTX: Global BASE and FTX: Global VECTOR v1.1. I purchased FS Global 2010 FTX Compatible (Download). I tried to install FS Global 2010 FTX compatable, but I have having a terrible time installing it. I keep getting errors as mentioned in the first post. The question that I have is that, do I need to install another addon or why is it that I'm not getting it to install properly? I have 2.8 GHz with over 16Gb of Ram and a ATI Radeon Ghost Graphic card installed, so I do not  know what I'm doing right. I hope I worded it a little better. Thank you for your time. Ryan

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Hi there,


sorry but you're in the wrong forum as we can't provide support for products that aren't ours. Your order confirmation email provides the correct contact information for PILOT's, I believe it's http://www.fly2pilots.com


Also see http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/71024-fs-global-2010-support-not-here-though-some-instructions/


Cheers, Holger 

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