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KSEA Problems


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FTX Vector 1.1  &  FTX Global, default KSEA, FTXORBXLIBS_140302 installed.  Default FSX mesh.   FSX Acceleration installed.


Default KSEA with AEC for KSEA DISABLED in Vector configurator.





Default KSEA with AEC for KSEA ENABLED in Vector configurator.  Airport is sunken.



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I easily fixed mine just by disabling KSEA with FTX Configurator.


Can do that for any airport that has such anomalies.



No, as stated in my original post, with KSEA disabled in the Vector configurator I get the mess in the first screen shot.


With KSEA enabled in the Vector  configurator I get a sunken KSEA as in the second screen shot.

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You don't happen to have Traffic X or Traffic 360 from Just Flight installed do you?


If so, is it located above your FTX layers in the scenery library?


The reason I ask is that I had similar issues with KSFO, and the reason was that the AFCAD from Traffic X was above my FTX entries, but moving it down below the FTX entries solved my issues.

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Well it is not one problem. It is a mixture of problems:


From my post:
"First you will need a 3D wireframe, the mesh. FS Global 2010 or Ultimate series are recommended, as we do all the testing and developing on these. Other meshes may/will work as well, but it depends on how they were derived. Even the same source data can result in a different mesh. Though it is no technical requirement, Vector will look odd in some areas when you use the sims (FSX/P3D) default mesh. "


You use FSX default mesh. We did not test with default mesh as it is not good enough. So the above applies: it may look odd.


Now if you install a mesh we tested with (see my post) you may experience this (again from my post):


"If you have a custom mesh installed you will know the resulting effect: a wall at one end and/or a cliff at the other end. Both more or less visible depending on the difference of the altitudes of the thresholds."


This all is due to the flat airport concept. We are aware of this and working on a solution to embedden airports into the mesh again. But we will not embedden them into the default mesh.


To cut a long sentence short:


If you have Vector installed, in general default mesh will always look much worse than any decent custom mesh. It very much depends however, which area you check and it can vary from case to case. What you can rest assured now is, that we know that and do not like that ourselves. So we will come up with something one day. But we can not do everything at the same time. This is more an evolution.


Here KASE as I can see it. Better, but not completely solved though.



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It will look like yours. Sorry, but did you really read my post? It is all in there.


Disabling AEC makes sense ONLY if you have an Add-On airport installed. Now do you have an Add-On KSEA installed? There is no point in disabling AEC, if there is no new airport boundary polygone available from a correctly programmed Add-On airport.


AEC does NOT switch between default FSX and Vector. It switches between a potentially available Add-On airport and Vector. There is no way back, once Vector is installed, only forward. Vector is the new default.

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 zap737 forgive me, but I want to stick my spoon in this problem, no hijack your thread, to say:


but Stefan, things can not continue like this. Vector can not worsen what was reasonable and operable before. In the case of KSEA, this is a typical airport throughout the region. Any simmer has operated in this airport - and it's never been so bad! It should be at least as the default!


I want KSEA is at least as before.





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 zap737 forgive me, but I want to stick my spoon in this problem, no hijack your thread, to say:


but Stefan, things can not continue like this. Vector can not worsen what was reasonable and operable before. In the case of KSEA, this is a typical airport throughout the region. Any simmer has operated in this airport - and it's never been so bad! It should be at least as the default!


I want KSEA is at least as before.







You obviously didn't read and understand anything. :rolleyes:

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OK, seeing your screenshot, I know where the problem lies: you're running FTX NA turned on in FTX Central. In this case you have to disable KSEA (and maybe other airports within FTX NA) in the Configurator.


This adds a new dimension, as obviously when flying in a FTX full region the usage of the Configurator is the same when talking about aiport addons.

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I'm sorry Stefan, but your reasons for the scenery problems are mistaken. KSEA on my screen is exactly the same as the original post by ZAP 37, and I only have FS 2010, FTX Global and FTX Vector110 installed.

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So actually isn't the best way to shut down all aec when flying in a region and turning them on when flying out of it? Regions are mix of landclass, mesh, textures and vector data - I will be soon flying my AU region. Should I just disable or Australian airports in aec? Currently I have no issues in Australia and I don't want aec to mess with it

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I'm sorry Stefan, but your reasons for the scenery problems are mistaken. KSEA on my screen is exactly the same as the original post by ZAP 37, and I only have FS 2010, FTX Global and FTX Vector110 installed.

And did you disable KSEA?

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Ok, for those who are watching this thread, with no response from Stefan, using my "Rosetta stone": Otto  (thank you, mate), I proceeded thus:














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What should I have responded? I have written most things in my thread here:


I have posted a link to my post and repeatedly explained several things in this thread.


As I can see, you have corrected it. So, problem solved.

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What should I have responded? I have written most things in my thread here:


I have posted a link to my post and repeatedly explained several things in this thread.


As I can see, you have corrected it. So, problem solved.


Anyway, Thank you.



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I have the same problem like post #15 picture shows.


I use Vector 1.1, FTX Global updated, FS Pilot's Global Ultimate mesh and SceneryTech LC.



Ok - I disabled KSEA via Configurator and the problems is solved now.



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Stefan, I think the problem in this case is the interpretation of "airport addon" and the fact that most people are not aware that full FTX regions have to be treated like an airport addon in combination with FTX Vector.

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Here's what I understand at this point:


1. FTX PNW is an FTX Add-On.   I do not have any separate airports layered over this at KSEA; HOWEVER,

2. FTX PNW as I understand it includes the default KSEA airport; there has not been any special KSEA design within FTX PNW.  True for all other airports that are not specifically added by an ORBX add-on.

3. THEREFORE: KSEA is based on the original FSX boundaries, etc. etc.

4. If I have added latest FTX Vector 1.1 along with FSGlobal 2010 and FTX Global... KSEA is still the ancient MS FSX airport.

5. THEREFORE: I need to disable KSEA in the AEC in the Configurator.


My only ambiguity is I'm not sure all of the above is absolutely correct; I haven't had to disable other airports in FTX region scenery with latest Vector 1.1.  Any custom FTX airports of course shouldn't have this problem, as they have their own mesh on top of the rest.


Since FTX Vector 1.1 has probably accurately revised the underlying data for KSEA... boom, the old FSX ancient KSEA is now weird.


If I disable Vector 1.1's "influence" on KSEA.... it goes back to normal.


Is all of the above correct?


The only added ambiguity is that someone else here has indicated that AEC ON for KSEA with FTX Central switched to Global (and with FTX PNW installed, we can assume) looks okay, and then doesn't if using FTX Central to switch to North America.

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Here's what I understand at this point:


1. FTX PNW is an FTX Add-On.   I do not have any separate airports layered over this at KSEA; HOWEVER,

2. FTX PNW as I understand it includes the default KSEA airport; there has not been any special KSEA design within FTX PNW.  True for all other airports that are not specifically added by an ORBX add-on.



Actually, this isn't quite correct...


ALL airports within the boundaries of Full FTX Regions (with the exception of Australia) are updgraded and enhanced.


They may not be upgraded to the level of the separate FTX Airport addons available for the full regions, but they are nonetheless all completely overhauled. For some airports, the changes can be quite subtle, but for others, the changes are substantial.


As for Seattle, this is quite obvious as when FSX was released, KSEA only had 2 runways. The FTX PNW KSEA has 3, as it is in the real world today. Quite a major change I'm sure you'd agree ;) . That alone proves that the FTX PNW KSEA is indeed different and therefore NOT FSX default.



The best way to think about this situation is just as Stefan put it... if it is DEFAULT FSX, keep airports' AEC active using the Vector Control Panel. If it is anything other than PURE DEFAULT FSX (e.g. FTX Full Regions, other 3rd party airport addons, FTX Airports etc), DISABLE the AEC.

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After seeing this thread I went and looked at my KSEA.  With the Airport enabled in the Vector config it sits on a small plateau, and there is what seems to be a fairly busy road close to the Approach end of 34R.  When I disable KSEA in the vector config tool it looks like the first post of the thread, with the airport barely visible through everything else.  What can I do here?

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It would be logical to shut down aec even for Australia.

Regions have already mesh and other stuff so nothing to correct there.

Anyway - Orbx we need a guide on how to proceed in different situations - please

Update - I forgot that what is taken is first elevation data so aec for AU should be on than...

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After seeing this thread I went and looked at my KSEA.  With the Airport enabled in the Vector config it sits on a small plateau, and there is what seems to be a fairly busy road close to the Approach end of 34R.  When I disable KSEA in the vector config tool it looks like the first post of the thread, with the airport barely visible through everything else.  What can I do here?

What you see is correct there is a tunnel under 34R (look at Google Earth). So if you do not have an airport addon for Seattle (or an FTX region) leave it enabled.


Anyway - Orbx we need a guide on how to proceed in different situations - please

Look at the last paragraph of post #29 in this topic ;)

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What you see is correct there is a tunnel under 34R (look at Google Earth). So if you do not have an airport addon for Seattle (or an FTX region) leave it enabled.


Look at the last paragraph of post #29 in this topic ;)


Ok, so there is a tunnel there.  But the cars and trucks are driving across the runway.  In addition, I am thinking something isn't right, because looking at the airport it only has 2 runways.  Of course I don't have the FTX PNW installed, so that may have an effect there if it the model with 3 runways isn't part of either FTX Global or FTX Global Vector.  So do I have something screwed up?  Also, could you tell me how to attach a file to a post?  I have looked for two hours and can't figure it out.

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Ok, so there is a tunnel there. But the cars and trucks are driving across the runway. In addition, I am thinking something isn't right, because looking at the airport it only has 2 runways. Of course I don't have the FTX PNW installed, so that may have an effect there if it the model with 3 runways isn't part of either FTX Global or FTX Global Vector. So do I have something screwed up? Also, could you tell me how to attach a file to a post? I have looked for two hours and can't figure it out.

In your particular case, you are seeing the older, pure FSX default KSEA. Neither Global, nor Vector include updated airports, only full regions or other 3rd party developers. So it's recommended that you leave AEC active in this case.

I can confirm in real life that KSEA does indeed sit on top of a small plateau, so this would be normal, but the vehicles driving over the runways sounds like an issue. I would suggest submitting a separate support request about this.

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Ok so I think I get it: but does this mean, then, that I have to go in and disable _every_ AEC airport for all the ORBX regions and airports I have?


That's the part that's a little counterintuitive.  I'd thought the ORBX stuff took precedence over FTX Vector.....?


Would there be any chance of some kind of macro that could do this en masse for us ORBX stalwarts? :)

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