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Grand Canyon and OZx Holger Mesh confusion


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By now, having both FTX Global and PILOT'S FS Global 2010, I wonder if still will benefit from the OZx Grand Canyon/Holger Mesh on top of everything....?!


Wooups...yes indeed! Just learned that PILOT'S FS Global 2010 only covers this area by LOD11 (19m) whereas OZx Grand Canyon/Holger Mesh uses 10m mesh!

When visiting the area I'll sure put Holger on top of everything inside the FSX library!

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Not just that but the OZx Grand Canyon is photoreal, so it's as good as it'll get :)


Not so sure about that - I installed OZx Grand Canyon and then deactivated it as I felt that the lack of any vegetation actually made the Oz scenery for this area, like all photoreal scenery, look unreal at the low altitudes that I like to fly at in this area (basically inside the Canyon which is what I suspect many simmers do!). I agree that the Oz GC scenery looks good from higher altitudes like most photoreal scenery but for flying within the Canyon for the moment I prefer to stick with my FTX Global scenery. That is a personal view and I have to admit it was a difficult call between the two requiring a few flights with Oz activated and deactivated but in the end I decided that for me Oz was not for this area.

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Note that mesh does not respect the scenery priority in the way other scenery does.

The highest resolution mesh will take precedence.


Which I guess in this case would mean that the use of OZx Holger Mesh will take place anyway regardless of priority in the FSX library!


... I installed OZx Grand Canyon and then deactivated it as I felt that the lack of any vegetation...


Interesting point! Haven't thought of that - I will take this fact into consideration as well!

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Not so sure about that - I installed OZx Grand Canyon and then deactivated it as I felt that the lack of any vegetation actually made the Oz scenery for this area, like all photoreal scenery, look unreal at the low altitudes that I like to fly at in this area (basically inside the Canyon which is what I suspect many simmers do!). I agree that the Oz GC scenery looks good from higher altitudes like most photoreal scenery but for flying within the Canyon for the moment I prefer to stick with my FTX Global scenery. That is a personal view and I have to admit it was a difficult call between the two requiring a few flights with Oz activated and deactivated but in the end I decided that for me Oz was not for this area.


Lack of vegetation? :D What do you have flown scianoir? OZx Grand Canyon is fully autogened with buildings and trees, where there are trees obviously and includes also the airport KGCN with some custom models..... Not sure what you mean with "OZx was not for this area", OZx is a guarantee of quality, always.

Anyway i take the occasion to say that the scenery is fully compatible with FTX Global (although FTX Global still didn't exist when the scenery came out ;), it uses all default libraries for the objects, so there is any reason because it's not compatible.

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Lack of vegetation? :D What do you have flown scianoir? OZx Grand Canyon is fully autogened with buildings and trees, where there are trees obviously and includes also the airport KGCN with some custom models..... Not sure what you mean with "OZx was not for this area", OZx is a guarantee of quality, always.

Anyway i take the occasion to say that the scenery is fully compatible with FTX Global (although FTX Global still didn't exist when the scenery came out ;), it uses all default libraries for the objects, so there is any reason because it's not compatible.


As I have said Maurizio, that was a personal opinion and I did point out that it was a difficult decision to decide between the two but on balance I felt that I preferred to fly in the Grand Canyon without Oz scenery activated.....as I said "for me Oz was not for this area".


I am very aware that Oz is a guarantee of quality scenery as I have most of it installed and love it! I am sorry therefore if you felt that I was suggesting that Oz was of poor quality, which was not my intention at all. I just felt that for me, flying inside the Grand Canyon looked a little more realistic (and less 'painted') with some vegetation visible within it. I have to say the area of KGCN and along the rim was better using Oz scenery but inside the Canyon, for me, was slightly better with the default - see the attached screenshots









No vegetation in the Canyon is absolutely correct.  Along the rim and back from the canyon there is vegetation of course but the canyon itself is quite different.



Buy maybe I am wrong as I note that Spud says there is no vegetation in the Canyon, so perhaps the somewhat bare appearance is the more realistic one! If so, I apologize again!



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It's not a problem for me if you fly with or without OZx Grand Canyon activated, simply i can obsverve if it's your personal opinion, what is the need to involve the other people on your personal opinion. You can simply keep it deactivated. I am not that kind of person that likes to be joked and neither i allow it ;)

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Personal opinion is an odd thing. I was looking at the pictures I linked to in the other thread, thinking how irrefutably realistic the canyon looked and how far simming has come. My apologies to Maurizio for my humour.

The 'thing' about the canyon surely IS its vast lack of vegetation, and surreal rock formations.

I suspect that we get used to things looking a certain way in the sim and that moulds our opinion.

As Spud has explained, there is no vegetation in those pictures - largely because there shouldn't be!

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It's not a problem for me if you fly with or without OZx Grand Canyon activated, simply i can obsverve if it's your personal opinion, what is the need to involve the other people on your personal opinion. You can simply keep it deactivated. I am not that kind of person that likes to be joked and neither i allow it  ;)


I wasn't joking, I was simply giving my personal opinion in a polite way, but clearly that is not politically correct in the new EU.

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