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FS Global 2010 support not here / though some instructions

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Hello all!


We all know, this is an ORBX and NOT a PILOT'S site. Until now I have answered FS Global 2010 etc support calls here.


JV is a nice guy (I have met him, so I know .... ), but I do not want to try his mood. Havn't we all had a good example of what can happen lately ...  ;)


(No, JV has not made me write that!)


So this will be my last post with direct relay to FS Global 2010 W/O an adjoining Vector issue.


To give you at least some help here (as I understand you are seeking it here) I have made a list of what happened lately and how it can be fixed/checked.


1) Unzipping does not work:

    °) Use WINRAR or WINZIP (7ZIP and internal unzipper do NOT work). You can at any time download and install a free trial version of these and uninstall later.

    °) Have you noticed that you must not unzip into the download directory? Create a new one.

    °) Create hash values of your downloaded files and compare them to the ones published on the download website. If you find missmatches, download these again.

        Use Google to find a hash Generator, if you have none installed right now.

    Â°) Enough space on the hard drive?



2) Install does not work/missing files claimed upon FSX start:

    °) You have not enough space on the drive your Windows temp variable points to (mostly drive C:). [This is very common as some genius had the idea to start selling PCs with tiny

        SSDs (64GB) for system start partitions. In addtion the systems download library also resides on C:. Enter FS Global 2010, 23GB download size. Unzip it, another 23GB.

        Run installer (copies 23GB to temp dir .... Anyone here good on maths?]

        Solution: You need to point your Windows temp variable to a drive, which has enough space for that. Use Google to find out how to do that, if you don't know.


These were the top ten. I will add up, as more arise.


Now, 18 minutes to go until New Year here in Austria ....  Anyone saying, we are not working?

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Hello all!


Some more information about which version of FS Global mesh may/will work with Vector and the upgrade situation.

FS Global 2010:

There are three releases in existance. You can find the release number in the readme file (DVD1) or the root of your download.
You will have no neeed to check the release number of your download, as it will be R3. No other release before has been released as a download.
If you have a download release other lower R3, you have a pirated version. Pls contact us then. THX.

R1 was released early 2009 and did not cover parts of Canada, as no better data as already rendered in FSX was available. So why cover your disk space?

R2 came out late 2009 and did not cover less parts of Canada, since some data came out in between, which was better than the one in FSX.

R3 (FTX version) was released as download first in late 2013 and we integrated the missing parts of Canada from Ultimate The Amercias to have a complete
worldwide mesh with good performance and a reasonable price.

We offered an upgrade from earlier versions back in 2009 and (as a courtesy) I let it stand until all DVDs were sold out late 2013.

There is no more upgrade offer available from earlier versions. Instead we lowered the price by EUR 10,-- for the DL. There is no difference, if you get
an upgrade coupon for 10,-- on a 69,90 product or the product already costs 59,90.

All of them will work. If you have R1 or R2, check out the NE of Canada. If it is OK for you, good. If

FS Global Ultimate:

The Ultimate Series war derived in part from HR data as well as the same data as FS Global 2010. It gets its sharpness from a very special compilation algorithm.
To our knowledge it makes no difference, if you use FS Global 2010 or Ultimate with Vector. The shape of the earth is the same. Just more resolution & crispness. For Vector
that should not make any difference.

There is a difference in performance though. If you go for Ultimate, you should consider installing it (100GB!) on a SSD. FSX has the habbit (well actually is forced to by design)
to read through all mesh files on startup in order to be able to sort the internal LODs in correct sequence. You need to know all, in order to be able to sort correctly.

If you install on a HD, this may take several minutes on startup of FSX.

Earlier versions of FS Global mesh (2005/2008):

Earlier versions of FS Global should work. They will however always be limited in their coverage, as they only extended to the original SRTM coverage from roughly -60° to +60°.
Out side these areas without another mesh you will experience problems.

General informations:

If you have Vector installed, you should not use the terrain.cfg tool. All its amendments should be done already by installing Vector though ORBX Central.

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