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Vector - China and Belgium.


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Well what an incredible week. Brought a few more Carenado aircraft. Then REX4 appeared out of the blue(for me anyway) and....

....arrived home from work on Friday night and there was Vector for sale.

After a lightning quick download and installation.... some rellies came round so I could not use it before Saturday arvo. Read about some of the problems people were having and went to China for a flight. Shock horror a lot of the roads were green and covered with what looked like vegetation.Went to the forums for a look and there was the problem, Patch 2 for FTXG.

Installed that and...

1. Bkxc1.jpg

Lushancun close to ZUCK.






Now to the Yangtse Gorges near Wushan.



Wu Gorge.

This afternoon I have been flying through Belgium following the N9 and N5 roads. Here are just 2 shots from this continuing flight.


Laken is on the fringes of Brussels.


Just south of Neuville the N978 joins the N5. The railway can also be seen passing under both roads.

Well it appears many people are having big problems with Vector but myself from what I have seen it is a fantastic addition which enhances the ORBX world greatly. Now it will soon be even better with Open LC.


As you can see here the river abruptly stops for a couple of miles passing through the gorge. The only way this can be addressed is if these glitches are brought to light with a picture and co ordinates. I have already made one post to the Vector Support Forum and I will continue to bring to light any anomalies that I find so it can be fixed. It must be a disappointment to find your favourite area has a problem.

Vector is a massive undertaking so there are going to be problems with it that no doubt will be fixed over time.

Well done ORBX team, myself I find Vector a superb addition.

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This really looks good!

I've got to say, Vector looks really good when looking at screenies of people who have all of the applicable patches in place.

I can't wait to get home from holidays and buy it + Pilots Mesh.

Great looking pics by the way.

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Thanks for the comments, I'll make sure Global 1.2 is installed prior to Vector. As for the modifications on Vector, it is just a normal process and nothing else. A huge program like this requires adjustments and nobody else has anything to offer that gets even close to what I get now with Orbx. Every months that passes brings an improvement to our flightsimming experience. I am glad you like the product and I'm sure I will too very soon (if I can stop running around, it's supposed to be Holiday time... ^-^ ).

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Great post, yes it's a massive undertaking and they seem responsive to any major issues. It's a big planet

It's a big planet and a big project.

This really looks good!

I've got to say, Vector looks really good when looking at screenies of people who have all of the applicable patches in place.

I can't wait to get home from holidays and buy it + Pilots Mesh.

Great looking pics by the way.

For me it is a great addition. I already have FSGenesis installed and so far no problems.

Smashing shots Martyn, Thanks for posting these.



great shots

Verry fine shots there VH, thanks for showing BE with Vector!

Thanks for posting these Martyn , Vector in these area's look just fine .





Great shots Martyn!

Great screen shots indeed, thanks for posting these Martyn!

There is so much to explore now!

Many thanks for your great comments. More Vector shots to follow soon.
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Great captures from China and Belgium here!

Looking very good really!

Thanks for the comments, I'll make sure Global 1.2 is installed prior to Vector. As for the modifications on Vector, it is just a normal process and nothing else. A huge program like this requires adjustments and nobody else has anything to offer that gets even close to what I get now with Orbx. Every months that passes brings an improvement to our flightsimming experience. I am glad you like the product and I'm sure I will too very soon (if I can stop running around, it's supposed to be Holiday time... ^-^ ).

Very nice set

Vector sure does look incredible!

Interesting. Great shots!  :)

Thank you all for your comments and interest.
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