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Looking for a UK mesh


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Pros -
Includes Scotland     cool.gif

Plus mesh for various outliers -
- Scilly Isles
- Orkneys
- Shetland
- Foula
- St Kilda
- Sula Sgeir
- North Rona
- Sule & Stack Skerry
- Coquet Island
- Flatholm
- Steepholm

Does not cover -
- Northern Ireland
- Isle of Man
- Channel Islands
- Lundy Island
- Stack Skerry
- Boreray, Stac An Armin, Stac Lee.



Please note -
Some of the claims made on the website are factually incorrect.

The product title is technically incorrect -
The mesh only covers Great Britain.

Mesh vertical resolution is to nearest 1/4 metre, (not 1/25th as claimed).

Mesh is 256 times more detailed than FSX default, (not 128 times as claimed).

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Hi Tecee,


All the FTX UK products come with custom mesh (England & Wales 10m, Scotland 20m). I'm not sure if you relly see a difference between a 4.75m and 10m mesh.

Since both of the Irelands are not part of the UK I'm nut sure if they will be improved bx the Nextmap UK Mesh.



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I have a 4.75m mesh for England and Wales but i cant share it as it belongs to a non Orbx addon a brought ages ago but i dont really use it as for me to 100% happy with a mesh for the UK i would need it to be 1meter just so i can see the hill i live on, on a 4.75meter its a gental slope and a 10m mesh.. its flat but im still happy and thats the main thing :)

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Installed the NextMap UK while using only default - really made that perk up.  Now with FTXGlobal, it's very good and I do have Scotland but no appreciable difference.  All my mesh is FSGenesis - FSGlobal rates just as good but they're all governed by the mapping material available so the LOD is all squeezed out.

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