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No FTX Traffic


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 Can anyone help me to see why I have no FTX Traffic.  When I look in FTX Central I see the User Guide and the controls panel for it.  I have Version 4 and the update.  I have all my sliders set to max.  I have car traffic on the roads but no planes except where the are built into the particular airfields.  Even YSSY is completely devoid of aircraft movement on the ground and in the air.

It's driving me bonkers!

Please help


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Thanks for the reply.  No I only have FTX ai packages V4 and the update and yes I have the sliders 100%. Unfortunately I decided to re- install Windows 7 and therefore FSX Gold (including Acceleration).  I then installed FTX Australia SP3.  Plus all the FTX airfields eg YWVA YPEC Coffs etc..  iT'S only now since I reinstalled  all this that I no longer have FS AI.  I might say I've reinstalled FSX twice.

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Interestingly I have exactly the same problem. It is a new installation of FSX also all the FTX/ORBX products I have. No AI traffic. And what is weird, no default traffic either. So I'm wondering if it is an error within the new FSX installation. Tried a number of rebuilds but nothing. Frustrating as I like to see traffic moving around the airfield.


P.S. Re-read this post and did a search and discovered some WOAI traffic files had migrated across from my laptop which runs perfectly. Deleted these files and presto, FTX traffic up and running. When in doubt, read the manual!

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FTX AU AI Traffic V4.0 is a full install and V4.1 is an update. If you have both installed, you should be fine. History has demonstrated, the only thing that will stop your FSX AI traffic working is the presence of an FS9 traffic file.

All the traffic pack needs to work is for the traffic files to be present in your Scenery/World/Scenery folder and the required AI aircraft in your SimObjects/Airplanes folder. Can you confirm this is the case please.

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I posted this over in the OZx forum but repeat it here as you keep asking the same questions on two different sites.



there is one thing to consider when you do not have AI traffic showing in your sim.  IF you have ANY FS9 traffic files in your FSX installation it will prevent traffic from displaying.  This can be rectified by using Don Grovestein's AI Flight Planner.  It will search your installation and find any FS9 files and convert them to FSX files and then your AI traffic will show up.

the Flight Planner is available here:




Click on "Latest General Release" on the left side menu.  Be sure and read up on the software as it can do much more than convert files but that feature is invaluable.

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I don't know if its too late.

I had this problem and it was a line missing from my fsx.cfg file. Now bear with me as I have no idea what I am saying.

But it happened suddenly and some one helped me. They or google mentioned to look and see if I had AI sim objects or something like that.

Then simply add the line with the next number in sequence. Turned out for some reason that line had been deleted.

Probably less help than if I had not posted....



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