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Houses and trees in the water


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Hello ORBX,
I have installed FTX Global (next to other FTX region sceneries) and I experience a problem with the presentation near coastlines: there are "houses and trees in the water":

FTXCentral set to "Global": surroundings of Amsterdam:


I have done the following:

- FTX Central
at the installation of FTX Global, FTX Central was first set to default and after that closed before starting the installation of FTX Global

- scenery.cfg
I have the following config:

Title=FS9 World Scenery
Description=FS9 Scenery Data

Title=Default Terrain

Title=Default Scenery

- patches:
I have the following patches installed:
. FTX Global110

- mesh: 5m

I hope you can give me instructions how I can correct these faults.

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Hello there. I too have had the same exact problem you are having. I had the following regions downloaded. nA southern alaska, freeware,Iceland , freeware Olympic peninsula. All of these worked great until I recently downloaded the freeware Tasmania . After installing Tasmania, the scenery glitches started to appear. Trees and houses in the water, water and trees on runways,fsx default trees mixing with orbx trees. I thought this would only be a problem with the Australia Tasmania scenery but to my surprise, it is also screwing with all my other regions, including default fsx scenery. This is very frustrating and I am starting to develop a love/hate relationship with this company. I love the scenery but I hate the customer service. Whenever there is a problem, they leave it to us to try and figure out. It seems that with a slogan that states "the customer is king", they would have better solutions and service. You and I are not the only ones with this problem. It seems that dozens of others are having a multitude of problems as well. If I knew there would have been this much trouble, I would have never wasted 40 dollars on the scenery. good luck.

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Maybe this can be of help to determinate the problems: when I open FTX Central, I get the message: "terrain cfg has no [ landclasses] section" (I also saw this in another post of someone who has the same problems).

Opening FTX Central, I get this message 6 times.

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Some more informations:

- I have no UTX or GEX installed (for being sure, I even removed "ultimate terrain" and "ground environment"  from FS9: FS9 is on the "C", while FS10 is on the "D");

- I moved "my traffic" in the scenery library below the FTX sceneries (saw that hint in another topic).


No problem solved.

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Thanks Holger:

Replacing the existing one with the "default copy of the Terrain.cfg" (as mentioned in your topic) did the trick: just a little file of 19.9 kb  :)

Here a shot of Amsterdam now:


In that topic there is also mentioned:

The active Scenery.cfg is in C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX, there should be a couple of backed-up version there you can try, otherwise you can delete it, and it will rebuild (cycle FTXcentral to re-add your Orbx products automatically)

Do you recommend to do this also or is everything "ok" now?

Just curious: nice that everything works "ok" now but can I have done something wrong before?


By the way: I had also other elevation problems (one of them at EGML): I just checked EGML: is also fine now!!

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