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Well this started as a visit to Lord Howe Island, but looking at the map Norfolk Island is further east and worth a look. So KDK has enough legs for the flight across some more open water.


Very cramped on the apron, lucky we are off.


Out over the Lagoon.




Balls Pyramid is to the left.


Water, water, everywhere............


Going down with Norfolk Island in sight.


Turning towards the airport.


Coming in over Headstone Reserve.


Appear to be getting the hang of landing bigger planes.


Could not see the apron, but it is tucked away in the north west corner of the airport. I don't think I am close enough to the refuelling point though.

Beautiful weather. Hope it stays good for a trip round the island tomorrow and then onto our next destination.

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Very nice :)

Thank you Cabnz for your comment. Hope you enjoyed.

Fantastic trip you are on Martyn , I love your perfect landing in shot #10 .



Thanks Brad. I think I am getting better at putting the SAAB down on terra firma. Still got to practice the flare more. Tending to pull back too much.

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Beautiful set of shots indeed Martyn!!


Couldn't think of a better place to get accustomed to flying the SAAB than in the middle of the ocean. :D



It's a good place as long as I don't have to land in a hurry!

Great landing. I loved looking at this little plane lost in the middle of the ocean on capture 6: this is where you want your plane to be well maintained. Very nice set.

Yes indeed, it is a long way from safety and some of the inhabitants down there are not so nice.

Thanks for the comments and your interest.

Smashing shots Martyn.



Looking good! 8)

Another great set and flight Martyn. Thanks for posting.

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