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Paying Michael a visit


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Coming from the orbx freeware Redcliffe,





across Mt. Brisbane airfield,



Watt´s Bridge,



and checking the Lake Cressbrook dam (looks correct, as per Google earth...)...



... I came to land in a beautiful city in Queensland:







In case you do not know the name - you can be sure it will be my next starting point, and included in the respective post  ::) .

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Wonderful set Gerold.Sorry I wasn't waiting for you at Toowoomba Airport but we get a lot of RFDS planes flying in and out during the day and night.This is one airport that could do with the orbx touch.I'm guessing you will be heading out to somewhere in Western Qld perhaps? ::)

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A fantastic set Gerold and I would guess you are starting your next trip from the Toowoomba Airport ?? .



Bingo, my friend!


Wonderful set Gerold.Sorry I wasn't waiting for you at Toowoomba Airport but we get a lot of RFDS planes flying in and out during the day and night.This is one airport that could do with the orbx touch.I'm guessing you will be heading out to somewhere in Western Qld perhaps? ::)

Well, Michael, the airport lounge was not modeled detailed enough to be a suitable meeting place for us. And as I wouldn´t expect the orbx designers to enhance it soon, I went on - but back towards the coast... There is a bigger city nearby, B-something... 8)

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