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Quebec to Halifax with Provincial Airlines


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Flying from Quebec, Quebec Province to Halifax Nova Scotia in a Provincial Airlines SAAB 340. A flight of nearly 700km this is my longest flight to date.


Setting off from Jean Lesage International with the Pont Pierre Laporte and Pont de Quebec crossing the St Lawrence.


Heading back on track after ATC diverted us due to heavy traffic. No..... I was sorting out the auto pilot. In the Saint-Gervais area.


Ils de Orleans.


I see that there is a great new SAAB 340 for X Plane only though...curses. Anyway happy to have found this one on the PAD website. Very dated cockpit but some great liveries, and I am very partial to the SAAB.


Heading more to the east now over Ile-aux-Grues with L'Anse a Gilles on the rivers southern edge.

6. Pb0wC.jpg

Near Saint Pamphille.


Gardner and Deboullie Ponds(big ponds eh!) are below the SAAB along with Whitman Mountain.


Saint Froid Lake with Eagle Lake above.


Out of the wilderness and into the civilisation of Caribou.


Over Moncton with Lake Petit.


Aeroport Interational du Moncton with the Northumberland Strait on the horizon.


Chignecto Bay.


Passing a Cessna over Fundy Bay.


Fundy Bay and entering Hants County Nova Scotia.


C-FPAI as seen from Stanley Airport, with a very strong pair of binoculars!


Shubenacadie Grand Lake with the first view of Halifax Stanfield International Airport.


Over the Veteran's Memorial Highway on short finals to 14. No airport views due to elevation issues.


Down but a little to the left. A few shots from the ground to follow.




A long flight for me over some fairly flat country but made so good with the FTXG textures.

All straight vees with minimal cropping.

Hope you enjoy looking.

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Very interesting. Glad you were high enough when you passed over Ile-aux-Grues due to a notam on blasting with rocks getting as high as 5145 ft msl. If you had done your flight at a lower altitude, you would have encountered some elevated terrain in eastern Maine that is always causing trouble to VFR pilot (trouble meaning an accident here and there).  You should get the free scenery from Quebec CYQB airport, it's quite complete and well defined (if you ever come flying in this area)!! Thanks for the visit.

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Really a beautiful set Martyn!


Great shots!!

The default FSX terrain is quite flat in most of Canada, can't wait for FTX Global Mesh! :)


Beautiful set! :)


Great shots and flight Martyn. Thanks for posting.


Some smashing shots Martyn.




Very interesting. Glad you were high enough when you passed over Ile-aux-Grues due to a notam on blasting with rocks getting as high as 5145 ft msl. If you had done your flight at a lower altitude, you would have encountered some elevated terrain in eastern Maine that is always causing trouble to VFR pilot (trouble meaning an accident here and there).  You should get the free scenery from Quebec CYQB airport, it's quite complete and well defined (if you ever come flying in this area)!! Thanks for the visit.

Thanks for the tips. I was flying at 6000ft, shall keep an eye out for high flying rocks in the future!


Great Shots



What a great looking plane Martyn , is this freeware ? . Fantastic trip you embarked on , great shots and commentary .





Thanks Brad here is the link:-http://www.premaircraft.com/saab_340/index.html


A swag of repaints with this but I can only get black aircraft. Will have to keep trying.


A big thanks to all of you who commented.

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