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Heinkel He111Z Zwilling


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The He111Z Zwilling (twin) was built for glider towing with the Me 321 glider in mind.


It was liked by the pilots and had an endurance of 10 hours.


2 He111 bombers were joined with a new centre wing and a 5th Jumo 211F engine.


With 4 optional 640 litre drop tanks the total fuel capacity was close to 11000litres.


The He111Z did not have enough power to tow a fully laden Me 321 so 4 RATO rocket assisted take off pods were added which were released after take off.


Little about it's operational history. 8 were shot down or destroyed on the ground but 1 was shot down by the RAF over France with it's Gotha GO242 glider.


The He111 had a crew of 7 with the pilot operating the controls from the port fuselage.

All straight vees with minimal cropping.

Hope you have enjoyed looking at this unusual aircraft.

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Very interesting plane and shots!

I see you like the British Autumn as well :)

Nice shots of the siamese twins 8)

Amazing pictures, aircraft and informations! Thanks, Martyn.

Very nice shots of an unusual aircraft

+1 - Thats what I was thinking too!

First time ever that I see this one. If you were a known expert programmer and it was April 1st, I would think this is a hoax!!! Stunning aircraft this one!

Great shots! :)

Talk about joined at the hip , quite the flying machine you have here Martyn . Great shots of this unusal plane !! .





I used to use these as target practice in IL-2 ... amazing to see them make it to FSX!! Where did you find it?



Great pics Martyn. I didn't know that Heinkel created such a curious plane and I should also like to hear where did you find it.

Many thanks for the interest and comments. A very unusual aircraft indeed and by all accounts and ideal glider tug.

Here is the link to Simvation which also includes the Me321 and Me323. An interesting trio which I will be trying out more at the week end along with Iceland of course.


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