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Butte and The Pit.


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Sounds like the title of a 60s sci-fi flick.

Anyway this the conclusion of a flight from Dubois. Did not know where I was going but Butte looked like a good place to stop. Looked on Google Earth and saw this big mine, never guessed for a minute it would be shown in such great detail.


First view of The Berkley Pit.


The processes used to mine the copper has left an ecological time bomb ticking.


Interstate 15 can be seen heading north under Goldflint Mountain.


Getting ready to land at Bert Mooney Airport.


The water in the open cut is so toxic that a flock of about 350 Snow Geese landed here in 1995 and they all died of poisoning.


It is thought that the rising water in the pit will reach the natural water table level in 2020 and poison the ground water.


Passing over the junction of Harrison Avenue and Interstate 15.


Safely down at Bert Mooney Airport KBTM.


Bert Mooney was a local aviator who was the first to fly Mail into the Yellowstone National Park in 1935.




All straight vees with minimal cropping.

Hope you enjoyed the flight.

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You found the "Pit' , I was suprised too  how well it was represented . Fantastic shots of the Butte area Martyn , I hope you have time to have

the local delicacy's . Either the  Pork chop sandwich or the Pasty , both are very tasty .





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Great set..different place..different plane..it's a beauty


You found the "Pit' , I was suprised too  how well it was represented . Fantastic shots of the Butte area Martyn , I hope you have time to have

the local delicacy's . Either the  Pork chop sandwich or the Pasty , both are very tasty .





Love pasties and the pork chop sandwich sounds good. Do most of my flying at the week ends and posts during the week. I decided to split this trip into 2 parts as a surprise to people who did not know the area, but you knew what was ahead.

Very interesting flight and comments on the "present moment only thinking" of human nature when it comes to exploiting natural ressources.

Amazing that interested parties blamed the geese deaths ion bad grain but an independent autopsy discovered the truth. We need these things but greed and stupidity rule the day.

Great shots and information, Martyn! Thanks for the flight.

Great set! :)

Very nice shots and nice scenery except for the ugly open pit mine.  I hope they come up with a solution to the water problem.

I hope so too as it will cause major pollution down stream. I suppose it won't affect the big knobs who caused the problem in the first place.

Very nice

Thanks for the comments folks. Quite a spectacular place which is sadly causing a huge headache for the area.
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Great set mate.



+1   - I hope so too. What an inhospitable place! A dystopian vision straight out of hell - however, the pics are great.

Another great set, and thanks for the interesting comments :)

Very interesting Martyn, thank for sharing these great shots!!



Great set of shots Martyn, thanks for the info!

Many thanks for the comments. An interesting but sad place.
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Yes, utterly dystopian, Frank and others. It is ironic that flight simulation can reinforce some unpleasant realities.

The shots are great, but the task for governments is reinforced. No doubt the copper mining company has long since gone bankrupt, but it woul be close to an abuse for governments and the community to do nothing.

Just waiting for the inevitable is economically stupid, by forcing towns along the aquifer to expensive water treatment, and farming areas to return to desert.

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