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on-board vs sound card


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Anyone ever have any problems with on-board sound causing problems with FSX? I have Asus P6 Deluxe with 7.1 on the board. Sometimes I get poping sounds and then the stutters when the sound crackles and pops in FSX...other times the sound is normal. Playing a cd or dvd all is normal. This is my first time to use on-board sound so am not familar with what problems it may or may not cause.

                                                          Thanks in advance

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I would suggest that the first thing to look at would be updated drivers, both for the motherboard chipset AND for the onboard sound controller. Maybe you've already tried that route though, but I had to ask just in case. ;)

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On Board sound is only there for convienience in office PC's etc for gaming turn it of or disable it completely and utilise a respectable sound card like Creative instead. Why because the processor cycle is shared by everything need to run on the main board. The more things you canremove from that equation and allow their own processors to do the work then you will have effectively sped your system up.

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Sorry, I never had a chance to answer your question in the other thread.

I'm using the onboard sound and don't have any popping or any other anomolies from my sound card.

As Sniper suggested, make sure your drivers are up to date.

I'm afraid I disagree with others in using external cards, I've read on forums about the fors and against and to my way of thinking, why would they put an 8 channel card onboard otherwise?

Different situation if it was a cheap rubbish onboard audio, but they very rarely are on high end boards, such as Asus and Gigabyte, etc.

I am also of the opinion that the more things attached to your mainboard, the more potential problems.

Just my opinion, mate for what it's worth.


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Well I put in my old SB Live 24 and it solved my noise popping and crackling...of course my sound is no where near as good as what was on the M/B but maybe the Asus P6T Deluxe does not have that good of a set up of on-board sound....... or something in my rig it did not like....or I had a driver issue.....even though I made sure they were all correct and updated and even re-istalled ...though I have to admit when there was no popping and crackling I could hear every creak and groan in the aircaft...quite a difference with the on-board and a 5 year old SB Live...of course if the on-board is causing other problems now I need a new sound card...big money pit this sim. I finally could track it when switching from full screen to window mode and back and forth when my HDD would flash I would get the pop...and other times also...but doing that it was just about each time I did it. I only have a 2.1 speaker system but boy did the on-board sound good out to them. Oh well now for the new card. Thanks for the suggestions.


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