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Some help requested


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Again I have to ask the FTX community for some help.
I do have a problem within the Alaska area. For  visualization I have posted a screenshot below.
At first I assumed it was a problem related to my Tongass installation, but a deeper research into the problem showed it everywhere in the Alaskan region.
As far as I can remember, the problem occured after I replaced FS SP2 by the Acceleration Pack.
The blue textures do occure everywher in the scenery. The obscure mountains, watertextures and so on. When approaching the position of the blue texture, the "jump" into the distance and the normal textures are back.
I have rebuild my scenery cfg, re-installed all involved addon scenery (PFJ, SAK and FSAddon PF), but nothing did solve the problem. I do not use Ultimate terrain or any (none FTX) scenery for that area except Achorage and Fairbanks from Aerosoft.

I think the transition from SP2 to AccX may have caused the problems, but I would love to know how to solve this problem.

I have posted the problem in the FSAddon support forum too, but till now, no joy on the issue. Therefor I am asking to a larger group of simmers for help.


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Thank you Wolter, however I am not happy with your answer ;-)
Now i know what might have caused this, I will have to think about reinstalling everthing from scratch or if I am willing to sim without Alaska.

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Switching the different regions was one of the first things I did, not aware of the troubles ahead :S

I haven't tried the repair option. Any advise which source I should use, the Accel pack or the original FSX DVD?

And for Wolter, yes it is a great idea to backup the installation when all is running well again. For now it is  "zinloos" as the installation contains faults. Maybe when I have lots of time, I will reinstall all over again. For now it is the lack of time which will keep me away from a re-installation of FSX with all addons. But you are right, backups are important and will save a lot of time ;)

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OK, easiest way to approach this,

set FTX Central to default/Global

run the Acceleration disc

select repair

let it finish it's thing

and run a check if fsX fires up, there could/will be some error messages about missing scenery

run the FTX Global installer again, do not make a back up as you already should have one from your original install.

run the Global v1.1 update patch, run the latest library files

that should about cover it imo

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Never ever install Acceleration pack on a FSX SP2!!!


You've to deinstall SP2 first and then install Acc.

Try to deinstall Acc and SP2 and do a repair with basic FSX. After this install SP1 and then Acc. Maybe this can solve your problem.


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Hi Spirit,

thankx for the assistance, I'd overlooked the SP2=> Acceleration part, so in fact the install was crippled from the outset running the Acceleration pack after SP2


Hi Wolter,


that's what I think is the reason for the shown problems now, maybe some unknown problems too.



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Thanks for the replies guys!
I big releave to me is the fact I deinstalled SP2 before I installed the Accel pack. X. So I did at least something well :D
SP1 was left untouched.

The next thing I will try is Wolters suggestions.  Will report back here. Maybe on Sunday, as I have to go to work soon, but I will report back the results.



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If you install Accpack, you need either SP1 and SP2. Both are included with newer data in Accpack. Accpack is published about a year after FSX......


Hi Friedi,


but SP1 doesn't do any harm for a later installation of an Acc Package. An already installed SP1 can't be deinstalled but the SP2 can be deinstalled.



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Allready unintalled the entire FSX installation and now doing a clean install of FSX + Accel.
Will install all FTX aerea's from scratch in the next days.


Alaska is one of my favorite area's and flying without is no option :P

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clean install :

SP1 + SP2 or Acceleration, make you settings for Controllers, Graphics, etc., etc.
test if all works OK

REX, UTX, FS Genesis, FS Global etc etc + their recommended patches and or updates
test if all works OK

AU regions + all updates and patches
test if all works OK
AU airports + all updates and patches
test if all works OK, possible need for installing latest library files

NA regions + all updates and patches
test if all works OK
NA airports + all updates and patches
test if all works OK, possible need for installing latest library files

NZ regions + all updates and patches
test if all works OK
NZ airports + all updates and patches
test if all works OK, possible need for installing latest library files

EU regions + all updates and patches
test if all works OK
EU airports + all updates and patches
test if all works OK, possible need for installing latest library files

set FTX Central to default
FTX Global, make sure to make a backup copy when prompted by the installer

test if all works OK

install the v1.1 update patch
run the latest library files

that should about cover it imho

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Thank you Wolter for the installation guide.
Working in the order you're recommending. Will take some time, but all will be "by the book" when all is running again.


Thanks for the great support this community is offering. It is realy a pleasure to be part of it.

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