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A Bit Deflated

joe d park

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Hi Guys


I maybe posted this in the wrong fourm last night, so here goes hopefully in the right fourm


First off let me say that I'm a great supporter of Orbx but I feel disappointed and let down with the quality and detail of Northern Ireland.

After initial release I gave the benefit of doubt that the missing POI would be sorted, a few fellow orbx'ers posted what they would love to see added, I feel deflated after this patch!


Kilroot power station looks like a mansion with a large chimney, the power station at Larne would have been a better model to used. Kilroot power station has a large chimney stack which is illuminated at night(Google has plenty of pictures of this station), Titanic building seems large and too brightly illuminated at night, the Two Cranes our not illuminated at night. Scrabo Tower is missing although Terry has bee kind enough to upload that :)

Masts on the Black mountain behind Belfast are not lit at night this is extremely important for night SVFR from Newtownards to Belfast International, don't want to the rip of my wings on the Cessna! 


I had hoped that the Citation would have been moved forward at BHD, Maybe Paul could provide a upload fix for this, I think Neil was kind enough to get this sorted ;)


Im sorry for my Rant but overall I'm pleased with Northern Ireland in general and feel this has been a rush job to get to market, I would have paid the same price as Wales or Scotland to get the same level of VFR detail as all other Orbx products.



Please please guys can we get this sorted for Patch 2 :)


ever supporting


Joe Park

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Hi Joe,

I also posted my thoughts on the patch last night across in the release announcement forum.

Must say your post above basically reflects my thoughts as well.

I think though reading Paul's post there will be at least a 2nd Patch & Hopefully it will contain most if not all the suggestion/requests made by ourselves & other like minded customers.



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I'm not trying to or want to be negative as I love ORBX products but I have to say that Northern Ireland is the only product I haven't bought from ORBX (yes I have every single other product - not cheap haha) This Northern Ireland product is the only one that just simple doesn't stand out to me - it does seem rushed or something, I can't put my finger on it. Hopefully after another patch or two it may appeal to me.


Cheers, and keep up the good work ORBX :)

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Its a real pity that you don't have Northern Ireland in your collection, its one of the most beautiful areas to fly in VFR (ok Scotland and Wales may be on Par!!) but don't get me wrong on my above post... In general its a  Vast and I mean Vast improvement on default and I appreciate Orbx considering Northern Ireland (as ALL other developers seem to ignore this part of Ireland/Northern Ireland), I just like to have my Rant :).


Go on and get it, the patches will come :)


As we say in Northern Ireland, Its the best craic you will have :) :)

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Its a real pity that you don't have Northern Ireland in your collection, its one of the most beautiful areas to fly in VFR (ok Scotland and Wales may be on Par!!) but don't get me wrong on my above post... In general its a  Vast and I mean Vast improvement on default and I appreciate Orbx considering Northern Ireland (as ALL other developers seem to ignore this part of Ireland/Northern Ireland), I just like to have my Rant :).


Go on and get it, the patches will come :)


As we say in Northern Ireland, Its the best craic you will have :) :)


Thanks for that Joe, I probably will get it at some stage soon as I might as well have every product :) and once I have a fly around I'm pretty sure I'll enjoy it - plus isn't ORBX doing the rest of Ireland too?


I've always loved the Irish accent :) 





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Its a real pity that you don't have Northern Ireland in your collection, its one of the most beautiful areas to fly in VFR (ok Scotland and Wales may be on Par!!) but don't get me wrong on my above post... In general its a  Vast and I mean Vast improvement on default and I appreciate Orbx considering Northern Ireland (as ALL other developers seem to ignore this part of Ireland/Northern Ireland), I just like to have my Rant :).


Go on and get it, the patches will come :)


As we say in Northern Ireland, Its the best craic you will have :) :)


Dammit - you made me buy - downloading now :)


I think you should ask ORBX for a commission :)


Will be having a fly around Northern Ireland soon.





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;). Fly around the Antrim Coast towards Gaints causeway :). Lovely part of the coast.. Also the Fermanagh Lakes to the west ...the other matters I have faith in Orbx to sort it out ;). Enjoy

Can't wait for Ireland to be released to complement the whole island. Some great wee airfields to fly from enniskillen to Sligo or Galway. For a wee pint of Guinness ;)

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;). Fly around the Antrim Coast towards Gaints causeway :). Lovely part of the coast.. Also the Fermanagh Lakes to the west ...the other matters I have faith in Orbx to sort it out ;). Enjoy

Can't wait for Ireland to be released to complement the whole island. Some great wee airfields to fly from enniskillen to Sligo or Galway. For a wee pint of Guinness ;)


Cheers - will do :)

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I'm not impressed with any of the EU stuff so far. I only own England and Wales (though I've seen both Scotland and NIR) and although Wales is certainly better than England, neither are in the same league (in terms of overall polish) as older regions released by Orbx. I'm not sure if this is due to the FTX Europe developers, SIM720, being less experienced than the Orbx team, it's feasible to think so. Maybe it's due to Orbx releasing new regions at such a rate that quality is suffering. 


Whatever the reason, I'm mainly a low and slow fan, so I like to fly in the best looking scenery available; and the lack of refinement in the EU regions cause me to fly around in my NZ and NA regions almost solely, not because of the diverse, picturesque landscapes (although that is partly the reason) but purely because they're better quality products.  

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