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Japanese Jaunt


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Time to look at Japan on FTXG.


Eyes shut and point at the map and.......



Departing Matsumoto in the centre of Honshu Island. The Azusa River can be seen.


The Siagawa River is on the right.


Dai-Tenjo-Dake is above the Crusader with the snow covered peak of Tsubakuro just visible.


Lake Aiokiko is on the right with Lake Kizaki on the left. Above the C303 is Mt Kasagatake.

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Passing Kitaazumi


Ahead is the Hakuba Norikura ski area although no snow this time of year.


Mount Hiuchi-yama is on the left and Takatsuma-yama on the right.


The town of Itoigawa is at the end of the valley as we turn to the east and follow the coast.


Itoigawa at night.


Flying over Joetsu.


The lights of Joetsu.



Nearing Kashiwazaki with Yone-yama peak bottom left.


The town of Nagaoka is on the Shinano River.


The Shinano River is Japan's largest. In 1922 the Okozu Canal,which can be seen flowing to the left, was constructed to divert the Shinano into the Sea of Japan. To the right, above the Crusader, is the city of Niigata, which has been protected from flooding by the building of the canal.

Next on to Sado Island.

Straight caps with minimal cropping only.

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Fantastic shots VH-KDK!

And lots of interesting stuff to read!


Thank You very much for sharing!


Thanks Brad.


I have just brought the FSGenesis World Terrain Mesh which has made a considerable difference.

... is there also some kind of landclass and vector add-on in use as well?

Because the coast- and riverlines and the depiction of landclass are really looking great!

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Fantastic shots VH-KDK!

And lots of interesting stuff to read!


Thank You very much for sharing!


... is there also some kind of landclass and vector add-on in use as well?

Because the coast- and riverlines and the depiction of landclass are really looking great!

No Christoph, just the FSGenesis. Makes a huge difference as I have revisited some of the places I flew pre-FSGenesis. Just imagine when the FTXG LC packages come out>

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Great shots of an area not often flown in FSX, sure is getting to be a Country of interest to many now we have FTXG, Japan would make a great New Zealand style "Orbx full fat region"

It would be interesting not only for the terrain but also for the many large urban areas.

fantastic shots here!


Great shots of Japan, I will have to take a flight there sometime soon.

Well worth the visit, but there is the whole world to explore now.

"Eyes shut and point at the map" , that's one of my favorite ways to start a flight since getting Global

Very nice shots indeed

Most of my landings are "eyes shut."

excellent ! This is not often that someone can comment his trip over Japan, thanks for our knowledge ;)


Very nice set of shots Martyn, thanks for the tour!

Thank you everybody for your  comments and interest. Your comments are always greatly appreciated.

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