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Runway lights


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Hello all,

My first post here and I first like to say, how marvellous FTX is; until short, I had no idea of the scenery of Australia and now I am able to exploit all in a marvellous way (east is i.m.o. the most beautifull  :)).

I am from Holland and so to see, the developper of FTX (John Veenema: typical name of the provinz Friesland in Holland) must have his origins in Holland too  ;).

One problem I have in FTX are the runway lights: sometimes they are ok (white/red, dependant on your hight), but very often also they are only white. (mentioned: I have also the 3D light of A2A / Shockwave).

Best regards


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Welcome to the forums Willem, FTX does not have any effect on any lighting etc but there is a know issue with light bloom and you might need to seek out the Light Bloom Patch that is available.

Now as to the colour this depends on whether they are PAPI  approach lighting or TVASI which are the most common types employed in Australia.

One of my biggest beef's is with the deployment of PAPI or TVASI lighting and in many cases aerodrome runway lighting where there is none in real life but you can't have everything.  I hope this clears up your question.

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I will look for the light bloom patch (is it a patch especially for FTX); I only experience this "allways white" runwaylights (nevermind if you are incoming very low: they are allways white) only in Australia (where I have FTX).

Everywhere else where I fly, they are (dependant of you hight) white / red.


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I am from Holland and so to see, the developper of FTX (John Veenema: typical name of the provinz Friesland in Holland) must have his origins in Holland too  ;).

Best regards


Groetjes Willem!

Yes I was born in Schravenhagen and grew up in Drachten, Friesland until I was seven years old. Then I moved with my family to Melbourne so I'm pretty much an Aussie. I can still read/write/speak Dutch though, although not very well ;)

Thanks for you nice comments!

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Hello John,

Very beautifull software you have made.

I fly there every day now (testing a new software, called AirHauler: simulating a flightcompany who does a cargo business).

What I said, I was never in Australia and I can now exploit every corner of it.

I was born in the same village as you: 's-Gravenhage (excuse my correction, but of course I can read the name every day  ;) .

But I must agree, that the surroundings in the eastregion of Australia are very beautifull (we don't have that in Holand  :(  ;).

Best regards


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