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Just cant fly both Orbx scenery and custome airports together


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Hi all,


A year or so ago I purchased a whole bunch of ORBX packages including all the North America Terrain regions and a couple of the North American airports. While flying around in one of the Terrains is fine and performance is great as long as I use one of the default MS GA aircrafts, once I start to load one of the Caranedo aircrafts or fly around one of the ORBX purchased airports, forget it, the performance is way too slow and completely unusable.

I built my own computer just for this purpose and thought that I did pretty good (Windows gives me a 7.7 for all the criteria except for Primary hard disk which it gives me a 5.9).


I used to have MS flight sim performance issues but after several fresh re-installs and performing some of the tweaks online I never get the software failures (which used to be a big issue for me). Stability is great.


My stats are:

Processor: Intel Core i7 950@3.07GHZ

Installed memory 12.0 GB

64 bit

(what other stats are meaningful)


Can someone please offer suggestions? I would love to buy the UK terrain areas and some airports but wish to resolve my performance issue first.



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For starters your processor is old and slow. The 900 series is like 4 generations ago at this point and at 3.07 you are way too low.

First thing you need to do is overclock that to around 4.2 (you should be able to get there, my old 920 got there).


Then go google search for Kosta's FSX guide and try his tweaks in your .cfg. That should get you a lot of the way down the road.

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Windows gives me a 7.7 for all the criteria except for Primary hard disk which it gives me a 5.9).



That's your main issue right there.  I have half as much computer as you, and I manage just fine.  But I recently went and got a big SSD and copied by whole C drive over onto that, so that I have win 7 and FSX on that SSD together and man, the different was having a whole new computer.  My windows experience index score went from like 5.9 to 7.1.

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