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H Everyone,


I recently bought Tongass Fjords to adjoin my existing OrbX regions and have been having fun exploring, looking for the forest cabins and buzzing the freeware shipping I installed from the Misty Moorings site. 8)


What has really helped the enjoyment factor are the four maps that installed onto my system along with the scenery. I managed to get them printed onto A3 sheets which I have laminated.


My question is: does anyone know of anywhere I can get maps of the same scale for the OrbX regions? I appreciate that the Tongass Fjords scenery  is somewhat smaller than the OrbX regions and would require more maps, but I would prefer more maps at the same scale as the Tongass ones rather than the same number of maps but at a smaller scale.





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Hi Steve,


the Tongass maps were based on the US VFR Terminal Area Raster charts, which you can download here -- http://aeronav.faa.gov/index.asp?xml=aeronav/applications/VFR/chartlist_tac -- and then annotate as needed  (in Photoshop or similar) using our Google Earth .kmz overlays as a guide. Those same maps (and more) can be browsed online at http://skyvector.com/ . The corresponding Canadian charts -- http://www.navcanada.ca/NavCanada.asp?Language=en&Content=ContentDefinitionFiles\Publications\AeronauticalInfoProducts\Charts\VTA\default.xml -- are not yet officially available for download and thus need to be purchased as hardcopies. 


My favorite mapset for Alaska is the Delorme Gazetteer -- http://www.amazon.com/Alaska-Atlas-Gazetteer-DeLorme/dp/0899332897 -- as it has much more topographical detail than the VFR charts.


Cheers, Holger 

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Thanks for the replies guys.


Holger: Thanks for the links, I'll check those out later, when I get home from work, but they sound like they fit the bill precisely ::)


Ken: I have PlanG installed at home but can only print A3 at work (with permission I might add!). Since I only have a single screen, and no ipad or tablet, a hard copy is the best way for me. I've tried running PlanG in the background but my machine is more than 6 years old and the hit on frame rates is just too high! :-[





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The DeLorme Gazetteers are excellent hard copy atlases for VFR flying Holger. I have a set for all the Western states including Alaska. I also use a hi-liter to trace railroad routes for my train simulator on them.


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