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Mooney at Busselton

Old Archie

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  Yep nice pics mate  ;)



Wow, nice pics Dale and that Mooney scheme is pretty wild.

Mate, why do you bother with photobucket when you can upload photos here?  http://orbxsystems.com/forums/index.php?topic=1316.0

Jay's already done the hard yards for us.  ;D

Also instead of using the V key , get the program  Multigrab [mgrab] to get ur pics , its so easy , cheers , Johnno
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OK, here are a couple of the shots redone, original 8.78mb bmps rescaled using Gimp to 1280x800, sharpened by 10% and saved as JPEGS, uploaded to Jay's site :

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A bit of an improvement, but I think my biggest problem is when I resize from my screen resolution of 1920x1200 down to 1280x or even 960x sometimes, that is what seems to introduce the ragged edges, I'm no expert, so if someone can give me some ideas, I know it is possible, just look at all the stunning screenies that are in this thread!  ;)

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OK, this is not going to beat me!  Here are a couple more at Bussy in the Dreamfleet Dakota (lots of lines on her, so jaggie heaven...) I used Mgrab then resized to 1028x760 or something like that, sharpen 10% on one, getting closer....

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Great shots, shame about the jagged edges :(

Looks like you've got a monster system, does AA settings have anything to do with it or is it something

to do with resizing your images?

Only reason I ask is cause I recently started taking screenshots myself and had the same problem ???

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