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Mail Run - Port Mc to Coffs


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The other evening I was wondering where and what to fly. It occurred to me that while I have flown around Coffs in an eggbeater I haven't flown to it. So I dusted off my Cheyenne mail plane and did the evening collection run through the north coast before heading inland to deliver the mail the outback townships.  ;D

Loading up the mail and freight.

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Right engine clear!

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Taxing to the active, that one legged dude disturbs me.  :o

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On our way... pressures, temps and torque are all in the green time to start pulling back on the prop levers. The nice thing about turbo's is you set the power once and just pretty much leave it there. Port Mc to Coffs is only about 100nm so FL12 will do.

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Cruising, I flew the climb by hand which was very quick, its such a pleasure to fly this plane.

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Approach, I was a little high and there was a really big bank of clouds just south of the airport (in between me and the airport) I wasn't comfortable doing a straight in because there's some nasty terrain just west of the airport that I didn't fancy flying into! So I dog legged to the east over the ocean (where you are less likely to run into terrain)  :P  then came back in on a base track just south of the river. While I was doing that I took this piccie looking south.

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Finals, the industrial and city centre to the left really adds to the visuals as you come in. You can see in the background the terrain I was talking about. Although this is no where near as scary as airports like Wollongong. Eh...Mr ORBX are we going to see an FTX version of Wollongong?  ;D

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Parked - I love the layout of this airport, provided you come in from the south the taxi to the terminal is about as short as it gets. Ok, load up the mail!

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I had to do something while every one was watching Australian Idol, I am pleased for Wes, he is such a great performer but I feel for Luke. Either way I think they are both winners! (only Wes walks away with the cash)  :P



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I wasn't comfortable doing a straight in because there's some nasty terrain just west of the airport that I didn't fancy flying into! So I dog legged to the east over the ocean (where you are less likely to run into terrain) 

Mind those killerwaves though! ;D

Neat set of shots. Really enjoyed it!

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Hi Guys,

Thanks very much for your nice comments, this was one of my very early paints. Well, very early is a relative term, I only started painting in April or May of this year and it all started because I wanted to change the reg of the Cheyenne to VH-something.

Actually, come to think of it, now that I've got a little more experience with painting I might revisit the Cheyenne and do few more.

Ok, stay tuned...  ;D

And thanks again for the kind comments.



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Butch, you're going to think I'm incredibly dumb here, but for the life of me , I can't get the paints to appear in FSX (& I really want to!) When you say: "Rename the folder to match this archives folders name." - what name should I be giving it? The archive folder name is "DA_CIIXL_postv2.zip". I usually just rename the folder to "texture.VH-VJM" or similar, update the config file in the usual way & there it is. I'm obviously having another of my "senior moments!" Once I've got this sorted, really looking forward to any other paints of this fine aircraft - thanks for all your work. Cheers, Malcolm.

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Hi Malcolm,

I think your difficulties are more to do with my confusing writing style than anything else, let's try and set things straight.

1.) Go into the Cheyenne IIXL texture folder and pick say the 'texture.HBLNX'

2.) Make a copy of the folder, windows will probably call it something like 'copy of texture.HBLNX'

3.) Rename the 'copy of texture.HBNX' folder to 'texture.postred'

4.) Copy the contents of the zip file 'to the new folder we called 'texture.post' click yes if it asks you to overwrite files.

5.) Edit the aircraft.cfg with the following entry, if you followed the above you can just copy and paste the text below. (just remember to remove the arrow, dashes and text I used to highlight what you need to update.

[fltsim.X] <--------------- change that 'X' to the next consecutive number (please remove this line)

title=Piper PA31T2 Cheyenne IIXL VH-VJM











ui_createdby = Digital Aviation

ui_type="Cheyenne IIXL"

ui_typerole="Twin Engine TurboProp"


description="Piper PA31T2 Cheyenne IIXL developed by \nDigital Aviation: The Cheyenne family of successful turboprop twins made by Piper was a great success in the 70's and 80's and is still flown all over the world. It is a very reliable 6-8 seater and mostly used as business charter or company aircraft"

6.) Save the aircraft.cfg and you should be done, just remember to ensure that the entries in you aircraft.cfg are sequential. If there is a gap or incorrect sequence the succeeding aircraft will not show up. Have a nice flight!  ;D

If you still get stuck, shoot me an PM and I'll try to get some screenshots so you can see what I am trying to describe.

Good luck!


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Actually, come to think of it, now that I've got a little more experience with painting I might revisit the Cheyenne and do few more.

Ok, stay tuned...   ;D



Now don't start teasing me again Butch.......  ;)

Teasing? try this... there is something cooking in the AussieX painters pot at the moment that is smelling delicious. If all goes well, you guys should be in for a treat... not just in the short term, it is a long term plan.

That's all I am saying.  ;)

Even if you torture me!  ;D

Not another word... nothing... zip...

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Hello Butch

Very much enjoyed those shots and an interesting story line makes it so much more real. Well done.

John Ross

Thanks John, I love flying into and out of Port Mc, easily one of my favourite airports.

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You should get a commission from Digital Aviation for this little bit of work you did  ;D.  It made me finally go and get the FSX version of the Cheyenne.  All I can say is wow!  It was great in FS9 but in FSX it's quite exceptional. 

Thanks for the great pics!


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You should get a commission from Digital Aviation for this little bit of work you did  ;D.  It made me finally go and get the FSX version of the Cheyenne.  All I can say is wow!  It was great in FS9 but in FSX it's quite exceptional. 

Thanks for the great pics!


Heheheh....thanks mate, I wish I did  ;D  It's good you've got it now and as you would have discovered, it really is beautiful plane to fly.

Thanks guys, I'll be revisiting this plane over the holdiays when I have a little more time on my hands.  ;D

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