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0S9: Cafe/Restaurant missing!


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Looking at your other issue at 0S9 also http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/59400-0s9-caferestaurant-missing/


It looks like maybe you have not approved the objectflow.dlls


Try browsing to your 0S9 scenery folder... which should be located here: FSX/ORBX/FTX_NA/FTX_AA_0S9/Scenery


Double click the ModuleInstaller.exe, then next time you start up FSX you should get a message asking you to 'allow' this, press yes and continue

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Tim, thanks!


The objectflows are definitely involved ...


... as I manually changed the dll.xml some time ago in an attempt to trouble-shoot issues with a non-ORBX addon. That was the time when I deleted all my ORBX objectflow.dlls' entries there - among others.


Today I searched my ORBX folders for all moduleinstallers - just to find out that most regions apparently don't have any "regional" objectflow.dll's - most of the time these are airport-specific. (NZNI may be a different story.)


As my airport flows were there (for the 2 a.m. A/Ps anyway, in dll.xml and in trusted dll section of fsx.cfg), I started to reinstall PNW from scratch for another try:


PNW region (from DVD) - 0S9 (Jefferson A/P V110) - PNW patch 005 (after A/P as per ORBX patch instruction) - ORBXLIBS 130504.


Unfortunately the issue looks still the same.


The objectflows were involved but it seems I got that fixed. So I must still be missing a step or doing something wrong ...

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Hi Oliver,


I combined your topics so we can keep track of them easier :)


You're correct about the regions, currently only NZNI and SAK are using ObjectFlow. 


So to make sure I've got this right, you are still missing the cafe and the grass is still appearing white? The installation of PNW shouldn't affect ObjectFlow at airports, that is locally contained within the airport's folder. 

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Alex, yep!


The 0S9 Goose café is still missing; grass (and some of the trees) at KSFF are still white.


Run some moduleinstallers again and reinstalled PNW region/patch and 0S9 airport - no change.


My own best guess would be uninstalling and reinstalling one region, including the addon airports, completely?!?

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My first a.m. reinstall was a 'dirty' one - did quite some corner-cutting there ...


Now I uninstalled and reinstalled thoroughly 'by the (ORBX) books'  - PNW/0S9 - my issues haven't changed a bit.


dll.xml and fsx.cfg look o.k. Scenery settings as per the 0S9 guide.






Another try to install 0S9 with UAC down, Wdefender off, firewall and AV dto. - no improvement:





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sorry, if I haven't confirmed that explicitly so far: Yes, I do get the 'asked to allow' question, I answer 'yes', I add the dll in question to my trusted dll's. dll's have entries in the dll.xml and the trusted dll section of the fsx.cfg.


Today I searched for all my objectflow.dll's again and reinstalled them. Messages were either 'installed' or 'removed and installed back'. I did get a number of OS messages stating that the installation may not have worked properly, but should these MS OS messages really concern me? (Compare my dll.xml/fsx.cfg statements above.)


After all these dll's installed back I checked two of my Oceania addon airports - YBAS and NZMF. (YBAS as an older release featuring objectflow; NZMF as a much more recent one.) I looked for issues similar to my KSFF/0S9 ones, but didn't detect any (the white photoscenery-like spot at YBAS seemed unusual to me at first, but it looks pretty much the same on the official FTX screenshots, so ...).


This I did in order to check for some common cause, affecting my objectflow.dll's in general, but I cannot confirm that theory.


Why did I do this check? My AV software (Zonelabs/Zonealarm Internet Security Suite) is said to cause issues with FSX dll's (one documented issue refers to the FS2Crew RAAS dll which actually does not work in my installation). I did lose some more dll's (Heli Traffic, FS Discover!, several from dbsstudio), maybe ( !Not!Confirmed! ) due to an AV engine update. FSD's developer provided me with some reworked dll's which made my FSD installation work again.


So my 'ZA affects all my dll's theory' doesn't really look convincing either, as far as FTX is concerned: Seems like my issues are limited to these two purchases in particular.


Back to you now, listening eagerly ...

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Hi Oliver,


Just for comparison, does the entry for KSFF look like this in your dll.xml?


    <Path>E:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KSFF\Scenery\ObjectFlow_KSFF.dll</Path>
    <Path>E:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_0S9\scenery\Objectflow_0S9.dll</Path>


And the fsx.cfg like this:

E:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_0S9\scenery\Objectflow_0S9.dll.wcizwuucwawwcwhobhonzaawznhhbzluhrhhzrtq=1
E:\Microsoft Games\Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KSFF\Scenery\ObjectFlow_KSFF.dll.tbttlblqtkwkrzlonnanabkkelaieqzwrtrttlwl=1

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Hi Alex,


love those international development groups - always someone around, any hour, in one of those time zones ...   ::)


Judging from an amateur's view my entries are pretty similar to yours:


    <Path>C:\FS X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KSFF\scenery\ObjectFlow_KSFF.dll</Path>
    <Path>C:\FS X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_0S9\scenery\Objectflow_0S9.dll</Path>


C:\FS X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_KSFF\Scenery\ObjectFlow_KSFF.dll.buhbenotkbiwktweholnewlalnecbriqiezhwnur=1
C:\FS X\ORBX\FTX_NA\FTX_AA_0S9\scenery\Objectflow_0S9.dll.ezilauqzncihzoawaqciculeettwiuczhqzwhizn=1


Any corruption of other parts of the dll.xml would make me experience myriads of issues, right?

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Hi Oliver,


Well it looks like everything checks out with your dll.xml and FSX.cfg. Let's try working with a 'known good'. You said that NZMF had ObjectFlow working so we'll start there. Go to your FTX_AA_NZMF/Scenery folder and locate ObjectFlow_NZMF.dll, copy it to the FTX_AA_0S9 or KSFF scenery folder. Rename it to the appropriate ICAO for the airport and remove the existing DLL. All the ObjectFlow DLL's work the same but it's possible those for 0S9 and KSFF are corrupted in your install.

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Alex, thanks!


Followed your procedure, but my issue(s) wouldn't change ... yet.


On FSX startup I had to confirm the 0S9 dll again (but not the KSFF one ...).


So I followed your tips a 2nd time, this time running the moduleinstallers after copying and renaming the NZMF dll a 2nd time - findings remain the same.


I mentioned the trees at KSFF which I hadn't noticed yet when I opened this topic. In between my tests today I noticed some floating elements above those trees, but this floating issue didn't reproduce. I add a "tree shot" to illustrate, but the marked 'floaters' haven't reappeared, may be ignored.



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Concerning the objectflows working on my system:


With all these flow.dll's being so similar in size and function, and with experiencing issues with two of them, is there a likelihood I missed something at the other sites?


To put it this way: Should I look again for anything in particular with my supposedly working flows at YBAS and NZMF, for example?


Not spotting issues isn't yet the same as non-existent issues ...

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Hmm, well then it isn't the modules causing an issue. Also those 'floaters' are autogen houses. They tend to appear if you're reloading scenery frequently. They're mostly random and will disappear after another reload. 


I made a note of your issue in the backend so the rest of the team can see and provide input but so far not too much has come up. A dll.xml corruption elsewhere in the file has been suggested as that could disable ObjectFlow from loading.


Now if you want to check and see if your other ObjectFlow modules are working for example, at NZMF there are a few things you could check. It looks like the PeopleFlow will only appear between October and April during the daytime. There is also some CreatureFlow that should appear between September and May. 


What is odd though, is at KSFF your grass is still appearing. If ObjectFlow is not loading at all it should be similar to what is happening at 0S9 where the objects are simply not there. However that the grass is displaying shows that ObjectFlow is reading the files and displaying, but the variables are not being used to change which objects display.

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not sure, but another option is that the section of the [Trusted] of the fsX.cfg has gotten messed up, open fsX.cfg with notepad and delete all entries under the section [Trusted] save and close the fsX.cfg and fire up fsX, it will ask all dll's that you need to activate and trust, a few minutes work but can save your bacon


you can find the fsX.cfg file here => C:\Users\*your name*\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\FSX

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Hi Alex, hi Wolter!



Now if you want to check and see if your other ObjectFlow modules are working for example, at NZMF there are a few things you could check. It looks like the PeopleFlow will only appear between October and April during the daytime. There is also some CreatureFlow that should appear between September and May. 


Alex, does this imply, OF is the "upper-control flow" to control "lower-level" PF and CF, for example? I can confirm PF and CF at NZMF (didn't count the whales and butterflies, though ...) - which is kind of a relief.


What is odd though, is at KSFF your grass is still appearing. If ObjectFlow is not loading at all it should be similar to what is happening at 0S9 where the objects are simply not there. However that the grass is displaying shows that ObjectFlow is reading the files and displaying, but the variables are not being used to change which objects display.


PF confirmed in both places, 0S9 and KSFF alike.


I was suspecting some texture issues, too (layman's approach ...). Run the FTX Aero tool, set TML to 4.096 - first LM approach - and made REX restore the backed up default textures - second LM approach. No change on both counts as far as my two issues are concerned.


Still would like to give Wolter's suggestion a try: Would it help to delete just the two 0S9/KSFF entries from the trusted ... dll section of the fsx.cfg? I'm tempted to reinstall at least KSFF after that, just to make sure, the dedicated KSFF textures are installed last.


(Feel like I should get familiar with the ZoneLabs uninstall guide ...)

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- Did a thorough uninstall of KSFF and 0S9 as per ORBX instructions (folders, scripts, FTX Configurator) - additionally deleted the two fsx.cfg entries from the trusted ... dll section as Wolter suggested.

- Carefully reinstalled both A/Ps as per ORBX instructions.


Checked both A/Ps with default CP settings - no change.

Activated the only non-checked-per-default grass checkbox in the KSFF CP - no change.


What DID change is that FSX on startup asked me only twice per dll (1. run it? 2. store it as trusted). I remember the first question (run it?) being repeated one time before asking Q2 during my first installation (happened with one of these A/Ps).


Looks like it starts getting interesting ...   ::)

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AV is ZoneLabs ZoneAlarm Internet Security Suite, constantly updated to latest engine version and virus signatures.

It's said to cause an issue with FS2Crew RAAS dll, documented in the RAAS guide and on the AVSIM FS2Crew support forum. I suspect, it 'neutralized' a few of my non-ORBX dll's when the engine was updated a couple of months ago.



HW/OS is rather unsuspicious:


Processor Intel® Core i7-3770K CPU @ 3.50GHz

RAM 16.0 GB

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 Ti

Dedicated VRAM is 1GB.

OS is W7 professional 64bit.


FSX is in non-standard location (outside programs (x86) folder).

Everything's installed and run 'as adminstrator'.

I usually run WDefender and enable UAC and firewall, but had that switched off for troubleshooting.

Scenery settings are defined in a 'FTX profile' I configured as per the 'strongest' ORBX recommendations I could find in any of your FTX guides.

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Hi Oliver,


. I know that ZoneLabs is a proverbial PITA, I've tried it many moons ago and it has departed like a rocket ship from my HD, using  the MS MSE, I have excluded my fsX main folder from being continuously scanned by the AV proggy, I've installed mine => E:\Microsoft Flight Simulator X, works a treat.


as for your system specs, that rig really should fly, a mild OC to 4,8 and you'll be in fsX nirvana with those specs 8)

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Now, there's an embarrassing part in every support thread, isn't there?!?


- MSE found, downloaded and installed in a breath (configured for FSX)

- ZA/ZL AV software uninstalled in the same manner (uninstall much improved over former versions, they used to need a good deal of manual cleanup)

- KSFF is fully there

- So is 0S9

- My missing non-ORBX dll's have come back, too!!! Heli Traffic and dbsstudio TAWS, for example.


Alex, Tim, Wolter - thanks a million for your assistance and advice. Special thanks to you, Wolter, for tipping the scales and finally making me get rid of my AV software.


May I just have your attention one more time concerning my topic on YSCB car traffic here: http://www.orbxsystems.com/forum/topic/54261-canberra-ap-scenery-cars-jumping-over-motorway-interchange/


After that I'd like to invite all of you to that nice little cafe I've just discovered at the Jefferson Co Intl field. This is on me, of course ...





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Thanks again, and to those fellow simmers who may be interested in a brief follow-up - certainly I can't comment on the in-depth workings and efficiencies of those different AV softwares around, but:


- Interfacing with MSE is much easier than with the CP/ZL/ZA software. (You may lose a few expert-level configuring options, though.)

- After completing a full scan with up-to-date MSE signatures I had exactly the same two "false positives" I had with ZA before (related to ProFlightEmulator, for example; again: These are false alarms, based on heuristic analysis; there is no malware in PFE!)


This is no evidence or even proof, just some observations in favour of MSE ...

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