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C182RGII - HD REPAINT AND VC - Now available!

John Venema

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[glow=red,2,300]UPDATE: Version 1.01 now uploaded which fixes the missing registration texture[/glow]

We're doing an informal launch of the new super HD 4096x4096 repaint and virtual cockpit for the Carenado C182RGII tonight, ahead of the formal website links going up tomorrow.

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This interior and exterior is a masterpiece of texture work by Russ White, Butch and with help from Squeeker. Guys, you've outdone yourselves this time!

Grab it from here: http://fullterrain.com/freebies/C182RG_VH-JDW101.zip (29.5MB)  - Unlike other repaints you've added, this installer is 100% fully automated. No config files to fiddle with. Just run, start FSX and fly!

NOTE: Please ensure if you are going to purchase the Carenado C182 package, that you get the correct one - FSS store link here: http://www.flightsimstore.com/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=35&products_id=775

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I am currently at work so cant do anything, but will look at the download when i am home and see what is missing. Could someone please include some screen shots of both inside the vc and outside around the aircraft and i can quickly tell whats going on.



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Thanks Tim for those shots, i have looked at the texture package i provided to John and it looks like my bad!  ::)

In the rush to get this out i had to make a few last minute tweaks to the fuselage texture in photoshop and had to hide the reg layer to do so! i then obviously forgot to un-hide the reg layer before exporting as a final texture! So i will do that tonight after work and have the updated file included in the installer for the official launch on the FTX freeware page tomorrow! Phew....

Anyway all the textures are present and correct in the link above, it's just the reg number on the tail missing at the moment, thats all.

Cheers guys,


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Nice job, just d/l and installed at lunch time, very nice.  I was curious if there is an easy way to find out what files need to be copied over to other texture files to just get the HD VC.  Think I know all of the files but wanted to double check.  Thanks again another great HD job well done. 

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I have just corrected the fuselage texture to show the reg (VH-JDW) so john can include this new texture in the installer when the official release is live from the FTX freeware page.


Russ, for us Guinea Pigs who already downloaded, could we not just have the affected fike and copy it into the texture folder, or do we uninstall the original and re-download the whole package?

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Archie, providing individual texture files goes against the distribution terms that Fernando outlined, so i will not be making any individual files available. The new installer will be up soon so just reinstall with the new package mate.



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Hey Paul, there are no texture problems mate, nothing to worry about just a missing reg number on the tail, i left it out the first time round! Just waiting on John to put the official freeware page download and then it will be available from there. http://www.fullterrain.com/freeware.html

Not ready yet but will be soon.


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Just redownloaded and install, and looks great with the registration showing up now.  Just make sure you delete the extra section it puts in the aircraft.cfg file if you have the first version installed.

Also, just to let you know Russ, I officially hate you now.  You have now totally made every other plane I have, except the HD Mooney look like total crap in comparison to your work!!!  Amazing stuff.  Even more amazing is I get as good FPS as I do with the default model.  Again thanks for all the hard work, and I don't really hate you.   ;D

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Wow this C182RG makes all my other other aircraft look horrible, I will have to uninstall them ;D

playing around with the Lights this morning, and got the shockwave lights setup very nice

my config is below if anyone has shockwave lights and wants to make their Aircraft even more amazing

light.0 = 3, -3.05,  -18.11,  2.9, fx_shockwave_navred,

light.1 = 3, -3.05,   18.11,  2.9, fx_shockwave_navgre,

light.2 = 4, -3.0,   0.0, 1.3, fx_vclightcar,

light.3 = 1,-20.42,       0, 6.63, fx_shockwave_beaconh,

light.4 = 2, -3.37,  -18.14, 2.88, fx_shockwave_strobe_2,

light.5 = 2, -3.37,  18.14, 2.88, fx_shockwave_strobe_2,

light.6 = 3,-20.37,  0.00, 1.46, fx_navwhicarencrg,

light.7 = 5, 4.5, 0.70, -0.70, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_xenon,

light.8 = 5, 4.5, -0.70, -0.70, fx_shockwave_landing_light_small_xenon,

light.9 = 5, 20.0, 0.00, -5.00, fx_shockwave_landing_light_light,

to keep my original light setup just incase, I added // to the beginning of all the original light lines

like this :

//light.0 = 3, -3.05,  -18.11,  2.9, fx_navredcarencrg

//light.1 = 3, -3.05,   18.11,  2.9, fx_navgrecarencrg

//light.2 = 4, -3.0,   0.0, 1.3, fx_vclightcar

//light.3 = 1,-20.42,       0, 6.63, fx_beaconcarencrg

//light.4 = 2, -3.37,  -18.14, 2.88, fx_strobecarencrg

//light.5 = 2, -3.37,   18.14, 2.88, fx_strobecarencrg

//light.6 = 3,-20.37,    0,    1.46, fx_navwhicarencrg

have fun and enjoy ;D

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That's the most realistic looking aircraft package out there, hands down  :). Thanks again for your great efforts. I am quiet surprised that i have no FPS impact at all at 4096 - you guys just set the bar very high... What a joy to fly  8).

One small problem i got, while there is no AA problem in the VC or at the exterior model, it doesn't work on the blue stripes at all. The Mooney paint has no AA issues and shows even the smallest stripes as sharp lines. If you like i can provide a pic. I have no idea what causes this, maybe mip maps ?

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Many thanks for your comments guys, work like this takes an age to do, i know it's been a long time coming, but now you can see why!  ;D

@ Mango, i have no AA troubles with the exterior, but i think i know what you mean and is due to 4096 bump maps which contain a mass of detail and may "shimmer" a bit at distance because of it. Embeded mips were not used on these textures as they caused all sorts of issues with bump and clarity at this scale  ;)



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Hi Guys,

Thanks very much for the kind words, much appreciated.

Russ, I sent a PM to Heiko for some pics so I could see if what the issue is.

I know your busy so let me look after this one and let you know how we go.



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No squeeker, a "mip" is a lower resolution verion of a texture that is used. For exampe when you see the ground from a long way off you are actually looking at a smaller resolution texture tile to save memory. When plane texture developing i dont use mips as they detract from the quality due to the fact you are so close to the texture itself, and the main resolution file isnt always used if resources are limited.


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Thanks for this, very/very nice work  :). I am using the older FS9/FSX version of the 182RG and managed to place the textures manually and edit the cfg accordingly and although I may be missing some effects it still seems to work just fine, which I am very pleased about.

I find certain, more basic, Anti Aliasing mode don't remove jaggies from paint edges and you need a combined or supersampling mode. I use Combined 8xs through nhancer which helps smooth all visible edges.

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I copied all the files except for the ones that have 'fuse' as part of the file name.  Fuse indicates that this is part of the exterior fuselage and you would not want that.  Worked fine for me.

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I copied all the files except for the ones that have 'fuse' as part of the file name.  Fuse indicates that this is part of the exterior fuselage and you would not want that.  Worked fine for me.

I must admit I copied them all and I don't see any issues in or outside the aircraft – or at least none that I’ve noticed.

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