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A day at the A320 simulator


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I was invited for a visit to the Airbus Flight Training Center, which has several full-motion simulators used to train airline pilots on Airbus aircraft.

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A flight simulation engineer set up the equipment, in our case a real Airbus A320 cockpit on a hydraulically moving platform. There were two more flight students with me. We did a flight each, a takeoff and landing in our local simulated Miami International Airport.

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All the equipment you see is from a real Airbus A320. They also have other simulators set up as A320 or A340. The Center trains all Airbus pilots from South American airlines and many from other parts of the world, who come to this training center. When an airline buys Airbus aircraft, the training center’s simulation time is included as part of the package.

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It was a wonderful experience. I did a decent take-off and landing, with some help from the instructor. I am fortunate to have been invited.

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You can see more images from this visit in my photo gallery.

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Graphics are not what they are looking for in these simulators. They are barely adequate for our standards.

Remember they are not there for sightseeing and it would be rare they get presented with a clear sunny day.

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