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Smithers to Woodcock PFJ


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A scenic flight from Smithers to Woodcock in British Colombia.

Smithers is situated in the Bulkley Valley founded in 1913 as a regional HQ for the Grand Trunk Pacific Rwy. The Bulkley River flows past the town providing excellent fishing and skiing at the nearby Hudson Bay Mountain are two of the areas main attractions. Extreme sports are also popular in the rugged surrounds.

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Take off from Smithers recently extended runway. The locals are known as Smithereens.

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Hudson Bay Mountain provides world class skiing both downhill and cross country as well as other snow activities.

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The Bulkley Valley is on the right but we are going down the Kitseguecla Valley.

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Leaving the Bulkley Valley.

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Taltzen Lake Kitseguecla Valley.

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The Nipples

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The Skeena River which is the second longest river in BC. Hazelton Peak is above the aircraft.

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Kitseguecla at the junction of the Skeena and Kitseguecla Rivers. Here we follow the Trans Canada Hwy 16 that also passes through Smithers.

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Seven Sisters Peaks.

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Artemis Peak.

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Coming in to land at Woodcock airport.

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Fantastic set of shots Martyn . What weather program are you using ? . I really thought the clouds were excellent .


G'day John thanks for commenting.

I use a set I created on REX. I like flying with the clouds but not a good idea when there are mountains. I was going to fly around Hudson Bay Mountain(pic2) originally but decided against it because of the peak being partially obscured.

Getting over the flu yet?


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Fantastic set! The clouds and the the colour of the sky are quite amazing...

Thanks for sharing these.


(but - seriously? "The Nipples"? In an area with "Seven Sisters" and the name of the destination? What were they thinking at the time when they settled the area?) :D

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Fantastic set! The clouds and the the colour of the sky are quite amazing...

Thanks for sharing these.


(but - seriously? "The Nipples"? In an area with "Seven Sisters" and the name of the destination? What were they thinking at the time when they settled the area?) :D

Thanks for all your kind comments.

Obviously the first settlers didnt take any sheep with them!

Maybe I will have to look into the meanings of some of the native place names.

I should have given the set an R rating. :)

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