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autogen tree size


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Hi folks,

As in another forum the discussion about the autegen tree size is live again, I thought this would be a good question for FTX.

The gaint trees in FSX are the main reason for me why I turned off autogen. After landing, even in a 767 you are being dwarfed when taxiing around.

I know that ACES did that, so the tree coverage would 'look' more dense, but that a rather questionable way IMHO.

Are the trees in FTX more realistic?



Capt 767

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Quick answer: yes. I hand place every single tree and I have ensured that for urban areas they are proportional to real world size. If anything, people might compain I have made them too small.

For urban areas I restrict trees to 9m-16m in height, and then I single out individual trees which could be as high as 33m tall, but only where the ground photo imagery indicates such a height based on the canopy shown.

That said, in Australia, our eucalyptus trees in urban areas can grow to an immense size, often dwarfing houses and buildings around them. For instance around my own house I have five eucalyptus gum trees which each stand over 20m (65') tall. It is not uncommon for our gum trees to grow far taller than the tail of a B747, for sure.

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Wow, now that's absolutely incredible. Thanx a lot!!!

Looking very much forward to the release.

As my girlfriend and I few together for the first time during our VIE-SIN-MEL-SIN-VIE rotation and we went shopping, to starbucks etc.. in MEL, I do have a definite affinity towards melbourne and I so don't have to wait until you release europe ;)

All the best


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Hi folks,

As in another forum the discussion about the autegen tree size is live again, I thought this would be a good question for FTX.

The gaint trees in FSX are the main reason for me why I turned off autogen. After landing, even in a 767 you are being dwarfed when taxiing around.

I know that ACES did that, so the tree coverage would 'look' more dense, but that a rather questionable way IMHO.

Are the trees in FTX more realistic?



Capt 767

This is a problem for alot of simmers and I would have thought they would have got it sorted for fsx but no it seems they did'nt, so this is V good news indeed and a very relevant point to bring up.
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