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New Nemeth Designs BO-105 first screens

Ryan Mason

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I had not even flown this bird as I was disgusted it had nothing even remotely plain or Aussie :P (I know how dare they right!) So knocked up a quick Boxing Kanga paint and away I went testing.

They improve every time with each new model but there are still some issues, like no switches on the collective that work (essentail in RL flying)

But overall its a nice helo with a lot more functional buttons than most helos which is refreshing.



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Guest SimFreak

They always leave a few things unfixed it seems but I couldn't resist getting this beauty. I kindah hoped one of you wonderful repainters would do some Aussie paints for it! Thanks a bunch! :D

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Mate I wouldnt really call this a paint lol! I just chucked it together in 5 minutes, I am not sure of even if there is a few BO-105's in Australia, the only one I know of they let fall appart, but if anyone else knos of any and has pics, by all means let me know.



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