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From Launceston to Hobart

John York

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I'm not sure why but I've always had a soft spot for Tasmania.  I suppose its because when I was a young man I was in the general shipping business and occasionally needed to ship cocoa butter to the two ports; Launceston and Hobart.  I just like the names.

Anyway, here are a few landscapes that I took during my flight and which I thought you may enjoy.

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This one begs for a name.  How about Twin peaks?  It's unusual to get clouds side by side in FEX looking so similar.

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Thank you all.  What can I say? :):-[ 

I admit to using Photoshop for editing, mainly because the FSX camera doesn't produce what I actually see while flying.  Bit like all cameras really!  So I try to bring the shots back to that.  The only other thing I do, and that's because I'm lousy with the 'move' (or whatever its called in FSX) tools so I crop a little to position the 'plane better.


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