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First flight using FTX

John York

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I couldn't resist the Cape York Peninsula for obvious reasons so I decided to fly north from Weipa YBWP to Inginoo Bamanga YBAM.

I also thought; 'yeah, Australia, lovely sunshine', so I set real world weather with 15 minute updates and there it was.  Wonderful:

Gaining height over Weipa South and Weipa;

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Beautiful sunshine

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Don't much like the look of these clouds

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Blimey, it's pouring with rain now! :o

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Frankly chaps, I might just as well stayed in England! :(;)::)

Mind you, I like the FTX!


Thank you ImageShack

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Looking at the pictures again I think you may be right John and Mark.  The funny thing was that while I was actually flying I thought there was a road I could see through the trees but in the actual pic the cars, I admit, look as if they're flying and I must admit I missed completely the road running through the houses in the first picture.

And you say that I look for them Mark!

However, it will be interesting John to see what you can do about this because I've always been told before that out of Landclass alignment (if you see what I mean) can't be adjusted....well, that's not quite right, apparently it can but its an enormous job they said.

Me, I'm just an innocent simmer! ;)


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