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Pre-Release Screen Shots

Andrew 737

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Hello Everyone

Can I please ask how the Pre-release screen shots are taken, ie in slew mode, with other software, tweaked after taken etc?

The reason i ask is I do NOT see England on my main Sim the same as those pre release shots.

I have spent the day doing a fresh install on a new PC (I7 2600k @ 4.8, 8gig Corsair ram, GTX 480) just to see if England looks any different without the 600gig of add-ons I have in my main Sim.

I will post screenshots (taken by pressing the 'v' key) from both Sims next week as I have a couple of days off.

I live in Cambridge and fly out of EGSC 2 - 3 times a month (weather dependant) and in ORBX it is impossible to find the Cambridge Aeroclub NAV starting points let alone complete the NAV by Visual References. I am Profoundly Disapointed BUT I reserve judgement until I have tried everything I possibly can!

In the meantime if the folk who took the screenshots can share their settings and any cfg tweaks that may help.

Is expecting to hold a real world chart and trying to navigate around FTX England completely unrealistic? If so please someone let me know so I don't waste any more time.

Thank you

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Hi Paul

Thanks for your reply :-)

I too use REX (1 good thing) I have read up about ENB briefly on these forums the other day and have just scanned through the thread you kindly provided a link for, however it does not say what it is and does - can you explain please?

I did see the bit about JV's versions with the cockpit/external view blurring etc, not for me though as I have a cockpit so only use the monitor for external views. 2d panel and remove it with w key - could this be an issue?

Kind regards and thanks


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Well then Andrew all my preview shots are straight from the v key only resized for posting, i use Rex Essential Overdrive and JVs Enb with no changes you can get this on the forum. I also have Nvidia inspector installed and thats all i have, All my shots are taken in flight and then paused to take the shot as it were.



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Here is my custom ENB (bottom of page) which is quite subtle, but still adds a bit more light to the sky, without darkening the terrain too much... please give it a try.

I use REX textures, and a lot of my pics were using Orbx weather theme '6' - some were also taken using Opus real world weather [Demo] - it surprising what a difference weather setting make to the look of the sim.

In game settings were mostly at maximum, including the P3D extended LOD at 6.5, which sharpens the terrain in the distance... needs a cfg tweak in FSX.

I tried to keep the shots honest rather than overly artistic - I show it as I see it, and fly it.

Photoshop is used to resize and sharpen slightly to combat JPEG compression, adding back some of the clarity of full screen FSX/P3D.

Hope this helps.

Mark A's ENB.zip

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Well then Andrew all my preview shots are straight from the v key only resized for posting, i use Rex Essential Overdrive and JVs Enb with no changes you can get this on the forum. I also have Nvidia inspector installed and thats all i have, All my shots are taken in flight and then paused to take the shot as it were.



Hi there Iain, those shots were great. I was just wondering what Nvidia inspector was.

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Here is my custom ENB (bottom of page) which is quite subtle, but still adds a bit more light to the sky, without darkening the terrain too much... please give it a try.

I use REX textures, and a lot of my pics were using Orbx weather theme '6' - some were also taken using Opus real world weather [Demo] - it surprising what a difference weather setting make to the look of the sim.

In game settings were mostly at maximum, including the P3D extended LOD at 6.5, which sharpens the terrain in the distance... needs a cfg tweak in FSX.

I tried to keep the shots honest rather than overly artistic - I show it as I see it, and fly it.

Photoshop is used to resize and sharpen slightly to combat JPEG compression, adding back some of the clarity of full screen FSX/P3D.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for the ENB settings post, ill have to give that a whizz later tonight.So much of this stuff is down to personal preference to get ones idea of immersion/reality its great to try all this stuff out.

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Hi Everyone

Firstly let me appologise for not replying sooner - there have been so many posts this thread got lost a bit.

It seems I am running the same specs and addons as you guys, Shade, Rex, ASE, 1920 x 1080, 4096 textures, LOD 6.5 etc etc

I have an i7 system (4 actually!!!!) running at 4.8ghz with 8g ram.

I think I am going to uninstall (following the manual), re-install, order my priority entry point then post some shots so you guys can see if I am seeing FTX England as it is supposed to be - if that's ok?

Thank you all again very much - your help is so appreciated

Kind regards


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