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Frame Rate Inconsistency Among Orbx Airports


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I feel this thread needs to be a new topic because, after buying up even more Orbx airports this weekend, I could safely conclude that there appears to be quite a large inconsistency in terms of FPS numbers. In a little over a month, I've amassed about 20 Orbx titles (or is it more?), and most perform greatly with consistent fps of 30. Airports like KJAC, Concrete, Darrington, Cairns, are fantastic fps ones, with nearly all Control panel settings to full. Others like KBVS, 74S, S43, and even Israel's Farm, very strangely see low fps of 15 to 20+ fps (with most things like grass, etc, turned off). Airport objects-wise, they all appear to have same number of structures, people, even birds. In fact, Israel's Farm has even less (with all grass / log options turned off).

Orbx is truly second to none in scenery designs. Hope the developers could shed some light on why the difference here, and better still, to offer suggestions on whether there are any possible fix to bring those low-fps airports to be on par with the other "fast ones".

It would be wonderful if all airports could be as silk-smooth as those at KJAC or Darrington, etc.

Thank you.

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The performance of an airport has a lot to do with the area surrounding it. Dense autogen settings, especially in urban or suburban areas, can really put a drag on the frame rates on some systems. The first thing to check is to make sure all your scenery (and the PNW region) is up to date with all patches applied. If you haven't yet, check the support section on http://www.fullterrain.com for updates.

Another thing you might play with if you haven't already is the FTX Lights Switcher. Try running in "day" mode, which disables the streetlight effects, and see if that makes a difference. On some rigs, the improvement is significant.

There are other things to dig into more deeply if you continue having issues, but those are good places to start.

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It's extraordinary to think that Israel's farm is being targeted for giving low frames. There was another guy not so long ago who posted the same issue. Personally, I have never had any issue with Israels' farm, which once again points directly to individual setups. If you think about things, it's a very small scenery with little autogen, so I am baffled why anyone would experience poor performance.

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Interestingly I have the same issue. If I fly from Concrete to Skagit my frame rate drop is worst over Israel's. As a test I disabled Israel's and the issue was gone, but all the river scenery goes with it which is a shame, but it may be the river embellishments that produce the low frame rates.

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Interestingly I have the same issue. If I fly from Concrete to Skagit my frame rate drop is worst over Israel's. As a test I disabled Israel's and the issue was gone, but all the river scenery goes with it which is a shame, but it may be the river embellishments that produce the low frame rates.

No it is the high volume of grass placed at Israel's. Disable the grass in the control panel and the issue should go away. We add control panels to allow customers to tune our airports to suit their PC hardware.

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No it is the high volume of grass placed at Israel's. Disable the grass in the control panel and the issue should go away. We add control panels to allow customers to tune our airports to suit their PC hardware.

I have all grass and log settings all set to nothing, but still the low fps happens whenever flying over Israel F.

What I could not reconcile was how was it that airports like Concrete and Darrington (both rather dense, and early works of Orbx) perform superbly, but not some of the other newer ones as highlighted above.

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I saw this thread yesterday, so I went to some ORBX airports I have and must state that I get smooth framerates at Israel’s Farm WA56, around 29-30 FPS, even with grass on. Then I even added a cow or two so when I hear the muuu. I can see where it is coming from, still got the same framerates.

I don’t yet have all PNW airports, but I agree there is some FPS variation among them, for me the biggest toll is in Siletz Bay State S45. around 19-20 FPS.


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We're just wrapping up testing on the 1.01 version of Siletz Bay State, which should provide much better performance. It was some new grass types that I added that caused the problems for some people there, and they've been modified to give you more control over what's displayed. It should be ready very soon.


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Does switching your AI traffic level right down have any effect in performance when flying over Israels? Give it a go and let us know.

Tried turning all traffics to zero, but still no diff. At 74S, when taxi around the fenced carpark the FPS is even worse, around 15 or so. Looking away I get a good 30 FPS. Any idea why?

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Thanks Ramon. My comp is Asus ROG i3770K OC to 4.6, 16G Ram, GTX680 2G. Had followed basic part of Kosher's guide in fsx tweak, which I find to be making a nice improvement. Owned all FTX regions and several FTX airports, as I fly exclusively only on Orbx !! Mostly in RealAir Scout or Aerosoft DimonaX.

As indicated in post start, only low fps in certain airports, but rock-solid consistent 30 fps in others.

Already highlighted several localized examples, such as the fenced carpark at 74S just mentioned. Certainly something hidden in there or that sector that is gobbling things up? Same for Israel's Farm and others.

At Darrington, Concrete, KJAC, a sweet solid 30 fps mostly throughout, whichever way I look or fly.

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Add me to the list of guys having Israel Farm fps issues! I may be the guy Member rockcliff was referring to since I posted the same problem about Israels Farm a few weeks ago. I have a modern new computer, no anti anti-virus or anything I know of running in the back. This is a new dedicated flight sim computer! i've tried building a new FSX.cfg file ala JV but no real improvement. I also eliminated all grass, same thing!

Flying away from Israels Farm fps are great 30-40fps. Flying to Israels, once its in sight, fps drop 12-16. Birds are a huge fps hit but I've just got to have my FTX birds! I love this airport and area but hate to land there anymore. I usually fly the FSD PIlatus.

One of the Orbx Developers (Young man..forgot his name) answered my Post and said he was going to try to tweak Israels Farm for better performance. I hope he keeps his word! I only have FSX, Orbx/FTX/REx titles on this new computer, and one non Orbx add-on aircraft...the FSD Pilatus.

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Also add me to this list. Harvey Field and Monroe Firstair reflect much lower fps and are not as enjoyable to fly in and out of and I've spent a lot of time tweaking settings, cfg's, etc. I'm going to assume my PC is similar to Lepres's, and consider purchasing KJAC, Concrete, Darrington, Cairns, etc that seems to work well, while avoiding KBVS, 74S, and Israel's Farm (thanks Lepres). That said, I still must emphasize how much joy FTX has brought to GA flying in FSX!

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I concur, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with these airports, which to my tastes are exceptionally rendered, but Skagit, Anacortes and Israel's are very heavy on frames. Of course this is noticible if to these sceneries you add a complex airplane. Flying over Anacortes with a C172 is a fact, flying it over with a C182T with both PFD and MFD on, may bring my rig to its knees.

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I agree that Israel's Farm, KBVS, 74S, 0S9, S43, W16, should be examined closely.The stutters and poor performance ruin the flight experience.

This performance is noticed with lower water setting and lower control panel settings. Disabling light poles helps, but at night I like to enable them. Other sceneries perform great and are just as scenic.

This does NOT take away from how amazing these airports are. I just hope that they are examined and that they are fixed to run smoother and better.


Update: Add YBBN to the list of poor performing airports.

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