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Amberley Defence Force Air Show Videos & Pics


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Hey all ,

Been a while since i have logged on so i thought i would pop in and say g'day and show you all a few pics and a video i took when i was out at the Amberley air show on Sunday. Also There was a stand out there of a company called Vertical Reality Simulations (http://vrsimulations.com/index.htm) They are in there final release stages of the FSX Add-on and i saw it put through its paces and it was simply amazing with fully working laser guided bombs and chaff flares and much much more . So keep an eye out for that in the coming months.

Be advised this video is a little bit loud i didnt know how to turn the sound down

http://au.y****be.com/watch?v=dc1uUGo5M24  <------- fill in the blanks  ;)

because of the regs on orbx the last part of the  link is all you will need to see the video (watch?v=dc1uUGo5M24). Its well worth watching some great action from the F/A18's including a gun run and bomb run :)

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Thanks for that Andy, goes to show how our forces are really introducing a wide range of Mil assets. In a couple of years there will also be a few more additions to the ADF fleet, in no particular order;

Boeing 737 Wedgetail,

Airbus A330 Tanker-Transporter,

Boeing Super Hornet,

Caribou replacement  :'( :'( :'(



PC9 replacement,

Sea Sprite replacement,

C130H replacement, and

AP-3C Orion replacement.

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Hi Andy.  :)  Great shots.  The C17 in particular would have been interesting.  Seen them fly but have never been in one.  I'm sorry but I couldn't work out how to get to your video which I would like to see.  Can you give me some more info on how to see it.  I'm going to watch the F/A18E develop as it looks great.

Gary T

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