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Airport Missing in NZ South Island - NZS4


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Yes, NZS4 is a water runway. And thus has docks and start points for seaplanes.

Sadly, I was unable to get AI planes to land and takeoff from there (nor NZS1, NZS2, NZS3 or NZSO). I believe for that to happen the AFCAD must have "concrete" taxiways and runways, but they must be set with a width of 0 (zero) so that they are not "visible". This allows the AI to operate. I've looked at the AFCADs for these airports with ADE, and whilst the taxiways etc are indeed set with a width of zero, they are not "concrete". Here's hoping that this may possibly be changed by a later patch or Service Pack. I could do the change myself, with ADE, but prefer for now to simply leave things as they are and enjoy everything as is.

(Hmmm ... I am not using it, but perhaps the ORBX freeware AI package has seaplanes working from these airports? If it does, then I wonder what trickery the clever people at ORBX did to make that happen. And, thus, what tricky I must therefore perform to achieve the same result? If it doesn't, then, no drama ... I will still enjoy using these airports and taking off and landing at these locations.)

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Thanks for your posts guys. The problem I had was with using Air hauler. I had imported all my scenery after I had installed Obx so I would have thought if it wasnt in the SI scenery it wouldnt have caused Air Hauler to generate a job from NZS4 to NZWN. It said it had a concrete runway so imagine my frustration when ATC was guiding me in and I couldnt see the airport when on finals. Finally abandoned the flight and landed at NZWN. When I started FSX by itself with the King air and set airport as NZS4 it did indeed place my aircraft without floats!!! in the water!! Lol....

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