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Alternative to Cessna Citation Mustang

John York

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Does anyone know of a suitable alternative to this please?

Specifically, I would like one with similar flight characteristics but with a bit more speed and a less fiddly auto-pilot - the heading bug is alright but what a stupid way to set the altitude!

I've got the Bombadier Learjet and that's nice but I would like something a little newer and a bit smaller.

Any ideas?


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What about one of Eaglesoft's Citations? Or Premier? For whatever reason I still think Eaglesoft has the best Corporate Jets! I like thier CJ1 but the CII/SP is my favorite. Neither is smaller than the Mustang though. I have RW time in both the CJ1 and CIISP and think Eaglesoft has done a pretty fair job on these. Good luck!!

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Thanks for this suggestion Ronnie.

I've had a look at these and I'm impressed. I've picked out the aircraft I would like i.e. Citation Extreme V.2.

However, I'm not sure what a 'Registered Version' of FSUIPC is. I've got the freeware download of FSUIPC that came with Radar Contact but I'm not sure this is sufficient and frankly, as this is an expensive aircraft (£31.20) being puchased through the horrible Flight 1 payment system, I don't want to make a mistake.

So, I think I'll have to give it a miss and find something else....or keep what I've already got!

Sometimes I wonder if these people design their offerings in the hope that the complications they build in will persuade us, the customers, not to buy! Well, in this case they've been successful. If Orbx, Flight Sim Store and Amazon can make purchasing a pleasurable experience...why can't they? ::)

Sorry, I'm on a hobby horse! ;)


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I agree that the Flight1 wrapper can be a pain on occassion. However, Eaglesoft DG offers an outstanding 30 day money back grace period in case you don't like the product or it doesn't work on your machine. I've used it (once) and received my refund within 30 hours of the request - my PC just didn't have enough horsepower for their Diamond twin. I've owned their Liberty XL2 for 2-3 years now, she's a sweet touring machine - though much slower than the Vans RV-7 or Lancair.

A registered version of FSUIPC is a paid version of it. Once you start playing with the button/switch assignments FSUIPC affords, it becomes cheap at twice the price AND you get both an FSX and P3D version for the same price. I've ben a paid/registered owner for 4+ years now and couldn't live with out it.



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Hi Brian

The reason I've never actually paid for FSUIPC is because I've never understood what its for.

I've read all the blurb the developer feller wrote and haven't understood a word. I've looked at the list of stuff in it and still don't understand what they're for. And I've asked friends who tell me its really good. But when I ask what its good for, the only answer I ever get is; 'Well, you can do all sorts of things with it using the controls and assignments it provides.'

What sort of answer is that?

Anyway, Why should I pay out for an aircraft and then have to pay out for another program to fly it?

Sorry Brian but I've just about had my fill of makers of all sorts of things where if you get them, you need something else for them to work properly. Compact cameras with only screens to view what you're taking for example, where all you can see is your own reflection and the view behind you! So you have to buy a non-reflective screen and possibly a shader to get a decent idea of what you're photographing!

I'm becoming quite a critic and moaner in my old age! ::) Sorry.


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OK - I gave in and bought FSUIPC for E28.56.

Now I'm off to buy one of the Eaglesoft Citations in the hope it will be better than the Flight 1 aircraft with its dodgy AP.

Wish me luck.


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I brought the Wilco Citation X a while back and the VC quality is very poor and the ES version looks just as bad to me ( Based on the screenshots ) which is a shame as ive been after a small business jet with a decent textured VC for a while, I did find a little one that i loved to bits but do to an issue with my product unlock it would not allow me to unlock it so i got a refund. I will rebuy it again when i see it on sale somewhere but I loved the Gates Lear jet from Xtreme Prototypes. It has old fashioned navigation or gps navigation but i do like the older way to navigate as i find it more immersive than a program and forget style fmc


I would like to say the NGX texture quality has spoiled me but i dont own it but i dont really want to fly around in an aircraft that has textures that look very dated as we have moved on from the early fs9 vc low quality texture ways.

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Yes, I looked at the Wilco one too. I didn't like the Wilco Airbus and assumed I wouldn't like their version of the Citation any better!

I've had the Flight 1 for sometime but that's what I'm complaining about. Even the update didn't address the issue of the AP.

I've also had the Gates Learjet for a long time and like it even though their textures with their update are still not all that good.

So now, because I really like the size and manual handling characteristics of the Citation I'm trying the Eaglesoft that's been recommended. It had better be good with the expense of the registered FSUIPC E28.56 plus the aircraft at US $49.95.

Is it worth it I ask myself? Too late now!


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Ok - I've got it all on but have a problem. FSX is crashing the computer after a few seconds of getting the aircraft displayed. Here's the error log;

Posted Image

Any ideas please?


Thank you ImageShack

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I had a quick google for the api Citation crash and it did not bring many results or any info that would be helpful. Best thing to do is make sure you have the latest version or check for updates, if there none then register at the ES support forums as there is bound to be a fix or the correct type of help you need John.

When you got it up and running can you post a screenshot of the VC as there no decent screenshots other than the tiny ones on the ES website which gives me the impression the VC textures are quite poor in quality.

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I'm afraid I can't help you with the Cessna problem, sorry. But here is a brief run down on what I use FSUIPC for with my Saitek Throttle Quadrant. FSUIPC allowed me to create several aircraft profiles for the quadrant; LSA, non-retractible constant speed prop, Retractable and the C-27J. For the LSA, the prop control lever is assigned to flaps, the 2 left most rocker switches change the standby frequency and the right rocker switch controls switch between standby and active as well as carb heat. If I jump into a C182, then the 3 levers control throttle, prop and mixture, the left 2 rockers still tune the radio, but the right rocker operates the flaps. Wnen I fly the C-27J, the 2 Left lever control the seperate engines, the right controls the spoiler. Jumping into a retractable allows me to map to Gear up and Gear Down, as opposed to the generic Gear Up/Down found in the FSX menu.

After programming, all this is remembered by FSUIPC and it brings up which ever profile has been assigned to a particular aircraft. It will also allow you to eliminate spikes generated by the joystick/yoke, center the elevator when the autopilot is activated, and my favorite for sheer "geekiness" is that it allows me to attach a borrowed Garmin 295 to the PC and use it in place of the default GPS.

This only skims the surface of the things you can program your joystick/yoke to do and it is MUCH cheaper than the dedicated boxes that most of us lust after.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, for one thing its the fiddly method of setting and changing the altitude and the other, more frustrating thing is getting the damned ILS to lock on to the glide slope. By the time I find it is not going to lock on I'm in 'going around territory' and landing manually....again!

Its such a pity because its a real beauty to fly manually, and lovely looking.

I've given up on the Eaglesoft Citation by the way. Just keeps crashing my computer and life's too short to muck about with something that just doesn't want to work, especially when it takes forever to get FSX up and running again!

Thanks for the rundown on the FSUIPC controls you use Brian. I can see from that how it might be useful for a couple of things on my set-up . Spoiler controls for one as I have no spare switch on my joystick for that, not that I ever use spoilers much. Only if I'm coming in a bit hot on shortish runways. Also possibly for assigning a throttle key for float deployment on seaplanes.

I'll have a look.


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Yes, well, I think he'd soon change his mind if he was landing in England in thick fog with visibility down to less than a 1/4 of a mile!

And that happens more times than I like to think about. Despite the lights, you can sometimes not actually not see the runway until seconds before the wheels touch.

Mind you. Its my own fault. I always fly in real world weather and absolutely refuse to cheat. Comes from years of playing golf I suppose. ::);)


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Hey John, cheaters never win, especially under instrument rated conditions. As for seeing the runway just before touchdown, that's sounds pretty scary to me even though we get quite a bit of fog in Maine. My Bravado ends at mimimums which in my Skylane is about 5-600 feet. I do use the ILS prompts it's just that I hand fly from the IAF.

I suppose that with the Orbx UK announcement you'll be quite interested in their offering starting in the south of the UK. I too will like the opportunity to explore the UK.

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'As for seeing the runway just before touchdown that's sounds pretty scary to me'.

Don't fly into Heathrow or Gatwick during the winter here then. It happens a lot!

No, although I'm sure it will be very good, I'm not interested in the Orbx offering for the United Kingdom. I have the photo scenery for that together with Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg. I also work with some of the developers (a bit of beta testing that's all) for that so I really wouldn't want to change that situation. Now, when Orbx branch out into areas of Europe I don't have the photo scenery for, I'll have that. Specially for Portugal, Spain, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Italy. Did I leave something out?!!

However, I do wish they would get on with more areas to join on to what we already have of America. Now that would be something I would buy like a shot!

All the best.


PS - Aren't you supposed to be in bed at this time of day where you are?

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Bill's old Epic LT might fit your bill. It is almost as fast as a Citation, It is a little dated and not as deep system wise as the F1 Mustang, I still find it fun to fly now and then. Another choice might be the RealAir Turbine Duke...again not a jet but still a pretty quick mover, good system depth, FDE...etc. I think Carenado has a TBM in the works too.

There just aren't a lot of corporate jet choices other than ES and the F1 Mustang. You could take the NGX-600/700 and call it a bizjet for now until PMDG releases a proper BBJ.

A2A's upcomming civilian P-51 Mustang might also be an interesting alternative with nav instruments and autopilot, it could probably compete with a Citation. :)



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Yes, I've got the Epic Victory. Very nice. Also the Turbine Duke which I really like despite the fact that the engines take away a lot of the side view. I'll have a look at the NGX-600/700.

I think I'll just have to figure out how to get the Mustang to lock on to the glide slope. There must be a parameter of speed and altitude that I'm not inside somehow. I'm certainly on it direction wise so I can't be that far out.

Thanks for trying to help guys.

I'll report back.


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Hi John. May be worth having a look at the Embraer Phenom 100 LE by FeelThere. I got mine from PC Aviator. This lays somewhere between the ES Citations and the F1 Mustang, nice flyier but the FMC is similar to the CLS F-Lite series.

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