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KDLS (CRM) Raised Runways Issue


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Just noticed this at KDLS. Have tried switching FTX to default and then back to North America, no joy. Uninstalled PAKT and reinstalled (in order to confirm install of latest ORBXlibs 111225?). Stopped short of reinstalling CRM in case it's a known issue being worked on?

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Hi James,

I don't think Tim will mind my jumping in here. Your "KDLS_elevation_adjustment.OFF" is not right if North America is activated in FTX Central. If FTX is set to North America ALL the PNW, NRM and CRM elevation adjustments should be at .BGL (not .OFF), if not you can make it so. It has been known for elevation files to get out of sync and when that happens you get an error message when switching FTX Central areas and the conversion of elevation files to .BGL process stops.

Let me (and Tim) know what you find.

Cheers, Neil

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OK, I do hit apply after each switch. Redone it to make sure, sceneries rebuilt. I actually loaded all the way up at the airport with default and it looked correct (albeit not very good!!). Closed FSX and switched to NA, sceneries rebuilt, but still same sunken areas (but nicer buildings :-))

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Hi James,

please check for more files with the .OFF extension, all NA related files in the World/scenery folder should be with a .bgl extension for the NA section,

so please check that all files that start with :





check that all files that start with ADE_FTX_NZSI_* have a .OFF extension

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OK so...If I understand you correctly and any ACTIVE region should have no .OFF files whereas any INACTIVE region should have no .bgl files? Then looks like I have an issue

with CRM/NRM and NZSI?? :-

ADE_FTX_CRM_* = 49 .OFF and 948 .bgl

ADE_FTX_NRM_* = 69 .OFF and 756 .bgl

ADE_FTX_PFJ_* = 0 .OFF and 123 .bgl

ADE_FTX_PNW_* = 0 .OFF and 1084 .bgl

ADE_FTX_NZSI_* = 56 .OFF and 293 .bgl

My FTX Central version is 1.0 1027 and I run it as administrator when I use it if that is any help?


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Hi James,

looks like you have a lil bit of a mess up there :unsure:

what we need to do is set FTX Central to default and hit apply

next step will be to check the World/scenery folder again and look for . bgl extension files with the ADE_FTX_* preface you'll need to delete those

once that's done run FTXCentral again and switch to the NA region and hit apply again

fire up fsX and it should rebuild the scenery Dbase and if all goes well things should be OK

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Wolter, can you just confirm it's the .bgl files I need to delete and not the .OFF files??

*EDIT* E:\FSX contains 3104 .bgl files across NZSI, CRM, NRM, PNW & PFJ after switching to DEFAULT...

E:\FSX\Scenery\World on conatins 3 .bgl files?

Which ones should I delete??

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Ok so all (3) .bgl files deleted from E:\FSX\Scenery\World (I've left the other ones that are dotted about my FSX directory)..FTX default, applied, FTX NA Applied, still the same

Not sure if this is pertinent but after applying NA, I only have elevation adjustment files (.bgl) for PNW and PFJ, nothing in there for CRM or NRM?

Correction there are some ADE files for CRM/NRM but they are .OFF, also there are no files at all in there for KDLS, does this mean the regions aren't being applied properly??

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Wolter, there's 174 files with .OFF extension?? Any suggestions how I can change them all without doing each one individually?


OK so I was playing around and I noticed there were no files for KDLS (.OFF or .bgl) in the FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery folder after any of the switching in FTX Central...I have now copied the ADE_FTX_CRM_KDLS_elevation_adjustment.BGL file from E:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\OFF and it works?!

I have about 220 files in the folder E:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\OFF, should I copy them all to FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery??

What is the E:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\OFF folder doing? Should it be populated under normal circumstances or should it only be populated when a region is switched off??


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Some more investigation...Compared the files side by side that were in the E:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\OFF with FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery....Did it a region at a time, got to PNW and again there was a file ADE_FTX_PNW_2WA1_elevation_adjustment.BGL in the E:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\OFF and no mention of it in FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery. Started FSX with FTX NA Still enabled and hey presto more elevation issues...Copied the file from E:\FSX\ORBX\Scripts\Custom.na\OFF to FSX\Scenery\World\Scenery and it works, same as KDLS...

Am I going to cause myself problems by doing this? It's fixed my issue on both occasions?

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Hi James,

if it's fixed it you should be OK, still puzzled as to the how the whole file mixup got started at all, but no prob if it's solved then the acid test would be to switch to default and check if all the files have a .OFF extension and then switch to NA to see if they all have the .bgl extension, same trick applies for the Oceania (AU+NZ)

I'll mark the issue as resolved

and wish you happy flights :)

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