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I thought you were gonna say...."fallen in a heap", Howard

Ok, so I promised some pics and here they are:

This is my unpacked box when I came back from Bunnings. On the left is a 1/2 litre of kahki green paint for the two panels. On the right are two braided hoses (from the plumbing section and only a few bucks each...haha) and two fitting to go on the end of the braided hoses. More on those later. And of course under those is all of the drawings, photo's and research for aking the panels.

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Now, you may have noticed that the crew oxy panel has gold braided hoses, so enter the gold paint...it's really not rocket science, is it?

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So, I have the panels cut, hoses painted and more brilliant endeavours to follow tomorrow......


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Just wanted to clarify something on your wiring. You're "negative" rail is just your ground from your PSU, correct?

Also, have you had any luck testing the IBL dimming? Want to see how you fair before I purchase another distribution panel.

You have any luck figuring out how you're going to power your PSU via a switch on the MIP? I know you were thinking of an ON ON MOM switch.

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Yes Dan, the negative rail is 4 negative leads from the psu.

And with the IBL dimming, I'm still waiting for my second distribution panel from Canada, it should be here soon.

My PSU is controlled via a keyed switch in the back of the distribution box that I made (see below):

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Frank the key switch to start the PSU is that you flick it on and off like a momentary switch? or do you just turn in on and off and if so when you turn it off does it just cut the power or does it start the shutdown process?

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It's just an on/off switch connected direct to the green/black wires of the PSU.

Been busy today. First thing up, went and saw 'old mate' at the fabricators and got a few off-cuts of steel for the base plates for my oxy panels.

Took the masking tape off my newly painted 'gold' braided oxy hoses, (not bad, huh?):

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And then fitted some heatshrink to the end fitting (like the real one) and attached the lead to the hose via two zip ties:

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From here, they are attached to the panel (purely for testing):

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Then I drilled and undercoated the panels:

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So, while they are drying, I cut and manufacture the jig-saw that will be the main oxy panel cover:

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All finished cutting now and the pices have been glued together. Tomorrow, I'll fill and sand the main panel, drill the holes for the dzuz fasteners and then paint the whole shooting match.

Whoops, almost forgot. I'm heading away for the weekend, so I'll be back to it early next week. See you guys then,


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You keep on taking time off like this us "GUYS" are going have to seriously consider getting another builder.

Just kidding, where would we find someone as dedicated as Frank.

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Thanks. BTW.. Nice craftmanship...

I know you are using that key to power the PSU. I meant any luck finding a way to power it using an existing switch on the MIP? I remember you looking for a way over on cockpitbuilders.

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No, Dan.

I think that was to do with the LIGHTS switch on the MIP (DIM, BRT, TEST).

I was unaware that Sim A does not model the DIm part of this switch, so you need a ON/MOM switch only. Mine is an OFF/MOM switch, so I had to buy one from FDS.

It's one of the parts that I'm waiting for to finish the MIP, now.


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I replaced a bunch of the switches they sent with the MIP package. The 45 deg rotary selectors they sent were meant for mounting in a PCB, so replaced them with same model from manufacturer, but with soldering posts instead of the PCB pins.

Once you have the MIP finished, and want to "pimp my MIP", get a generic keychain remote control, which powers a relay, which will short the PSU pins to supply power. :)

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Ok, got home from our 'wet' weekend up at Hervey Bay, this arvo.

Waiting for me was my package from Canada, with some goodies.

I took no time in getting them out of the packet and onto the sim.

First up was the second IBL distribution panel (for the FO's side dimming). Just a matter of screwing it on and connecting up to the other dist. panel:

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Second up is my FDS FC-1 panel for the dimming of the PFD's (cpt's and FO's). I'm still to hook it up, yet:

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Thirdly is the map holder that will be attached to the top of the glareshield, still to be done:

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And lastly, an ON/OFF/MOM switch for the lights test switch:

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I have already installed and wired that little baby. Getting close to being finished now.

I just need my other dimmer switches (which I've been waiting to arrive from England) and then she's done.

Ohh, and the oxy panels are getting their first coat of paint, too, so should have them both finished in a few days.

More to come tomorrow,


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Yeah Mike, I had the option of cutting down an oven tray (not a bad solution) or buying the (next to) real thing from FDS.

I opted for the more realistic look....haha

Now I gotta break out the wrinkle paint again...oh, no


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So, as you can see (below), I wasn't joking. I installed the map pocket to the glareshield and then masked it all up (again) for a few final coats.

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And the oxy panels have been given another fill and sand and fill...

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Watch this space......


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I don't think there's any fear of that, mate.

I been ferreting away out in the shed today. I have the first OXY panel almost complete:

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I still have to apply the decals, a few finishings (red knob and surrounds) and a coat of clear to finish off.

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And then there's the fillets, which have been filled and primed.

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They've also just had their final coat of wrinkle paint, so should be ready to mount tomorrow.

Still waiting on my dimmers from England, hmm, must be coming by slow boat via China.

Anyway, I got enough to keep me busy till they arrive.

More to come tomorrow,


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Thanx Iain.

I hope all is well with you and Ayeisha (hope I spelled that right).

Whilst trawling the cockpit builders forums last night I came across a few pics of the throttle quadrant that I'm having built in France.

Here they are:

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I was watching a few video's of this unit in action. It adds another whole new dimension to simming, thas for sure.

I think I have one of the last full blown Pro models (V1.8, 8)), as they are now doing a more budget model that is over 1000 euro's cheaper. I'm happy to have paid the extra, for the top of the wazza model.

Now, I just gotta get my hands on that baby!


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That's alright, mate, it's my pleasure.

I'm kinda overwhelmed by the response to this thread. It's only been going for a short while and I think it's the second biggest thread on the site.

Obviously, there are a lot of guys out there that would like to do the same, or have done the same or just like the idea.

Now, some news. I got my 12 volt dimmer units today and I can now finish off the MIP completely. However, I have decided to make a small change.

After consultation with my old mate (who's also building a 737 cockpit), he has suggested putting the circuits that use PWM (pulse width modulation), such as these dimmers, aoart from the rest of the electronics, as it can interfere with it and cause strange anomolies.

So, with that in mind, I have bored a few holes in the backing board, inserted a conduit pipe and will pipe all of my wiring that utilises PWM to the far side (FO's side) of the 'pit, away from all of the other electronics.

It means re-wiring the stuff I'd already done, but may save me some real grief further down the track. I'd rather do this now, than take a risk and have to pull it all apart, just when I'm all finished.

I'll throw a few pics on tonight, if I get a chance and show the re-arrangement.

That's all for now, gotta get off to the gym,


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Hi Frank

I notice you are going to re-route pulse width modulation cables away from others. If I may make a suggestion you could also run them in steel conduit. Us electricians love flexible steel conduit. Another alternative is to use screened cable earthed at one end only.



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Looks good Frank!

Heard from Peter yesterday, looks like they are releasing an IBL distribution card with built in dimming w/ 2 sides (CA/FO) on the same card. Will ship late June. Always something new coming out of FDS...

Placed my order for the Platinum Revolution throttle couple weeks ago (got the motorized parking brake and flight detent options). Will be interested in how your setup goes when it arrives..

Also, love the Oxygen panels... Great creativity!

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Thanx Guys, appreciate the comments and Bernie, I thought as much.

I'm keeping it all right away from everything else, so that should do the trick, I hope.

Dan, that would be right, just after I've finished wiring it all...ohh, that's OK, I'll just put it in Version 2.0 starting next year.....hahaha

Still waiting on word about my throttle, I'm hoping it's not going to be too much longer. Not that I'm ready for it yet, but I just want it.

Second oxy panel is starting to take shape, too.

More pics coming tomorrow, gents,


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That sure does look fantastic Frank, i bet you cant wait to get your hands on the quadrant i will be able to see your smile here when you unpack this.Thank you for asking yes everything is fine with us two but Ayiesha has to have another minor op in two weeks it will be fine,



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Just a quickie before I head out to the shed.

Last night (late) I finally got my GMAP app running on the transformer (the Android Version).

It is terrific.

I thought the lag might be a problem, but it was solid, all the way.

I stopped and started several times, changed aircraft and I didn't touch it, it just picked all the changes up and ran with them.

Ok, so I gotta get back to the sim,


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Frank any chance of a link to all your pics so we might be able to dowload them? I'd love to do a slideshow on my computer of all your pics. Maybe you could even do a video for us again showing it all in action :)

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I don't have a site or a blog as such and the only place they are in their entirety is here on this thread.

As for the vids, I certainly am planning some youtube vids once I have some action with my graphics set-up.


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Ok, been a bit stop start in the last few days, but got a bit done tonight.

I started on the panel to house a ll of the PWM dimmers. gave them a coat of green....didn't wanna waste the boeing grey!

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And cut out the panel and cut some access holes for the cabling:

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The second oxy panel gets another coat of paint, (gee, I'm a messy worker...):

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And a finished shot of that glareshield top after the wrinkle paint cured:

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Oh, yeah, and here's the conduit that I'll use to route all of my cabling away from the rest of the electronics:

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More to follow...........


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Just a small update tonight, guys.

I've finished the dimmer panel and it's mounted to the MIP now:

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As you can see, I've mounted it on the FO's side, far away from all of the other electronics. Now I just have to wire it, tomorrow.

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And the oxy panels are nearly finished.

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And I've also decided to finish off the MIP with a small panel either side of the dimmer controls.

It's not available anywhere and you can buy the vents, but they are hundreds of dollars. Mine costs a few bucks and some elbow grease:

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So, I've made the bases of the panel, now I just have to make the vents:

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Bit of filler and a few coats of the boeing grey and bob's your uncle!!

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Now, back to the wiring....


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Wow, I just got to test the MCP and glare shield lighting. I'm stunned, it looks fantastic.

I did have a problem with my left under glare led strip (there is only supposed to be one led strip but the engravity glareshields have recesses either side for an additional led strip, so I put them in), so I took it back out (turned out easy) and cut that segment out and re-soldered it.


Once they are hooked up to the dimmers and power supply, I'll do a little youtube vid to show them.


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Ok, so I been wiring away again today and it's still progressing.

In the mean time, I have been whiling away at the vent panels. I was trying to make the little vents, so I cut the bases and then I needed two 1/2 spheres about the size of the vent.

I was going to make 2 from fibreglass, but that's a little time consuming, so I put on the thinking cap.

I thought about cutting a ping pong ball in half, but they are too small.

I looked all over the house for balls about that size.......hmmm, nothing.

I sat down for lunch and it came to me.

Decorative christmas baubles are about that size. I ratted throo the "Xmas tree and ancillaries" box in the shed and dragged out the baubles.

Some were too big and then I saw them...two little disco balls the very size I needed!

So, I cut them in half, scraped off the mirror tiles and gave them a good sand.

Attached them to my bases and now I just need to wait for them to dry and then finish off the tops, with the little vent thingy's.

It's amazing what you come up with when you think outside the box,

I'll slap up a few pics of them tomorrow.


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