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All right, well I have been considering my next move and I've looked at most of the options.

I was originally space restricted because I was setting the sim up in my front computer room at home.

After careful consideration and consultation with the big chief (wifey), I have been granted permission for the sim to live in my garage.

So, you see, this puts a whole new slant on things. Cogs are churning away, thinking cap on....

What I've come up with is a more complete solution than I'd originally planned (which also requires a rework of the budget, of course!).

I'm going to buy a 737 shell, rather than build an aluminium frame (which would cost about the same, yet not as good as the shell).

My original plan for lcd's for the visuals will need rework and I may just now set up a curved screen with three projectors (but with an original twist, of course).

So, my next course of action is to source and buy a shell, construct it and then put all of my overhead, eyebrows and ceiling panels (which will be arriving this week) in it.

I'll keep the forward two 32" lcd monitors in the shell for the time being until I get the shell constructed and then will make a decision about the visuals.

That means Xmas will be a blow-out now. I think I'll aim for mid-2013 now. That should do the trick.

So, there you have it, hot off the press,


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So, I'm pottering around this morning and I get a call. It's the Fedex man.

He likes me cos I've bought him a house in France from all of the gear I've bought overseas in the last 12 months.....

It's my package from the States containing my overhead panels.

I have a bit of work to do, cleaning and stripping and painting...but that's OK, it keeps me off the streets.

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I'm pretty sure this extra little housing is for the HUD system. I won't be using it, so I'll have to do a bit of fibreglassing to fill the holes made for it on the eyebrow panel.

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Ok, so I gotta get to it and break out the cleaning gear now....later


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Hey Frank I think I am getting more excitement from this project than you, you're doing all the work and I sit back and appraise the end result.

Congratulations mate you have caught the envy and attention of a lot of us flight simmers.

That TQ is everything I presumes it would be.

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Thanx John.

It sure is a fab piece of gear in full flight.

It is funny, when I watched some of the movies on youtube about it and I saw the trim wheels buzzing around, back and forth, I thought, how annoying would that be, I think I'd just turn them off, or I'd rather a non-motorised throttle...........ah, wrong!!!

When you are taking to the air and trimming that damn bird and those wheels are going berserk, it's like the biggest adrenalin rush.

I still haven't set up my toga buttons yet and the flight I did today was a manual take-off and then I switched over to VNAV and LNAV with the MCP.

I am still looking into a shell, but think I've settled on one that is made right here, just outside of Brissie.

Simquip make a fibreglass unit and you can also buy the rib kit for it, which adds all of the internal ribs to attach your liners to.

I like the idea of supporting Oz and these guys do great work. I've bought some of their gear already and they are real gentlemen to deal with.

So, I gotta save my pennys now and will put the order in, as soon as the tooth fairy arrives...or at least when the boss gives the green light!


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Hi Guys.

Just a small update, today.

I've been considering which shell to get and thought I'd settled on a local manufacturers shell, made from fibreglass.

The only problem is, I need to be able to move this thing (if I ever need to) and transportability is an issue.

So, I've decided on buying the FDS shell which can be assembled and dis-assembled in a matter of hours. There is one available in black powdercoat, so I'm going to see if I can get it straight away.

After I populate the shell, I'll be working out some sizes for the curved screen which will occupy the room now.

So, it's back to the drawing board, I'm afraid.


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From a portability factor as you mentioned (and having lugged a full size bell 206 sim in and out of convention centers) might I suggest a metal frame base with plates welded that you can affix locking caster wheels on to frank for your sim to sit on, we did this for a 206 and had 4 plates welded to the skids that you could jack up each side individually to affix the wheels to and then roll it easily where you want when the need arises. I can post some pics if you like mate.

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That idea has merit, Ryan.

I was actually thinking along the same lines. I have this tongued flooring that I bought for the sim, attached to the floor in my front computer room.

That would make a good base material that I could attch to a steel base with wheels.


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Sorry Guys, it's pretty quiet here.

I just ordered my replacement gauges from Flight Illusions and the sent me an email saying 5-6 weeks.....

Lucky I wasn't in a hurry!

Anyway, I been working out which way to go with the shells at the moment and I have a decision, but I need to save up a few bucks.

In the mean time, I'm gonna start working on my curved screen (drawing up plans and sourcing materials.

I have the projectors picked out, but will leave them till last, as the prices of those are dropping all the time and there are new models coming out daily, now.

That's about it. Will post something, the moment I have anything new.


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Thanx Henrik.

Even tho I been quiet here, I have been busy elsewhere. I'm slowly tweaking the cockpit software and have had a few good flights so far.

The one thing I have noticed with the full sized cockpit,that all of the controls are so far apart and it's very unlike the set-up on your PC.

Landing with the throttles and floor mounted yoke is totally different as well.

It is certainly going to take time to get used to it all.

Every time I crank up that throttle, it just amazes me. I'm so glad I went the full auto-throttle.

On the overhead panel, I have discovered a small problem with one of the landing lights. They are real 737 landing lights, so pretty hard to get parts for. The toggle has a dome nut on the bottom and it's damaged, so I tried to track one down today, but the size is so small, nobody has them locally.

I might go searching on-line tonight and see what I can come up with.

I will also try and get around to putting a vid together and at least some new photo's to put up tomorrow.


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All right, here's a few pics of the 'real' nut!

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As you can see, the top of the dome nut has sustained some damage. I have tried blending it out, but I think I'll have to get a new one to make the switch work similar to the other 3.


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Ok, mate, i'll give it my best shot.

I had 3 sheets of 6mm mdf and a sheet of 12mm mdf delivered today.

I'm just not happy with my cdu bay and I'm going to re-make it using the fibreglass method that I used for my sidewalls. While I'm at it, Ill be making my radio bay as well.

Pics to come, next week when I start.

Now, in the mean time, I've been testing some software on my test rig, for the cockpit.

I'm mapping out the routes that I'll be flying in the 'pit, using the trusty NGX.

With several hundred hours behind the yoke now, I've got a pretty good handle on most procedures and most of the boeing hardware.

I find myself now trying to perfect profiles and take-offs and landings, as close to real as possible.

So, it's natural that as you get more experience, that you want to keep adding bits and pieces to enhance and expand your experience.

To that end, I've been looking at a few bits of software, the first being Topcat.

It came time to buy a copy and really start to get serious with the nuts and bolts of this sim.

I love this software and have only started to realise the usefulness of it.

For those that don't know, its a take-off and landing performance calculation tool.

It's extremely accurate, gives you all your setting to input into the cdu before flight and reports and load sheets can be printed prior to departure.

Just using it raises your level of awareness of the processes needed to get that bird prepped and in the air and then safely back on the deck.

The second piece of software I've discovered is Active Sky 2012.

I'd heard a lot about it and in actual fact, it was throo a thread on this forum that i made up my mind and bought it.

It also raises the level of realism in your sky textures. I must admit I had to do a bit of tweaking to get it to run smoothly in my test rig, but nothing too drastic.

I still don't have my CPU overclocked, altho I bit the bullet last week and put a GTX680 in this machine.

My sky's now look more realistic, with a slight haziness on the horizon and the turbulence, especially in the clouds, is something special.

So, both of these items will be going in my cockpit. they certainly both pass the test and have very little impact on any overall performance on my test rig.

Thats about it, more to come soon......


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Whoops, almost completely forgot to mention, my latest acquisition.

This week, my ACE yoke arrived from my old mate in Hobart.

I still need to buy another ACE yoke like this for my FO's side. They are very hard to find, second hand.

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So, next to come is my FDS shell, my MIP gauges, radio bay, etc, etc.....you get the picture,


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I have been working on cdu bay today and I am still a bit undecided whether to strat a new one. I may just modify my old one yet.

I have also been busy dawing up some plans for my saitek pedals.

I'm making a 737-style base for them to sit in and make them look a little like the real 737 ones. The Saitek pedals (I bought two sets of the new combat pedals) are quite good and pretty well constructed (and they also come with the option to set them upright, similar to the jet-liners), so I decided that shelling out thousands of dollars on replica 737 pedals was a bit over the top, when I can convert these 200 dollar jobbies and they should look the part.

When I finish my plans in the morning, I'll throw on a pic or two to show how I'm gonna do it.


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I just read through every page and it was fun to get a "time lapsed" version of your work! Keep chugging along!!!

I see you bought ActiveSky which is a great program. There is a new weather program on the market called OpusFSX and it is stunning. Using the textures from AS and the weather implementation from Opus you will forget you are in a simulator. They are currently working getting proper winds aloft and it shouldn't be too far away. For now they are simulating them. They use the Flight1 wrapper system so if you don't like it you can get a refund but I haven't seen anyone say they don't like it. This truly is game changing software and it's ease of use is great.

It can also work like EZCA does but that is optional, the price for the weather alone is well worth it.

*I don't work with or have any affiliation with OpusFSX*


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Sorry to read this Frank my friend, I hope everything is well with you and wish you all the best mate. I must say this has been one of the best threads ive read and i thank you for this and you know we will be here if you wish to continue it again at a later time. You take care mate.



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Very sorry to hear you're leaving us Frank - hope that there are no personal dramas involved, and that you'll be back to update us on this soon. This has without doubt been the most entertaining thread on any flight sim forum, and is the first place I always look at on here for my daily "fix".

All the best


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Am so sorry to read this Frank. I come here nearly every day mainly to read your posts and follow your progress.

I am in the process of building my own GA sim, nothing like yours, but you have given me so many ideas.

I hope you will come back to show us your completed masterpiece. Take care mate.

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