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A belated happy birthday Frank. Now that's over and you've done the Ekka for another year it's time to get back to work. We are all waiting on more happy snaps of you progress. Don't you realise how many of us view your updates on a daily basis. It's become addictive.

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I've been keeping count for the last few months. I think this thread is the fastest growing thread in FTX history!

It's now over 15000 hits since january of this year. I also started an earlier thread about the build too, but I'm not sure how many hits it got.

Anyway, enough bean counting, on with the job and the snaps....

I have been busy sanding my walls again today and tomorrow I hope to have a final sand and probably a first coat of paint.

Following on from my goodies that arrived this week, here are a few snaps of my FDS haul:

First up, I have the repaired Sys card, ready to go back in my MIP:

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Next up, I bought 4 12 volt dimmers for the map light panels which I've made for the sidewalls:

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And then, there's the new IBL distribution boards with the built in dimmers now. They are also fused, which is a nice little added feature:

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So, no use mucking around, where are those map light panels. Let's change over the pots for some dimmers:

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Out with the old, in with the new:

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Will need to notch out the housing for it, to fit the little extended edge of the top card there.

That's about it for tonite.

I'll try and get some more snaps tomorrow.


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I just went back and found the other two parts of this thread, Part 1 and Part 2.

They both received 1500 and 2200 hits, so all together this thread about my build has already topped 18000 hits in a little over a year.

I should be finished in about another ten years (joking!!!), so that would make about 180,000 hits or so......

My wife would love this, she's a bean counter!


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Frank i can see why youve had so many hits mate i find this so interesting to follow myself, as ive said many times it amazes me in what you are doing here you are a true craftsman my friend amd who knows how many people will have looked in by the time you have finished this amazing project i await the next installment.



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Thanx guys.

Anyway, I've just finished up for the night.

The sidewalls took some sanding and filling, that's for sure, and they aren't finished yet.

Here's a pic of the right sidewall, prior to the first undercoat:

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And here she is with her first undercoat:

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And as, I earlier stated, after just having washed up the rollers, here's the other side:

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I'm going to spend a bit of time, making them look their best, as it's a major part of the cockpit and slight imperfections will show up in the pit.

So, it's on to the sills this week and hopefully, might have the sidewalls finished by next weekend.

More to follow:


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No, Dean, the mdf has had a complete coat of fibreglass for strength, so the top surface is resin.

I've rubbed it back (several times) and ironed out the imperfections and both of the sidewalls have had their first coat of undercoat.

I'll be giving them both another rub today and then another coat of undercoat. Another quick rub and they should be good to go for a coat of real RAL 9002 Boeing light grey.

I'd also like to try and get the sill panels started today, but I have a sick missus on my hands, so I will juggle a little for a while.

Stay tuned, folks,


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Yeah, Iain, she's convalescing after a minor op, but she'll be back at work in a few weeks.

I couldn't really get on the orbital sander today and disturb her too much and I had to do the shopping (instead of her), so it was a less than productive day on the sim.

I got no qualms with that, she's the love of my life and I'd do anything for her. I'm sure she'd look after me in the same circumstances. The main thing is she's well and healthy, all else pails in signifigance.

It's all good, Iain,


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Ok, here's a little story to amuse you.

I came across the new Opencockpits' CDU Version 3.0 just recently. They were a very good price (about 500 bucks Oz), but I wan't sure whether I was wasting my money buying them.

So I bought one to evaluate it and if it didn't cut the mustard, I'd sell it again.

Well, there is cetainly nothing wrong with the construction of these units, nor the spec of them. They run a vga 5" 1024 x 768 monitor and a lovely little tactile keyboard that is backlit.

The only drawback I could see was the setting up of the unit.

Opencockpits have their own proprietry way of communicating via networks, called SIOC. It's like a coding language, but works with variables.

Anyway, I was warned against the complications of scripts and programming and such........bla, bla

So, I went head on into it and read the manual front to back and proceeded to set it up (I have been doing this over the past few nights).

I gotta say, it's not the easiest thing to understand, but than again, nothing much in this industry is. So, I came to a grinding halt for a few nights and it was to do directly with the communication of the unit with my Server PC.

You see, you need to input the IP address of the server, into your software on the PC that you run the CDU. Well, I'd done that, but until tonight, when the penny dropped, I hadn't realised that it was referring to the IP address of the wired network that I'm running for the sim.

Once I put the correct Ip in the config, boom up she come and I was away.

I did a flight from launceston to Melbourne and it ran like a dream. I am so happy with the feel and the backlighting.

I've already ordered the secong CDU, so as soon as it comes I will replace the original FDS CDU units in my bay and sell them off. They were first generation FDS, still good units but no backlighting and not colour like these ones.

It might seem a little crazy upgrading before the thing is finished, but there's not much point in finishing the cockpit and have it full of superceeded hardware.

This way, I'm at least trying to keep pace with current tech.


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best of luck for your wife mate,we would be lost without them,or i would any ways :P,yes agree with the above that this project is amazing to follow and it is one big jig saw puzzle mate and your doing a amazing job frank,well done and keep up the good work mate :)

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Sorry to be so boring guys, but all I've done for the past few days is rubbing back the sidewalls and applying more coats of undercoat and filler.

I am in no hurry with this part of the operation, as I want the best finish I can get, as the sidewalls make up one of the most important parts of the cockpit.

I hope that they will be finished tomorrow and then I can move on to other parts.

I've also started making a video about the use of SIOC and the new CDU's from Opencockpits. I'll post a link here when it's done.

I will also try and get some pics up here tomorrow,


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I hope that everything turns out ok for your wife Frank, which I am certain it will. The project seems to be coming along nicely and as timmo said it appears like one giant jigsaw, you appear to be handling it without too many problems.

I come here every day and the first post I look at is this one, so believe me it keeps the interest bubbling.

Keep up the good work mate.

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Nice Frank, at least you future proof along the way - I wonder how many of your original parts will be replaced before the end product? Hope you have deep pockets - you've got to have the best gear. Keep on keeping on........ ;)

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Graeme, you've raised a good point here.

Future proofing a project this big is almost impossible.

As I go along, new bits and pieces are becoming available, so I have to make the decision about keeping pace or finishing. I have several added projects in mind,and I'm ok with that, as long as it doesn't mean an indefinite extension of the project. My server PC here is a 3770, but I'm thinking of updating it to a 3960X.

Now that I have my overhead and don't have to put aside some money for that, I can start planning my seats whicch will be the next Big outlay.

I've got a local firm that will build them and I've already touched base with them and have a price for manufacture, but they aren't needed yet, so I'm happy to put them on the backburner until I'm ready.

I'll feel a lot better when I have a set of finished sidewalls with my 42" monitors installed in them and attached to my MIP. That's still a few weeks off yet, too.

So, I better get to it,


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Frank you are going to have to tell us how you get the missus to approve of your purchases, especially considering she is a bean counter ( your admission ) because all us married fellows have'nt got the freedom you seem to have. No wonder she is the love of your life. In the meantime looking forward to the snaps of the new CDU's.

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I'll try my best, Tim.

Ok, so I have been busy, as usual.

I have converted the cdu bay to accept my two new Opencockpit CDU's. While I was at it, I thought I might make a coupla youtube vids to help other cockpit builders, if they wanted to set up one of these beauty's with ProSim.

So, I got to it and made them.

I am having problems posting the links here, so if you would like to see them, just go to youtube and type in: OC CDU V3 with ProSim and OC CDU V3 with ProSim Part 2

I haven't done any vids in a while, so i was a little rusty, so forgive the editing and the crap video work.

I'll have more updates in the next few days, I got a lot happening at the moment...


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awesome vid frank and thanks Iain for your assistance in connecting it to the forum, hes a top bloke,i think you are very talented frank and to take on a massive project like this one mate is incredible,as i said in other post,i take my hat of for your efforts frank,keep the updates comming :)

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Thanx Tim.

Well, I'm pretty happy tonight, as I've managed to finally get both sidewalls sanded 50 times or so and undercoated (who knows how many times), but tonight I finally got a coupla coats of proper RAL 7011 (light Boeing Grey) on the sidewalls.

It seems so long since I firststarted these units and they have taken up a lot of time, but I'm reasonably impressed with the end result. Here they are all gussied up:

Right sidewall

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Left sidewall with the i-pad plinth

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Looks good with a coat of paint

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And the finished and modified glarewings got a new coat of wrinkle finish as well.

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They'll get another rub and a final coat, hopefully tomorrow and then I can put the MIP back together and start re-constructing my electronics.

More updates as they happen,


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Woohoo, over 16000 views.

I have rubbed back the sidewalls for the last time and now I'm about to give them their last coat of colour.

I have also made up the box that I will pour fibreglass expandable foam to form the sill panels.

And lastly, I have also put the starter switches in the overhead. Still have to install one small gauge and then that's finished.

Whoops, nearly forgot, I've also given my glares another coat of paint and I'll be fitting them back on the MIP tomorrow.

So, it's been a big, busy day and there is still daylight, so I'm gonna get back to it. I'll take a few snaps for posting later on tonight.

Till then,


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Well, here they are, mate.

Here's the new OC starter switches installed in the overhead:

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Here's the box that I've made up for the sill panels:

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And one of the finished sidewall panels:

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And the second:

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I'm pretty happy with the way that the black raceway panels came out. They look so much like the real things, (here):

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That's about it for this update.

There are plenty more coming this week.


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