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YBBN Installation Issues


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hello everyone if anyone could help that would be excellent. i recently purchased Orbx YBBN and after i installed it and started FSX nothing was there, so i went to my fsx folder and found a orbx folder and inside it was FSX_Au so i opend it and found FTXAA_Orbxlibs, FTXAA_YBBN AND FTXAU05_ROADS.

now in each of these folders i found scenery and textures so i decided to drag all of the scenery and textures from this folder to my addon scenery folder and now it shows up but the runway looks a little blurry and black boxes will appear on approach and when im taxiing (they appear on the ground) is this how it was suppose to be installed



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Hi John,

Please don't move any ORBX files from it original place. If you know exactly what was moved, place the files back and run FTX Central (should be on your desktop), select the Default FSX click the Apply button and then select Australia region again and click the Apply button.

If this don't work, reinstall the product and run FTX Central after that and repeat the steps above. Don't forget to remove/delete the files you copied to your Addon Scenery folder.


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