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Unwanted Cruise Ship on Boeing Field


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Hi Paul,

that sounds, um, interesting. :blink:

Does it go away when you set the AI traffic sliders - both aircraft and vessels - to zero?

My suspicion is that some third-party AI flightplan uses the vessel in error but perhaps not. If the objects remains visible even without any AI traffic active then it's a static object, probably placed by some other add-on.

Cheers, Holger

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Hey Paul,

This has me intrigued would be great to see a screenie, It just might help the DEVs to see what else might be going on at the location, using your "V" key on your keyboard while in FSX looking at the offending Ship, take a screenshot of the ship on Boeing Field.

The file is stored in your C:\Users\?\Pictures\Flight Simulator X Files. as a .BMP you can convert it to a smaller Mb size JPEG in MS Paint if you like.

Double click the first link have a read,


Double click the 2nd link it will take you to OZx Image Hosting, upload your shot, copy the link code from "Code to post the photo in a forum:"

eg: [img]http://fsfiles.org/flightsimshots/images/3212.png Just the part in RED, then select the (Image Icon) on the Thread tools - Reply panel thats where you can paste the link from OZx image host,


Cheers Jethro

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