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ATC menu 1WA6 [Re-download new patch]


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When I select the ATC menu at 1WA6 I only see an option to select the east runway. Is this correct? Funny thing is though that if I click that option and select the 'announce taxi' command the ATC pilot voice tells he's taxiing the the west runway...

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Unfortunately I must say to feel a little disappointed I have not had any support as of yet, but maybe this thread got overlooked. So here's a bump. The question is still if what I'm experiencing is normal for this airport addon. Thanks!

Edit: In version 1.2 nothing has changed considering this issue.

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somehow I've missed out on your previous post, sorry about that :unsure:

as for the ATC "issue" as far as I know 1WA6 is a private field, hence not open to the "general" public, I doubt there is an ATC to guide you in and out, probably they contact Seattle for that, although I'm not sure of it.

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Hi Wolter,

Thanks for the reply. Well, you're actually right. I found this on Airnav.com:

Airport use: Private use. Permission required prior to landing

Control tower: no



I assumed there would be a frequency for the field all visitors tune into, so they can hear eachothers intentions, but instead you contact Seattle. In FSX there is a seperate frequency for the strip (122.9) but as I stated in my original post I'm only able to select the east runway in the ATC menu and the subsequent pilot voice only speaks of the west runway. What I meant therefore is that I can not announce my intentions if I want to depart from the east runway. Again, this is with the use of the FSX ATC menu. Question remains if the creators of 1WA6 intended it this way ::)

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Hi Bert,

There is a new 1.2 patch available to download. Same link from the previous: http://fullterrain.com/support.html

You may download again and reinstall over the previous 1.2. This one should solve the issue that you have reported.

Please let us know if you got the ATC Menu working properly now!



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