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Anybody can identify these ?


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These are the files that report errors when flying near KSEA:

1st batch are when Vashon is actived:











Then, when i deleted Vashon:













do these files belong to ORBX or default FSX and, could they be responsible for G3D.dll crashes ?

Thank you....

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So .... these are missing GUIDs ?

No doubt the team members looking at missing library objects will take a look at them, but there is no list of "missing" library objects with which to compare them. Known library objects have already been incorporated into recent libs.

So the only way to troubleshoot such a problem is to Vanilla install FSX and test for missing GUIDs, (and there are many!)

Then, install ONLY FTX regions, and airports and test sequentially.

Unfortunately, a list of GUIDs of itself is not easily sought out. Logic would suggest, however, that if there were new entries that only occur with Vashon installed, then they are indeed called from Vashon. Bearing in mind that FSX can call objects from a large distance away in line of sight however, this is NOT a given.

Do they cause g3d.dll errors? Unknown.

On the 36 hours bit, your initial post falls at 8:26am Saturday morning AU, and the most recent one at 11:17pm. I did see your query yesterday, but wasn't aware it required urgent support over the weekend! One of the team will take a look early in the week no doubt.

Thanks for the troubleshooting.

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Ian thank you for responding;

There was no emergency on my account, I would have expected an acknowledgement sooner, not a resolution ;)

these guid files appear only when FTX is switched to NA, when default FSX, no guid and no g3d.dll in KSEA area; I've spent a couple of weeks so far trying to find a solution, as much for myself as for the benefit of other users; I am not able to enjoy flying in PNW, with all the money invested in ORBX's airports in the area so it is a little frustrating.

What I would like is an answer to those questions :

1:do these files belong to ORBX or default FSX and, could they be responsible for G3D.dll crashes ?

2: What can I do on my end, re-install just PNW or FSX completely ?

Just say the word...

I am not blaming anybody but since I have no clue as what to do and these problems only occur when PNW is activated, this is why i asked for you guys help. I had a g3d.dll before over Washington DC that i was able to point towards KIAD from Imaginesim but this time, i'm lost as even with all addons from library deactivated except ORBX, G3D.dll error comes back 99% of the time...

Have a nice week end :)

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These are library entries that are called but not present. They are not "files" as such.

All known ORBX GUIDs have been patched into ORBXLIB updates (but of course there may be others)

With regard to your specific questions:

1. As explained above. Not known.

2. I doubt a reinstall will necessarily fix these, unless you think the install has been corrupted in some way.

Finding GUIDs that are referenced but not present is an ongoing issue. There is no master list of them, apart from those that have been patched. If you are running the latest ORBXLibs then these should not be flagging.

We can only look at your list as a report and see if there are instances of these in scenery placement.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, I finally found why I had missing GUID in KSEA area, we know they come from Vashon which I deleted but other GUID appears (the second batch) so to get rid of them, I renamed my FSX install, made a repair option on both FSX and acceleration, reinstall PNW with patch only, test flight from KORS to KPDX ok; install PFJ and patch, test ok, Install NRM, test ok, install CRM, same; then I installed airports one at a time, test between each install, ok, no GUID and NO G3D.dll CRASHES !!!!

Then I compared ORBX/ FTX_NA folders of my new install and my original and noticed something: WA69 (I guess it is installed at the same time as 2S1) ! I deleted it of my original install, re-tested and Voilà ! no more GUID or crashes..... Finally !!!!

Hope this will help you guys..

Alain from Montreal

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Thanks Alain,

So just to confirm ... you've reinstalled WA69, but not Vashon, and the problems are gone?

We have been doing some work on Vashon, and have eliminated (I think) all the errant objects. It may d=form part of a patch, when some other things are sorted.

Thanks for the input.

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Thanks Alain,

So just to confirm ... you've reinstalled WA69, but not Vashon, and the problems are gone?

We have been doing some work on Vashon, and have eliminated (I think) all the errant objects. It may d=form part of a patch, when some other things are sorted.

Thanks for the input.

Hi Ian,

WA69, Wax Orchards, is part of the Vashon install isn't it? Not a separate install.

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