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Just a suggestion for the ORBX resellers...


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...and feel free to shoot me down in flames! ::)

This is possibly more aimed at Adrian & Dean as suppliers -

for those of us who prefer to buy on DVD, what do you think about giving us access to one download as soon a product is released then we don't necessarily have to sit chewing our fingernails reading all the good reviews while waiting for the DVD to be produced? I don't even mind paying a bit extra for a 'premium' service such as that.

I realise that some people buy the DVDs because they don't have the capacity to download but I buy them because I like to have the DVDs!

This could perhaps be restricted to pre-pay offers.

Like I say...just a thought....

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I just download it, burn it to a DVD , make a DVD label and cover which I have made templates for, change the text and picture and put it in a case. I also back it up on a separate drive and then as last resort you can always download it again as much as you like. That is how I do it. No waiting for the DVD

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I just download it, burn it to a DVD , make a DVD label and cover which I have made templates for, change the text and picture and put it in a case. I also back it up on a separate drive and then as last resort you can always download it again as much as you like. That is how I do it. No waiting for the DVD

Yeeeeess, I know, I could do that. Put it this way, I'm a bit of a collector, I like to have the actual manufactured DVD in the proper box on my shelf. I know it's something that a psychologist would find interesting but it makes me happy ;)

But it is frustrating reading the rave reviews of Anacortes for example and having to wait a few weeks to get my own copy.

Like I say, I would be happy to pay a few $ more so everyone wins!

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Woohoo, i'm not the only "collector''. Thought i was the only one in this world with that habbit. I like the look of the ORBX dvd's on the shelf too. But i also have that with movies, cd's, books and so on. I'm glad ORBX numbers and colourcodes their dvd's though, makes it easier to arrange them.

On topic though, i don't mind the wait. It makes sense that you have to wait a bit for a physical product to be manufactured en sent. Doesn't mean it's easy to watch all those pictures emerge and knowing you still have to wait.

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I don't even go that far, I just burn them to a dvd after installing. Can usually get several Orbx sceneries on a disc.

I always wait for the DVD, There are planes I would really like to have but I won't download them.

One plane is the same as the plane I fly each week but I can't find it on disc.

Only tried a download a couple of times. When I upgraded to a new computer I lost the downloads and decided never again.

I never thought of making a DVD, I thought burning meant to destroy.

When I asked fellow pilots that use the sim if they download, almost all said no.

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Thanks Adrian,

I'm with cvearl, I would happily pay more for a pre-pay just for limited access as soon as the download is released, If it were to happen I realise the price that would be set would be up to you guys and Orbx as a commercial decision but I can't see how it could be anything but win-win. ;)

Cheers Tony

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I have thought about this and it's not going to happen. This is mainly because we would be doing a disservice to both ourselves and the resellers by creating sales channel conflict and competition. It would erode Orbx's revenue quite substantially if customers ordered a DVD from a reseller and were also able to access the download version. What then would be the point in selling the download edition directly?

We have a healthy reseller channel worldwide because we protect their margins by not competing with them on DVD sales. Orbx does not sell the DVDs, only our resellers. So bundling an online copy with a DVD would actually give the resellers an unfair advantage over Orbx, who does not sell the DVDs directly. By keeping a distinct seperation between the online product and DVD product we avoid such reseller channel conflict.

For those who only purchase the DVD products, we are generally very reliable in our manufacturing supply chain and it's never more than a 10-14 day delay.

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Thanks for taking the time to consider this and reply John and...

I have thought about this and it's not going to happen.

I accept this.

I am a little confused by the rest of your post though. I can't find anywhere to buy a download direct from Orbx. If I click on any of the 'buy' buttons I get directed to FSS, or in some cases PCAviator. I would have thought that if downloads and DVDs both go through the resellers, and you get a % of each sale, and given the option of, say, download for $30, DVD for $30, or DVD + 1 download only for pre-orders for $40, I would pay the $40 so you (and the resellers) would be ahead. But then I never was much good at accounting and I'm sure there's more to it than that!

I don't need an answer by the way, I know you have better things to do, like producing more scenery! ;)

Edit: I think I sort of see what you mean......never mind, let's consider it closed!

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