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Preparing for PNW Flying Club, testing Gamespy. Anyone had this?


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I post here as the most eyes are here and this is not an ORBX issue per se and not appropriate for the Support Forum. But I am desparately trying to solve this one for a friend and I. It will really be great to do on the PNW server when it's up.

In preparation for the upcomming 24/7 Pacific Northwest Gamespy server, a few friends and I tested Shared cockpit for some awesome right seat flying. If you have not tried this I highly recommend it. Fun to watch the REAL landing your buddy does. He will sweat knowing you are sitting right beside him watching his skillz.

This works great with one of the guys I tested with. No problem. Pass the control of the plane back and fourth no issues whatsoever. Great fun.

Another friend and I have a wierd problem. He can make the plane climb and decend. I cannot. It does not matter if I host the session or if he does. I join his plane or he joins mine. If he is Pilot in command, he can make the plane climb or descend normally. I take over and I can pitch the plane but the altitude stays the same like we are stuck there. Yet the air speed indicator reacts as if we are climbing or descending and the vertical speed indicator VSI shows reacts right too but no matter what I cant change the altitude of the plane. You can go 100% nose down and remain at the same altitude.

To make sure this was not ports, we connected direct to the modem of the ISP and disabled Antivirus and Firewall and still no joy.

I can do this shared cockpit thing with a few other people and never see this. Only with him.

Any thoughts?


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Charles, try it with another aircraft (default C172), or get your friend to try sharing with someone else to isolate where the problem lies. I havent seen this issue before.

Most MP shared cockpit issues stem from the aircraft not supporting shared cockpit functions beyond what FSX commands will handle. Simple flight commands should always be ok.

Good luck

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All the controls work and we tested this plane between me another guy no problem. Only problem is with him and any plane he tried incl defaults. The controls all work as expected. The gauges all move as expected but the plane is trapped in one altitude. You can turn but not climb or dive.


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