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Will FTX Go EU ?


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Hopefully I have Good scenery for the UK+Ierland But I think if Ftx did scenery for Europe and the UK going on the Orbx Scenerys I have they would be So Much Better

There must be enough of us that live in Europe and UK+I to make this a viable option

Heres Hoping

Chewit ::)

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That's great news JV. 2011 is turning out to be a great year for FSX, having got FSX stable on my new system build I'm now simming exclusively in the FTX regions and little by little the my FSTX world is getting larger!

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We are exploring options for FTX UK/EU with a view to work commencing in March. I will be in the UK in November for that purpose.

UK WOULD BE AWESOME! So hope this comes to fruition :) Can you tell im from the UK? Doing the whole of the UK would be like doing the PNW wouldnt it?!

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And please don't forget Germany which has accordind to several sources the biggest Flight sim market of the world. Even bigger than the USA. The reason for this is that PC gaming market in Germany stayed quite strong and did not loose too much to the kid's consoles. Lot of Germans are also true simulation fanatics(not only flight simulation). Of course one can argue about that, but Europe's most beautiful regions are the Bavarian, Austrian and Italian parts of the alps as well as Switzerland and French alps. These areas have a very strong intra-European and international tourism and are also the wealthiest part of the continent.

Lago di Como and Lago Maggore

at the Italian border are well known places from quite a few Hollywood movies and it is also where most of the international stars have their European residences.

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I ponder if the orbx approach will fly in Europe. Europe in the "Old World" where things have been built over century for horse cariage rather than motoways, Also the downtown of city is the historic center, not the highrise skyline, and they tend to be very specific. Fields also are century old and arent square at all, so I doubt anything realistic can be acheived. Finally Europe is saturated with old castles, roman, greek ruins, renaissance palaces and so on.. dont see how orbx can do that as well. Especially in southern europe (Including france) But I may be wrong.

My feeling is that the orbx receipe flies in big empty nature of the new world. Therefore australia, new zealand, north west us, canada, scaninavia, iceland are the natural candidates. Maybe latin america too


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I ponder if the orbx approach will fly in Europe. Europe in the "Old World" where things have been built over century for horse cariage rather than motoways, Also the downtown of city is the historic center, not the highrise skyline, and they tend to be very specific. Fields also are century old and arent square at all, so I doubt anything realistic can be acheived. Finally Europe is saturated with old castles, roman, greek ruins, renaissance palaces and so on.. dont see how orbx can do that as well. Especially in southern europe (Including france) But I may be wrong.

My feeling is that the orbx receipe flies in big empty nature of the new world. Therefore australia, new zealand, north west us, canada, scaninavia, iceland are the natural candidates. Maybe latin america too


Have you ever been to the UK Etienne?! 70% of this place is beautiful countryside!

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I ponder if the orbx approach will fly in Europe. Europe in the "Old World" where things have been built over century for horse cariage rather than motoways, Also the downtown of city is the historic center, not the highrise skyline, and they tend to be very specific. Fields also are century old and arent square at all, so I doubt anything realistic can be acheived. Finally Europe is saturated with old castles, roman, greek ruins, renaissance palaces and so on.. dont see how orbx can do that as well. Especially in southern europe (Including france) But I may be wrong.

My feeling is that the orbx receipe flies in big empty nature of the new world. Therefore australia, new zealand, north west us, canada, scaninavia, iceland are the natural candidates. Maybe latin america too


Germany hasn't even a speed limit on motorways, but it's really not necessary as most of the people tend to travel by horse carriage even today. Besides thousands of years old castles like "Neuschwanstein" that "stood model" for the famous "World Disney Picture Intro"


as well as a large amount of ancient greek temples are common characteristics for this part of the "Old World".

In Bavaria, that is one of the oldest parts of the "Old World" almost everybody looks like him (without the parashute)

http://www.rautemedia.de/tl_files/rautemedia/produkte/Gruesse_mit_Musik/Karte_mit-Musik-Bayer-in-Tracht-Gamsbart.jpg ;D

What is this thing called where long metal stripes are on the ground where huge dirty monster machines drive on? I heared they now intend to build one here. 8)

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Well, being skeptic brings a lot of flak I can see.

I have lived in the UK, 11 years and yes the countryside looks dull, all the city looks the same as they where "standardized" with boring terraced house by the industrial revolution so maybe it is possible for that type of country do auto generate them properly. :P

Part of Germany were sadly heavily destroyed during WWII, so again maybe as most city are sortof homogeneous seen from the sky. (And yes I have lived in Frankfurt)

Some country are very homogeneous (like denmark, and yes I know well denmark, my wife is danish), so again maybe.

I am more spectical about Bavaria or Scotland which are much more preserved and have an historical cachet.

I dont think anything good can be done for southern europe. But I will be happy to be proven wrong.

I dont think the way Orbx handle mountains can be anywhere close swiss pro chx, but again I will be happy to be proven wrong.

To conclude, my point is the following: Europe is very well covered by photoreal sceneries (swiss pro, france vfr, germany series, the english series etc..) and because it is very dense in terms of human settlements, those scenaries would always be more "realistic" to someone who knows the region. The recent Danish "bornholm" scenaries and/or Alsce from france VFR with by now hundreds of detailled bespoke castles in it will be tough benchmarks for Orbx.

Again, Scandinavia and Iceland would work because they are sparely populated and somehow similar to PNW.


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The reason I like FTX so much (apart from the obvious) is the fact that it has a sort of unified look and feel to the sim world, the way autogen is placed also leads to a very life like and 3D feel to the sim (see how trees are place along the road sides). Had FSX come shipped with FTX like scenery that covered the whole planet as default there would probably be less simmers adding after market scenery solutions to there sims? ORBX are without doubt scenery maker masters, and with the diversity of American land class that has been proven to work with the FTX touch I'm sure Europe will be just as diverse and stunning visually!

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If there was some way for the Orbx 3d stuff to appear over the UK photo scenery and look about right then that would be brilliant otherwise I suspect I won't bother with Orbx in the UK. For where I've never been RW the approximation Obrx produce is believable, and better than anyone else does, but when you fly VFR over places you recognise there is another level of accuracy that makes photo scenery more real IMHO.

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Well, being skeptic brings a lot of flak I can see.

I have lived in the UK, 11 years and yes the countryside looks dull, all the city looks the same as they where "standardized" with boring terraced house by the industrial revolution so maybe it is possible for that type of country do auto generate them properly. :P

Part of Germany were sadly heavily destroyed during WWII, so again maybe as most city are sortof homogeneous seen from the sky. (And yes I have lived in Frankfurt)

Some country are very homogeneous (like denmark, and yes I know well denmark, my wife is danish), so again maybe.

I am more spectical about Bavaria or Scotland which are much more preserved and have an historical cachet.

I dont think anything good can be done for southern europe. But I will be happy to be proven wrong.

I dont think the way Orbx handle mountains can be anywhere close swiss pro chx, but again I will be happy to be proven wrong.

To conclude, my point is the following: Europe is very well covered by photoreal sceneries (swiss pro, france vfr, germany series, the english series etc..) and because it is very dense in terms of human settlements, those scenaries would always be more "realistic" to someone who knows the region. The recent Danish "bornholm" scenaries and/or Alsce from france VFR with by now hundreds of detailled bespoke castles in it will be tough benchmarks for Orbx.

Again, Scandinavia and Iceland would work because they are sparely populated and somehow similar to PNW.


Im inclined to disagree! The countryside here in the UK is some of the most beautiful in the world, sure its not mountainous but we have the lake disctrict, Whales and the north of the UK which is beautiful. And for me no photo scenery available is nice, all flat and looks very un natural.

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On your sixth anniversary we promise to make a little Iain Emms Airfield scenery in your honor

It would be nice to make that airfield in an FTX England perhaps? ;)


Well then this is fantastic news indeed John you coming over to blighty, i cant wait to see what happens and i hope the trip is fruitful and who knows the what the next years will bring we might even see Emmsie Field on the map as well i cant wait for the ORBX rendition of the UK it will be something to behold for sure.



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As long as it properly meshes with my investment of UK2000 sceneries, I'd gladly buy it.

Hey there, Bruce:

I saw your comment about the proposed ORBX UK/EU business meshing with your UK2000 sceneries, and it makes me think that perhaps you can answer a nagging question for me.

A year ago or so, I bought UK2000 Sceneries' series of three DVD's containing "VFR Airfields". They're very nice, and useful for my UK flying.

So that looks after the "airfields" part of the equation; but since getting them, I've been thinking about the actual, broad scenery that lays betwixt and between -- the general topographical scenery of the UK.

Do you know whether someone makes UK "general" scenery that meshes with the UK2000 airfields? I'm keen to know, but so-far, I cannot seem to find the answer in any nomenclature I've explored.


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I would have thought that the UK would be a very appropriate are for a orbx makeover given the general dissatisfaction with the current options, default, GEX/UTX (not green enough apparently) and photorealistic (great at altitude but less so below 2000 ft and only one season). One big advantage would be that we are dealing with islands rather than part of a much larger land mass as in NA - a bit like NZ.


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I would have thought that the UK would be a very appropriate are for a orbx makeover given the general dissatisfaction with the current options, default, GEX/UTX (not green enough apparently) and photorealistic (great at altitude but less so below 2000 ft and only one season). One big advantage would be that we are dealing with islands rather than part of a much larger land mass as in NA - a bit like NZ.


I must admit I do love my photoscenery UK, for all it's faults, but, it will be fascinating to see what Orbx can do with their unrivalled landclass approach... England will be more difficult than the broader areas of the US and Aus, but I'm sure they will pull-off a seriously good product, despite the challenges. I never fly in Europe, outside of the UK and Ireland, as apart from a few, very expensive, photosceney packages, there is nothing that comes close for me... so I will look forward to seeing FTX EU with great anticipation.

We are exploring options for FTX UK/EU with a view to work commencing in March. I will be in the UK in November for that purpose.

I hope you have a pleasant and productive trip to out shores.

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Hehe, this is humorous watching this thread from Oz. Typical Europeans, like Eurovision, already having squabbles over who's next :-)

Leave it to the artists to work it out , you KNOW you'll want to fly there no matter where. Bognor Regis, Middlewich, Ringwood. It won't matter, they can make anything look cool! Just look at Essendon (ducks for cover now..)

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Hehe, this is humorous watching this thread from Oz. Typical Europeans, like Eurovision, already having squabbles over who's next :-) Leave it to the artists to work it out , you KNOW you'll want to fly there no matter where. Bognor Regis, Middlewich, Ringwood. It won't matter, they can make anything look cool! Just look at Essendon (ducks for cover now..)

I found it odd too. Especially since all the current regions are divided based on geography and not political boundaries.

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